Regarding the identity of the leader of the Wandao Merchant Alliance, Gu Changsheng did not continue to guess.

No matter whether he is an enemy or a friend, at least on the surface no one dares to do anything to him.

Immediately, he thought of something and his eyes were slightly thoughtful.

"The death row site attracted a lot of people.……"

Immediately afterwards.

The powerful and majestic divine mind reached out and looked at the monks approaching from all around.

The vast majority are young talents from various religions.

Among them, there was an old acquaintance of his.

Ying Nie came riding a green bull!

Back in the Holy Tomb of Beihuang, Gu Changsheng not only took away his Hongmeng Qi root, but also killed his clone.

But now I see you.

Ying Nie's aura became more mysterious and profound, and even more powerful than before.

On the surface, it seems to be a breath that changes from one realm to another.

But the real realm is hard to say.

Ying Nie is a Taoist who is a winner of immortality. Naturally, he is not a simple person.

Soon, I realized that this prying spirit was of course related to Gu Changsheng's failure to conceal it.

"Which senior is spying on me and wants to challenge me, the winner of immortality?"Ying Nie said in a deep voice.

Such a majestic and terrifying spiritual thought is definitely not something that ordinary monks can have. It must be a certain old antique.

After saying that, a layer of mysterious aura suddenly spread from the Taoist robe on his body, turning into a hazy atmosphere. A piece of it blocked Gu Changsheng from further prying.

"This guy seems to have obtained some treasure again. This luck is comparable to the son of luck."Gu Changsheng couldn't help but be surprised by this.

And he noticed that this time, the green bull that Ying Nie rode was also very magical, filled with a mysterious Taoist charm.

"The man just now was very young, not a senior."

After Gu Changsheng's spiritual thoughts disappeared, the green bull suddenly uttered human words and said to Ying Nie.

Hearing this, Ying Nie was stunned, and then a touch of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

"How can it be......"

"But this breath seems a bit familiar, I've seen it before......No, Gu Changsheng!"

"It's you!"

After reacting, his face suddenly turned cold and murderous!......

Soon, Gu Changsheng noticed another figure.

He was of medium build and had an ordinary face. He came from the lake.

I walked very slowly, but every step seemed to be stepping on the lines of time and space!

This person.

I felt Gu Changsheng’s prying eyes for the first time.

"Which Taoist brother? Why not show up and meet him?"

The man in gray clothes said softly, his expression unchanged from beginning to end.

Then, seeing no reply, he frowned slightly.

The next moment, his eyes seemed to turn into two black holes, with little divine lights flickering in them, and they followed after them.

"This person is a bit interesting, actually suppressing the Tao around him."Gu Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and then his spiritual thoughts swept down, like gold and stone!

The following eyes suddenly burst into the void

"my life......There seems to be an enemy."

The man in gray clothes seemed to be stunned, and then whispered to himself quietly......

"In the center of the death row, there is a life and death platform made of formations. Every time there are death row prisoners on both sides, they will be pushed up and fight to the death."

"The wealthy disciples and disciples on the seats around were bidding, guessing, and deciding the value of those death row prisoners."

"The one who is alive becomes an auction item for all the guests at the table, and the guest with the highest price will buy it."

"This is the rule here."

On the seat, after withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Gu Changsheng was eating spiritual fruits and drinking spiritual wine. Chu Qingxuan said to him.

He is obviously a frequent visitor here and is very familiar with the rules here.

Gu Changsheng and Su Xiaoxuan This was my first time here.

When Su Xiaoxuan heard this, she couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Isn't this too miserable?

Once on the life and death stage, only one person can be left alive?

She couldn't help but sympathize with those death row inmates.

"The person who established the rules here has some ideas."Hearing this, Gu Changsheng didn't have much sympathy and said lightly,"But the person who was sent here must not have been a good person before."

"Of course, there are also those ethnic groups who were defeated and became slaves."

"What the young master said is true. Many of these death row prisoners have committed heinous crimes before, and their life and death are not up to them."

"If you give them a chance of survival now, they will naturally seize it."

Chu Qingxuan couldn't help but agree.

The two of them saw a lot, but they didn't think that there was only one side of human nature.

Soon. There were also many monks sitting on the seats around them, including not only young geniuses, but also many elders or old antiques. , old evildoer.

Just the trace of his aura makes many people palpitate and turn pale.

However, there are screens beside each seat, so no one can spy on the characters.

In addition, there is no prohibition against fighting in the death row. A rule.

So you can often see some monks fighting for a valuable death row prisoner.

But the prerequisite is that you must be qualified for this competition.

Tonight's death row battle has not started yet, and there are many people around. The monks all started talking.

The voices were very low, but those who can come here are not simple people, so they can naturally hear clearly.

"I heard that the prisoners on death row tonight were all transported from other places across the star field, and some of them even included ethnic groups that had been exterminated and were about to become extinct."

"Yes, I heard that the one who took action was a member of the ancient royal family, who directly carried the handed down holy weapon and went there to wipe out that force. These are all remnants......"

"This is a big deal. If you can get their precious bone clan skills from those death row prisoners, it will definitely be worth it!"

"But there are a lot of people coming today, so I probably won’t be able to grab them.

They were all new faces that I had never seen before, and even some disciples of the Immortal Force also showed up."

"Just now I saw the person who seemed to be the ancient emperor's son......But I'm not sure if that's the case, because the aura is so terrifying that I don't dare to take another look......"

"Have you noticed that there are people in the front seats today? I wonder if they are the heirs of the immortal Taoist tradition!"......

It didn't take long.

The seats around were almost all filled with monks.

Very lively.

It can be said that the number of monks on death row in Wangyue Ancient City is the largest in just a thousand years!

The face of the monk in charge was also full of excitement, as if he was about to witness a miracle.

"Sir, it’s time to begin."Chu Qingxuan said in a low voice.

Gu Changsheng nodded and looked at

"Welcome everyone to the death row tonight. The old rules are still there. The death row prisoners are responsible for killing, and everyone is responsible for watching the fun and having fun......."

An old man in gray robes in charge walked towards the center with a smile and made a downward gesture to signal everyone to quiet down.

His cultivation level is impressively at the God King level.

The terror and coercion shrouded everyone, causing everyone to become silent.

Now that the False God Realm has reached the old age, a God King Realm appears, which clearly represents a terrifying power.

At least no one in the field dared to make any provocation.

Soon, the surroundings became quiet, and eyes gathered one after another, staring at the field!

After the gray-robed old man finished speaking, he didn't hesitate.

He nodded, and then waved his hand, and the divine light suddenly shone on the life and death stage, and the formations lit up, turning into a cage with a range of a hundred miles!

From both sides, monks soon came pushing prison carts.

There is a figure imprisoned in every prison car!

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