Half an hour later.

Looking at Qiao Siying who was eating cake with her fork opposite her, Lin Yuan stood up.

"I go to the toilet"

"Hmm...hmm……"Qiao Siying still had the cake in her mouth and couldn't speak clearly.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Half a minute passed.

Lin Yuan hasn't come back yet.

Qiao Siying vaguely felt that something was not right.

She remembered that the direction Lin Yuan was walking did not seem to be the direction of the toilet.

She turned on her phone and saw that the location was visible to them and both parents.

Lin Yuan was already hundreds of meters away from her! day!

This man ran away!

Qiao Siying was stunned for a second, and then she came to her senses.

This is Lin Yuan's legendary excrement and urine escape technique when paying bills, a great way to evade the bill!

What the hell!

"Didn’t you say you have a membership in this store?! Why did you leave without paying?"Qiao Siying sent an angry message to Lin Yuan.

Soon, Qiao Siying received a reply.

She seemed to be able to see Lin Yuan's slightly sarcastic face through the screen.

"I just said that I have a membership in this store. When did I say that I wanted to treat you?"

Seeing Lin Yuan's extremely irritating words,

Qiao Siying's anger rushed to her forehead.

She grabbed the bag on the side and wanted to rush out.

But she was stopped by the clerk.

"Madam, the total is 123,500. Could you please pay the bill before leaving?"The clerk smiled brightly, but blocked the door tightly, preventing Qiao Siying from leaving.

Qiao Siying resentfully took out some of her pocket money this month, and paid the bill distressedly.

Then she drove quickly towards the location. Lin Yuan chased after him.

Within a few hundred meters of driving, Qiao Siying saw Lin Yuan's Lamborghini.

Lin Yuan stopped there without moving.

"I knew you would catch up." Lin Yuan said as soon as Qiao Siying arrived.

Qiao Siying didn't want to hear what Lin Yuan had to say, so she directly grabbed Lin Yuan's hand:"Pay back the money! quick! Last time plus this time! Plus interest and mental damage fees! Two million!"

"Pay back the money quickly! Two million! If you lose a penny, you can’t even think of leaving today!"

Qiao Siying's eyes widened, and the anger in her heart was about to burst out.

"What do you want to do? Lin Yuan asked

"Pay back the money!"

"Do you want money?"

"Pay back the money!"

"I kindly advise you to leave now, otherwise you will regret it soon. Lin Yuan sighed.

After hearing this, Qiao Siying immediately sneered:"Haha, regret?" So what if I don’t leave? Do you still want to hit me? come! Fight!"

As she spoke, Qiao Siying suddenly stretched out her hand and fanned her nose:"It's really unlucky to meet someone like you. It seriously affects my mood. I'm in a bad mood and even the air is smelly.……"

Lin Yuan sighed and said:"Young man, please pay attention to your steps. It's best to move. You stepped on shit.""


Qiao Siying:"……"

The moment she lowered her head, Qiao Siying was stunned.

The yellow, sticky mess at her feet made her want to vomit.

Two seconds later, Qiao Siying reacted and jumped away.

Qiao Siying was a little angry. She gasped several times and took deep breaths several times before she managed to keep from going crazy.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?! Can't you give me a warning if there's shit?!" Qiao Siying scolded angrily

"Didn't I remind you before? I told you to leave quickly, otherwise you will regret it. Did you listen? You didn't listen."Lin Yuan spread his hands, with a look that had nothing to do with me.

Qiao Siying was full of anger at this time, and the threshold of anger was almost full.

"Lin Yuan! There's something really wrong with you!"Qiao Siying couldn't help it anymore and cursed loudly.

Lin Yuan said lightly:"You are scolding me now because you don't understand me yet. Wait until you understand me in the future.……"

"You will definitely hit me."

Qiao Siying was very disdainful when she heard the first half of Lin Yuan's words. When she heard the last sentence, a strong anger and grievance rushed to her head.

As the eldest daughter of the Qiao family, she is a beautiful mixed-race child.

Whether at home or abroad.

At home or outside.

Who doesn't have kind words and gentle care for her?

Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, hold it in your hand for fear of falling.

She was made angry by Lin Yuan today.

Compared with her She has been angry more times than she has in years.

Under the strong anger and grievance, Qiao Siying's eyes became sore, and tears burst out of her eyes.

"Woo...woo woo……"

Lin Yuan was right next to her, and Qiao Siying didn't want to be embarrassed.

She bit her red lips tightly and kept wiping her eyes with her hands.

But the more I rubbed, the more I felt aggrieved and the tears came more and more.

Just then she felt a tug on her skirt.

Following the skirt, her body was pulled next to Lin Yuan's Lamborghini.

At the same time, a warm hand touched her shoulder

"Stop crying. As a person like me, I hate seeing women cry."Lin Yuan's angular face was extremely soft at this time, with a gentle smile.

Seeing Lin Yuan's gentle look, Qiao Siying's heart skipped a beat. After all, Lin Yuan's charm was enough. 200 points.

Qiao Siying felt that Lin Yuan finally became sensible and finally did the only right thing since they met.

"I don’t want to see a woman cry, but she keeps bullying...bullying me...me……"Qiao Siying wanted to say something.

But before she could speak, she was interrupted by Lin Yuan.

"As a person, I hate seeing women cry the most. Because when they cry, I want to laugh"


Lin Yuan suddenly laughed, then stepped on the accelerator

"You damn Lin Yuan!!!"

Qiao Siying cursed and wanted to slap Lin Yuan in the face.

But Lin Yuan had already driven away in the Lamborghini, leaving only a trail of exhaust gas. Qiao Siying was so angry that she couldn't even think about crying.

Stomping her feet, hammering the wall, and throwing things.

Qiao Siying was so angry that she didn't get back to her car until she dropped her bag onto her shoes, which were still stained with shit. She was ready to go home.

"Lin Yuan!!!"

"I hate you!!!"

"Just wait for me!!!"

"I remember you!!!"

Qiao Siying opened Lin Yuan's WeChat and sent several messages to Lin Yuan.

"Ding! Please add the other person as a friend first!"The system's ruthless reminder

"ah!!!"Qiao Siying smashed her phone and cried again.


…… the other side.

Lin Yuan, who had just driven his Lamborghini and was about to leave, suddenly received another message from Meng Yuelan.

"How was the blind date?"

"Not good, not satisfied, next one. Lin Yuan replied calmly

"How do you know there's another one?"Meng Yuelan was a little surprised.

Lin Yuan:"……"


【Be more customized, be more happy]

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