The opening of the sky that Gu Changsheng talked about was actually looking for unknown places in the world where the Immortal Domain is now, and opening up a new world from chaos.

Since there were many reincarnations before the birth of the Immortal Realm, there is definitely a place of chaotic chaos hidden in the unknown area.

For the world, that is the original beginning, representing the origin of all things.

Therefore, Gu Changsheng plans to open up the sky from it and create a real world, so that when the chaos in the fairyland comes, the Gu family will have a place to stay.

This is the inspiration he got from the Taixu world where the Taixu God Clan lives.

At the same time, he can also connect his inner universe with the newly opened world, giving him an extra layer of protection.

"Open the sky?"After learning about Gu Changsheng's plan, Fourth Master Gu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

In fact, according to the methods of the Immortal King, opening up a new world in the Immortal Domain is actually just a matter of thought.

But to open up in an unknown land Space is not that easy. After all, there are many hidden risks and crises.

"Yes, the cycle of the Immortal Realm from its birth to its demise is vast. If you open up an unknown land, you may be able to avoid many rules... Maybe your ancestors will help you at that time."Gu Changsheng explained.

Fourth Master Gu nodded. Naturally, he would not refuse this matter.

At his level, opening the sky is actually an easy task, and decorating the stars in the sky is even easier.

The entire Immortal Realm For the Immortal Emperor, it is just a matter of a single blow with all his strength.

Although he is no longer at his peak, his current strength is also incredibly strong, which is why he cannot leave his ancestral land too far. However, it is easy to destroy, but difficult to create..So

Master Gu is also very curious about what Gu Changsheng is going to do.

He knows that Gu Changsheng has a world seed, but he is not very clear about how far the world seed has evolved.

"I'm actually looking forward to what kind of success this guy is going to have.……"

Fourth Master Gu smiled.

In the following days, Gu Changsheng became busy. Although Lian Xing and Su Xuan were curious about what he was going to do, they did not ask. They just watched him tear open the universe, go to the deep border area, and bring back Something bizarre.

Many members of the Gu family are also curious about what Gu Changsheng wants to do.

After all, the strange things he brought back were just some very old broken inscriptions, and no one knew the words on them.

Occasionally, there is some sand exuding surging chaotic energy, and river water containing the origin of the terrifying world...

During this period, the situation in the Three Thousand Dao Realm has become more and more serious, and even a veteran Immortal King died in Shanhai City. The corpse was returned, causing three thousand realms to scream in mourning, blood raining from the sky, and countless monks mourning.

The sky in several star fields dimmed, and hundreds of millions of stars lost their color.

However, this incident did not lower the morale of the Three Thousand Dao Realm. On the contrary, more monks went to Shanhai City and rushed to the battlefield.

Gu Changsheng was naturally not idle. He spent a lot of time and energy and finally found all the materials needed to open the sky.

He first cast a nine-color altar in the Gu family, piling it up with nine kinds of supreme fairy materials of different origins, and then used his own chaotic fairy blood as the source to outline a very ancient culture.

When we got to the back, hundreds of millions of rays of light shot up from here, the fairy light was misty, and the auspicious air was steaming. It was almost turning into a fairy terrace, bright and brilliant.

Many members of the Gu family were curious and came to observe. The process was extremely mysterious. It was not simply opening up a small world, but connecting to the unknown land that Gu Changsheng had found.

This kind of method can be used even by the Immortal King.

Because this is an unknown land that Gu Changsheng spent a long time to find from the border of the universe.

He used his supreme magic power to move the unknown land here, and then connected it with the nine-color altar to create a passage.

This takes a lot of energy and time, but since he has practiced the way of the world, it is not difficult to perform it.


Gu Changsheng used his supreme magic power to suppress the space in all directions, stabilizing the void here and preventing it from exploding.

He suspended the Hongmeng Seal in his hand, suppressed it with his divine power, and combined with the birth process of the inner universe, used the way to unfold the sky.

There was a huge noise here, and the terrifying chaos was boiling. It really seemed like the heaven and earth were being created. Even the stars in the sky were shaking and seemed to be falling.

This shows how terrifying the momentum is.

During this process, Gu Changsheng discovered a lot of innate essence contained in that unknown land, which came from a very ancient period, even older than the current Immortal Realm.

The innate essence is pure and contains indescribable regular mother energy. It is then absorbed and condensed by the Hongmeng Seal, and the innate imprint in it becomes more solid.

Gu Changsheng had a vague feeling that as long as the Hongmeng Seal was given for a while, it would still be able to transform.

Half a month later.

In this unknown land, a hazy outline of heaven and earth finally appeared.

The chaos was separated by a faint line of light, and Gu Changsheng slashed it away with the Daluo Sword Embryo. The power reached a certain terrifying critical point, and a brilliant brilliance suddenly burst out.

Separate clean air and turbid air.

Heaven and earth were separated, he evolved into the beginning, shaped the universe, and prepared to recreate the universe.

At the same time, Gu Changsheng felt that it was troublesome, so he reached out with his big hand, covered the sky, grabbed all the stars in the distant uninhabited star fields, and sprinkled them into this world.

Since then, the first heaven has been completed.

This process was very energy-consuming, and he found it difficult and almost couldn't hold on.

However, the benefits are visible to the naked eye. The immortal spirit becomes purer, and the magic power of the immortal becomes more perfect and free.

"The new rules of heaven and earth are completely different from the rules of the fairyland……"Su Xuan had been watching Gu Changsheng from the side, and she was a little shocked at this time.

When the world was opened, new rules of heaven and earth were born.

Doesn't that mean that if you enter it, you will no longer be suppressed by the myriad ways of this world?

Her eyes became very complicated and she looked at Gu Changsheng,"So you want the whole family to be enlightened?"

Gu Fourth Master also saw this abnormality. The new rules of the world meant thatThe ways of heaven and earth in it are all innate ways.

There is no need to be suppressed by any monk's way.

That is, in that new world, everyone can become enlightened?

Gu Changsheng nodded. On the other hand, he did have such a plan.

In the boundary sea, he saw Qin Qingqing's difficulty in becoming a Taoist. It was so difficult even for her who had a master who was a giant immortal king, let alone the rest of the people?

There are many members of the Gu family who have the qualifications to become enlightened. Just among the people of his generation, many have stayed in the quasi-emperor realm for many years, unable to make any progress.

Although they were born in the wrong age, Gu Changsheng didn't want to owe his clan members for this.

"But if you want to accommodate monks, this level of world level is far from enough." Fourth Master Gu saw the flaw at a glance and shook his head slightly.

"This is only the first level. If we want to reach the point where the whole family is enlightened, it is actually still early.……"

Gu Changsheng admitted, and then continued to open up the sky and continue to open up in this unknown land.

However, compared to the first level, the second level is more difficult and requires more time and energy.

Fortunately, there were Su Xuan and Gu Fourth Master, a quasi-immortal emperor and immortal emperor, nearby, who helped Gu Changsheng recover his vitality in time.

During this period, more innate essences appeared, and many fairy weapons that had not been destroyed in previous reincarnations were buried deep in the chaos, making Fourth Master Gu change his expression slightly.

Later, Gu Changsheng simply let the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the inner universe enter to help open it up. After all, their aura did not belong to the immortal realm, they had the same innate meaning, and they were less reviled. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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