He knows everything about the original work and has an intelligence network all over Jiangbei.

Naturally, Lin Yuan could easily find out which gangster wanted to poison Xie Shixuan and Xie Shiyin and kidnap them.

Those bases that Lin Yuan called Ning Shu to deal with before.

It’s also about the Red Whale Gang.

The Red Whale Gang is such a thing.

It can be destroyed once it is used up.

But about Yang Hong, the leader of the Red Whale Gang.

Lin Yuan wanted to see him.

Take something from him.

Sit down in your Rolls Royce.

Lin Yuan turned on his phone.

Opening the address book, Lin Yuan slid to the word 'Ning Shu'. and pressed dial. soon.

A call back came from there

"Lin Yuan, what's the matter?"

Ning Shu asked after picking up the phone.

She was obviously the director of the Liumen General Bureau in Jiangbei, who held a high position.

But Ning Shu had no airs about Lin Yuan.

She even had a soft and charming tone.

Asking what was wrong was not a scolding. , but as if waiting for orders.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"It's not a big deal, I just want to send you a few strongholds where the underworld is entrenched. You can help me destroy or control these places." Not difficult, right? Shu'er"

"Hmm...very simple thing. This is what we should do, Master……"

Hearing Lin Yuan call her Shu'er, Ning Shu, the general director of the Six Doors known as the Devil, immediately called Lin Yuan master in a coquettish tone.

For Ning Shu, who was worried about her mother, this title was not surprising.

At this time, Ning Shu's affection for Lin Yuan had reached the point where she would remain loyal to him until death.

And this kind of title is completely normal between them, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Well, you did a good job Shu'er, I will reward you well when you get back. Lin Yuan laughed.

"Um! The slave is waiting for the reward from the master!"Ning Shu replied sweetly, her tone full of expectation.

The chief director of Jiangbei Liumen General Administration, his posture was very low at this time, he was really like a well-behaved and humble little slave.

If people listen After reading the contents of this phone call, I understood the identity of the two people.

I am afraid it will be a surprise.

However, Lin Yuan and Ning Shu were not surprised at all.

After chatting with Ning Shu for a few more words,

Lin Yuan also hung up the phone..and then called another person

"Hello, Wang Ergou? Lin Yuan said in a calm tone.

"It's me! It's me! Tell me what the young master has to say! I will finish it immediately!"

Wang Ergou at the other end heard Lin Yuan's voice and immediately answered a few words quickly.

With Lin Yuan's help,

Wang Ergou inherited Gu Qingshan's underground power.

It also grew bigger and bigger.

Even in the entire Jiangbei. , have gained a certain degree of fame and power.

Wang Ergou's loyalty to Lin Yuan has long been 100%.

It is already a dog that completely obeys Lin Yuan's instructions and will commit suicide immediately if called.

However , Wang Ergou's underground power is still far inferior to that of the Lin family and others.

Its usefulness is far less than that of Jiangbei General Administration like Ning Shu.

So Lin Yuan rarely uses it in normal times.

But today Lin Yuan Yuan unexpectedly made a rare call.

Wang Ergou was flattered and naturally nodded and bowed.

He said that he would work hard to solve any problem.

"Help me find a leader named Yang Hong and give you three minutes to find out his address. Lin Yuan said

"Okay, young master!"

Wang Ergou did what Lin Yuan ordered with great seriousness and with all his strength, and the results soon came.

Half a minute later

"The young master found it! Yang Hong, the leader of the Red Whale Gang, his permanent address is Villa No. 7, Jinxiu Villa, Qingyang District!"

After Wang Ergou got the result, he quickly reported to Lin Yuanhui

"Master, are you going to take action against the Red Whale Gang?"Wang Ergou asked cautiously

"You don't have to worry about other things. Just bring someone with you and wait for me at this address within twenty minutes. Lin Yuan said lightly.

"yes! Master!"

Wang Ergou replied quickly.

Then Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone,

Lin Yuan did not hesitate and drove directly to Jinxiu Villa in Qingyang District.




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