I saw Xie Shiyin and said hello.

Lin Yuan nodded to him.

Xie Shiyin explained:"My parents... went back first, saying they still had things to do in business.……"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Then he touched Xie Shiyin's head.

Soothed the other party's emotions.

This is the case now.

Xie Shixuan, Xie Shiyin and their parents are still not with them.

Although the Xie family's business rivals.

It is estimated that they have indeed been attacking the Xie family during this time.

Need to deal with something.

But after this happened.

Not a single parent was left behind.

It will still hurt the child's heart.

But Lin Yuan didn't have much emotion.

I thought he had already guessed it.

He knew the situation and character of Xie Shiyin's parents.

Their parents are not here.

It will be more convenient for him to plan

"I just went on this trip and caught those who drugged you, as well as the masterminds behind the scenes. Lin

Yuan said to Xie Shiyin

"ah! So...have you found anything? Is there any antidote?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Xie Shiyin was overjoyed and asked Lin Yuan quickly.

But Lin Yuan's answer disappointed Xie Shiyin.

Lin Yuan shook his head and said:"The man was caught, but he said there is no antidote. , we also found no trace of antidote."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the excited expression on Xie Shiyin's face immediately calmed down.

She looked at her sister Xie Shixuan, who was still lying on the hospital bed and sleeping.

Xie Shiyin's eyes were full of guilt.

In Xie Shiyin's view, it was her sister and My sister went out to get coffee.

But she didn't take good care of her.

Although she was fine, something happened to her sister Xie Shixuan.

She was responsible.

Looking at Xie Shiyin whose face was full of guilt and sadness,

Lin Yuan suddenly spoke again:"Although I didn't We can get the antidote there, but there may be other ways"

"ah? What a way!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Xie Shiyin quickly asked.

Xie Shiyin trusted Lin Yuan, Teacher Lin, very much.

Lin Yuan did not answer immediately.

Instead, he sat next to Xie Shixuan's hospital bed.

After checking Xie Shixuan's pulse, he He slowly said:"Although the person who administered the drug did not get the antidote, they did get some information. Combining that information with the information obtained after the hospital examination, I probably have some ideas on how to wake up Shixuan."

"Well, Teacher Lin, tell me!"Xie Shiyin said quickly.

Lin Yuan didn't give in, and said:"At this time, all the harmful chemical poisons in Shixuan's stomach have been almost removed, but there are still some residues that have been absorbed by her body, which makes her sleep like this. That's all"

"In order to bring Shixuan back from this lethargic state, strong stimulation of her nervous system should have a certain effect."

"While strongly stimulating her spirit, conveying certain information to her and awakening her consciousness should be able to wake her up. Lin

Yuan said

"How to stimulate Shixuan's nerves? Electric shock?"Xie Shiyin asked anxiously.

She remembered that when some people on TV suddenly died in shock, they used click stimulation, and then brought them back to life and the heart resumed beating.


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