"Hello? Hello?"

Yun Yaxuan shouted into the phone a few more times.

But there was no response for a long time.


After a few seconds.

The phone on the other end was hung up immediately.

Seeing this strange call, he suddenly hung up.

Yun Yaxuan also slowly put down her phone.

There was not much expression on her beautiful face, just a slight eyebrow raise.

Then his bright eyes looked slightly toward the window on the side.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about



Go back to just a few minutes ago.

Inside the Jiangbei Liumen General Administration Bureau.

Ye Feng looked joyful and dialed his fiancée's mobile phone number that he learned from Chen Meng.

It didn't take long for the call to be answered.

Ye Feng immediately looked overjoyed.

Be ready to speak immediately.

Say hello or something.

But just when he was about to speak.

Next to them were several six-door prison guards from the General Administration.

But he directly snatched the phone from his hand.

Then looked at him condescendingly

"Your call time is up, no further calls are allowed! Go back to jail!"

The leading prison guard said to Ye Feng in an unkind tone.

Ye Feng's eyes widened.

He looked at the prison guard who suddenly grabbed the phone and hung up the phone for him.

And listening to the extremely unkind tone of the prison guard,

Ye Feng only felt that A surge of anger surged into his heart.

Crack, clack, ding, ding, ding!

Ye Feng's teeth were trembling slightly with anger and grinding. The handcuffs in his hand also trembled, making a loud dinging sound.

Ye Feng looked like an angry beast. He looked like he was about to go crazy.

Several prison guards around him also looked solemn.

They all took out electric shock batons or even more serious weapons.

Looking at Ye Feng, who was full of anger at this time

"be honest!"

The prison guard who hung up Ye Feng's phone shouted loudly.

He was not polite to Ye Feng.

"good! Great!"

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and stared at the prison guard fiercely.

In the end, he still didn't really take action. He just said a few harsh words.

But Ye Feng was extremely angry in his heart.

Even a few small prison guards dared to attack him. He was so provocative.

It was like a tiger being bullied by a dog.

If it weren't for the accident with the special medicine, the reason why he was brought in by the superiors would have attracted much attention.

If it was just for other things.

If it was normal,

Ye Feng at this time would definitely be He would take action directly.

But now Ye Feng also knows it in his heart.

If he really takes action now, plus the crime of assaulting the police in the station.

The crime that the Chen family helped him get rid of will have to be added again.

So. Although he was extremely angry in his heart,

Ye Feng still suppressed it.

He knew that it would be much later to go out now.

Although the first call with his fiancée was hung up before even a sound was heard, which made him extremely angry.

But instead of getting angry and taking a few months to go out, it is better to endure it for now. He will go out in a few days.

He can also meet his beautiful fiancée.

By then, he will slowly think of ways to concoct this arrogance. The prison guard was fine.

So in the end, Ye Feng did not take action.

Seeing that Ye Feng had calmed down, the prison guard who first hung up Ye Feng's phone also sneered.

"I thought he was so capable, he was just a useless prisoner."

Hearing the cynicism of the prison guard,

Ye Feng clenched his fists, but still did not dare to take action.

He was brought back to the dark prison honestly.

Although he was extremely angry and unhappy.

He was plotted by Lin Yuan and suffered great losses.

He suffered a lot. Being in jail and being humiliated by the prison guards.

One thing about this made Ye Feng extremely unhappy.

But thinking of his fiancée, who was said to be extremely beautiful, gentle and virtuous,

Ye Feng felt a lot more comfortable.

At the same time, he was also full of expectations.



Lighthouse country.

Harvard University dormitory.

Yun Yaxuan is sitting in front of the computer.

Browsing the website.

The call I just made was hung up again.

Although I am not 100% sure who it is.

But no matter who made the call.

This is quite uncomfortable.

Plus I’m going home soon.

Yun Yaxuan, who was feeling a little confused, also opened her favorite ancient poetry exchange website.

‘Kyushu Fu'.

Then look through it.

Originally I just wanted to relieve my mood after being hung up on suddenly and about to go back.

But look at it.

Yun Yaxuan was slightly stunned, and then a hint of joy appeared on her face.


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