Xie Shiyin also smiles when she thinks of Lin Yuan.

They also dream of unrealistic things.

Same as sister Xie Shixuan.

But from childhood to adulthood.

She has never snatched anything from her sister Xie Shixuan.

It was all on her own initiative.

She also gave in willingly.

Twin sister Xie Shixuan.

He is the closest person to her in the world.

Also one of the most important people to her.

So after discovering that she and her sister Xie Shixuan also had a strong liking for Teacher Lin.

Xie Shiyin began to fall into a fierce entanglement.

At this time, I saw Xie Shixuan's face full of joy while playing the harmonica.

Xie Shiyin has been struggling for many days.

The decision was finally made.

She planned to let go of her feelings for Teacher Lin.

I don’t compete with my sister Xie Shixuan at all! same as before.

This time Xie Shiyin.

I also plan to let my sister Xie Shixuan.

Although I thought that in the end, Teacher Lin would have a better and better relationship with her sister Xie Shixuan.

The better the better until it comes together.

Even turning into... becoming a brother-in-law...

Xie Shiyin's heart ached.

The feeling and taste.

It's really hard to describe.

It's like cutting out a piece of flesh from the heart.

It was both excruciatingly uncomfortable and painful.

But although giving up made her feel very uncomfortable.

But Xie Shiyin still couldn't bring herself to snatch something from her sister Xie Shixuan.

In my heart.

Xie Shiyin forcibly suppressed all her affection for Lin Yuan and other emotions.

Just like compression software.

Compress all files into a compressed package.

Then it was buried silently in an empty corner in my heart.

Erase that emotion... if Lin Yuan opens the system panel at this time.

You can see that Xie Shiyin's favorability has changed very significantly.

At this time, Xie Shiyin's favorability towards Lin Yuan dropped directly to 60 points.

This is the boundary between love and normal affection.

Xie Shiyin obviously suppressed her emotions in her heart.

For my twin sister who is as close as brother and sister.

But the compressed one is still different from the normal one.

If Lin Yuan opens the system panel at this time.

You will see that Xie Shiyin's favorability bar shows 60 points.

But there's something different about the pink bar showing the favorability level.

The favorability bar is divided into pink and white.

The more pink, the higher the favorability value.

At this time, Xie Shiyin's pink favorability bar occupied exactly 60%.

But the white strip that occupies the remaining 40% is not completely white.

Three-quarters of the white strip was mixed with a touch of gray-white transparency...

But only Lin Yuan could see this.

Xie Shiyin didn't know this.

All she knew was her suppressed emotions.

After Xie Shiyin formally suppressed her emotions.

Xie Shixuan also finished playing a piece of music on the harmonica.

I didn't notice the strange look on my sister's face.

After shouting"checkout".

Xie Shixuan stood up and came to Xie Shiyin's side.

Prepare to pull Xie Shiyin away

"Come on sister! Let’s go find Teacher Lin!"

Hearing Xie Shixuan's words, Xie Shiyin nodded and silently started to pack up her things.

"Eh...my head...why is my head a little dizzy?……"

Xie Shiyin was packing her things when she suddenly heard a whisper from Xie Shixuan standing next to her.


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