At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Lai and his party of four came to the small county town where Heizhugou is located. The group appeared on the street of the remote small county town, causing a small sensation. People on the street looked at this group of beauties and felt heartbroken. Thinking, is this going to be a movie? Or is there some kind of beauty gathering group here? Especially the woman in front, she looks no worse than the star in the movie. Well, it seems that the possibility of making a movie is more likely.

The group of people finally arrived at the county government. The reception staff of the county government looked at this group of beauties and didn’t know what they were from.

"Is the county magistrate or secretary here?"

The general manager went up to make inquiries. It was not appropriate to ask the dignified boss to ask.

It seems that we still need to find a secretary!

"can I help you?"

The little girl at the reception asked, looking at this elder sister with extraordinary temperament.

"We are planning to invest here. We would like to find the county magistrate or secretary to do some understanding and consultation."

"The county magistrate and secretary went to Heizugou to inspect poverty alleviation. I immediately asked Director Wang of the Investment Promotion Office to come down so that he could also take some decisions on investment matters."

The little sister at the reception, after calling Director Wang, took Wei Lai and his party to the reception room and made tea.

After a while, a fat old man with a half-bald head entered the reception room.

"welcome! welcome! Welcome everyone to invest with us."

Director Wang said welcome politely, but he paused in his heart. Are these beauties coming to invest? If they are here to collect news, it seems more like. To invest in such a remote place, it is either a highly polluting enterprise or Labor-intensive blood and tears factory, because the wages here are low enough. In this way, it only attracts thousands of people a year.

After a while of greetings, Director Wang asked the real question

"I wonder what kind of investment you are planning to make? How much to invest?"

"We are prepared to invest about 5 billion in the first phase. Depending on the situation in the next step, it may exceed 20 billion. We invest in high-tech biotechnology companies."

The HR director who was acting as a temporary secretary sent the company's business license and capital verification report.

The first thing he did when he returned was to find a secretary and let the HR director do the secretary's work. This was a dereliction of duty on the part of the HR director.

Director Wang accepted it with hesitation. Business license and capital verification report.

He can’t be a liar, right? He comes to a remote place like ours under the guise of investing, cheating people out of food, drinks, and money. I’ve encountered this several times in the past.

He lied about something, and Director Wang walked outside. Go, call the bank, verify the funds situation and come back. Director Wang's face looks much better?

"The secretary and the county magistrate have gone down to help the poor. I'll make a call right away. They should be back soon."

"So, you haven’t considered accommodation yet, right? I'll book a place for you to eat and stay. Our conditions here are no better than other places, so you should be more patient."

"Then thank you!"

Coming to your place to make such a big investment, and eating two of your meals shouldn't be too much, right?"

Wei Lai thought to himself.

Besides, a group of beautiful women are really not at ease finding food and accommodation by themselves in this remote place where they are unfamiliar.!

It’s all Zhang Chi. If he hadn’t decided on such a place, Wei Lai wouldn’t even have set up his company here.

In the future, there should still be a man when doing business. With just a group of beauties, there would still be a lot of inconvenience!

"The county magistrate and the secretary are back. They are already in the small conference room. Look……"

"We'll go right away, thank you!"

"No effort! No effort! should! should!"

The county magistrate and secretary were surprised when they saw a group of beauties coming in. They didn't expect you to be a group of young and beautiful beauties who came to invest in you.

Especially the one walking in front, she is so beautiful! After many years of leadership positions, They calmed down quickly.

I heard that someone was going to invest 5 billion yuan. The county magistrate and secretary didn't care about the fatigue of the car and horse along the way, and they came over without any shortage.

If this matter can be implemented, what will happen to them? For a national-level poverty-stricken county, what a political achievement that will be and how much change it will bring?

Director Wang introduced the secretary and county magistrate respectively.

The general manager also introduced the boss and subordinates.

First, the secretary made a welcome speech.

The county magistrate also gave the green light for everything.

The personnel director handed the company's business license and capital verification report to the county magistrate and secretary respectively.

After they both read it carefully, they read it again in exchange.

You can't be careful. How much money can you spend cheating on food and drink? But if our county magistrate and secretary were cheated, it would be embarrassing to tell them.

After the two leaders finished reading, Wei Lai began to introduce her investment plan

"We have already arranged people to do preliminary survey and design work here.

It is planned to invest about 5 billion in the first phase, and the investment location will be Heizhugou."

The general manager promptly placed the panoramic renderings designed and drawn by Zhang Chi in front of the two leaders. The two leaders looked at it very attentively and devotedly.

They had never seen such a realistic and beautiful rendering, absolutely. It was done by a professional team.

After so much preparation work, it seems that investing in this matter is not impossible.

Both leaders cast a determined look at each other.

As long as they are not making drugs or bombs, they will do it anyway. To get this investment.

What a joke! Except for transportation and water and electricity projects invested by the state for poverty alleviation, the county has not invested 5 billion in ten years.

Now that you have this opportunity, why don’t you seize it!

I’ve already seen the leaders and finished reading. Drawings, Wei Lai started introducing again

"Our main investment is in high-tech biological products and corresponding research and production.

There are also high-end medical treatments, health care, recuperation, etc.

Our company's products do not produce any pollution."

Hearing this, the two leaders looked at each other again and nodded. They had already made preparations for pollution.

"For reasons of recuperation, I hope that the two leaders will allocate as much land as possible around the area based on our planning."

Zhang Chi made a special point about this. While it has not yet been developed, try to get as much land as possible. Once the development is completed in the future, it will be difficult to get the land. How much can the surrounding land increase in the future? No one knows?

See the boss to finish. , the general manager also stood up

"Two leaders, our investment plan this time is very large, and we have made a lot of preparations. We have conducted surveys and designs in several places. We hope that the two leaders can support us more."

Lies! Lies! Absolute lies!

They only have this picture in their hands!

It's different after having an MBA. They are very strategic in everything they say and do. Wei Lai feels that he is still a little green!"

"Support is definitely available. As long as you decide to invest here, taxation, relocation, and land allocation are all easy to deal with. We will do our best to do this. But if we can't fail, we will find the city, the province, and even the central government. , we all strive to do it for you.

Who said we are a national-level poverty-stricken county? Now that there are such good investment opportunities, why not give us some privileges?"

Look! Such a statement made Wei Lai couldn't help but immediately declare his decision to invest.

Upon seeing this, the general manager stood up quickly

"We have all seen the sincerity of the two leaders, but I hope to see specific preferential investment policies and plans. We have to go through several comparisons before we can finally determine where to invest."

When Wei Lai heard this, he immediately gave the general manager two thumbs up in his mind.

It's so suspenseful! He almost expressed his determination just now.

The county magistrate stood up again.

"The secretary’s words just now represent the stance of me, our county party committee, and the county government.

Chairman Wei Lai, ladies and gentlemen, it’s already 6:30. We had a great time talking today and everyone is sincere. Let me see if you should eat first. It is not easy for you all. You have worked hard. After eating, take a rest and we will continue tomorrow.

Chairman Wei Lai, look…"

"Okay, that’s it for today, thank you two leaders for your hospitality!"

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