"Is this the Jiutian with the road to immortality?"

"Known as the residence of the innate gods?"

Gu Changsheng froze on the spot, standing on a desolate and incomplete land.

This place seemed to be in a place of eternal silence.

Without the passage of space and time, it would not change for eternity.

A kind of cold and faint chill, in The ground under his feet was filled with blood, as if it were made up of hundreds of millions of corpses.

He felt as if his hairs were standing on end.

Every step he took, he could see blurry corpses lying on the ground, exuding an atmosphere that made the monk's body explode. Breath.

All the dead people here are true immortals.

Looking around, the mountains, land, and potholes are all filled with the corpses of true immortals. Immortal blood is flowing densely and endlessly. It is unimaginable that in the outside world, all races need to respect them. So many immortals who stand in the realm of immortality have died here.

Any monk who sees this scene will be frightened and speechless. Such a scene is so shocking.

It is also frightening.

Why do you become an immortal? The earth has become the burial place of immortals?

He saw an extremely desolate ancient star, straddling the sky of this world.

If Gu Changsheng guessed correctly, there was the legendary Flying Immortal Star.

The Immortal Gate and the Immortal The road is all inside

"No, the atmosphere here is not right. Is it because the time to become an immortal has not yet come, so the scene here is like this?"

Gu Changsheng was slightly horrified. The Nine Heavens recorded in the classics are not like this.

The Nine Heavens is a vast and vast world, older than the ancient Immortal Realm.

The rules of heaven and earth here are most suitable for the cultivation of monks. A world opened up by monks for their cultivation.

Even the emperor can greatly increase his Taoism and gain a lot by entering here.

That's why every time the Immortal Gate opens, it will attract countless enlightened people to fight for it.

Because as long as they can enter the Nine Heavens, Regardless of whether he can become an immortal or not, it is a great fate.

Now the gate of immortality has not appeared, and the road to immortality has not yet been opened. Gu Changsheng was born at the wrong time and violated the rules of heaven and earth in the immortal realm.

Therefore, under the Nine Heavens, he has to endure God's wrath, you have to go through so many disasters to reach this point.

"This is indeed the Nine Heavens, but it is not the Nine Heavens when I became an immortal."

Gu Changsheng recovered from his injuries, and his blood was rumbling all over his body. Then he walked forward and passed many immortal corpses here.

He came to the desolate and lifeless Feixian Star. It was very desolate and there was no life on it. There is no vegetation at all, and the land is pitch black, like a piece of demonic soil.

There are more immortal corpses here.

Every step you take, you can encounter an immortal corpse. The blood has long dried up. I don’t know how many billions of epochs it has been dead.

"Jiutian definitely did not appear in this reincarnation. After all, there are too many corpses of real immortals here."

"Even if all the great emperors who came to Jiutian from countless epochs in the Immortal Realm were added together, there wouldn't be that many of them."

Gu Changsheng couldn't help but frown.

The reason why he thought so was because he saw the clothes on these immortal corpses.

They were not from the Immortal Realm at all, but more like the broken inscriptions seen in the palace of the Snow-clothed God Lord..

That’s why he felt that these immortal corpses were the reincarnation before the Immortal Realm, or the creatures before multiple reincarnations.

In other words, Jiutian has actually existed for countless reincarnations, and the current reincarnation in the Immortal Realm is actually nothing more than It is hundreds of millions of epochs later.

Even if the Immortal Realm is destroyed, it will still survive forever.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why there are so many immortal corpses here.

"The nine days that I have worked so hard to reach……"

Gu Changsheng sighed. He had a headache and even felt that the Immortal Sect was more like a conspiracy.

Throughout the ages, countless monks have wanted to come here.

But no one has ever seen the real Jiu Mo.

Who would have thought that the place that became an immortal would become the place where immortals were buried?

Now, he is considered the first.

There is a problem with the mark of heaven.

Now even the Immortal Sect has problems.

From the beginning to the end, there has always been a dark shadow behind the fairyland, calculating everything and all living beings.

"Could all this be the work of the big black hand mentioned by God Lord Xueyi? After all, even the ancestor was attacked and killed by him"

"Could it be that he was the one who sent the three quasi-immortal emperors to kill me?"

"And now I have encountered another conspiracy of his?"

"The three quasi-immortal emperors from the future will attack and kill me now, but what about me in the future? Qilin said that he had seen me at the end of the long river of time. At that time, I should have already become an immortal."

"But now I haven't even touched the realm of immortality yet……"

Gu Changsheng whispered and started walking on Feixianxing. Finally, he came to a simple stone gate standing in front of the top of the mountain.

The stone gate is very old and tall, like a heavenly gate.

Carved with patterns and patterns from an unknown period, there are also some words that Gu Changsheng cannot recognize.

Finally, Gu Changsheng thought of a word.


This should be a fairy word, but it is a word that does not belong to the fairyland.

Gu Changsheng stopped in front of this stone door and tried to push it away.

But soon, the stone door trembled, like the ancient demon god awakening, and the fairy light surged, like the wrath of heaven and earth. boom!

A terrible backlash came, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his body almost exploded.

"With my strength, it really can't be opened. There is a terrifying secret power of heaven and earth."

Gu Changsheng sighed and recovered quickly. He didn't want to leave this place for the time being. Later, he used the special rules of this place to study the world barrier of Jiutian, and finally found that this place did not exist anywhere in the Immortal Realm..To be precise, Jiutian actually rises and floats on the long river of time.

Eternal years are rolling, flowing under Jiutian

"No wonder he suffered such a huge disaster and backlash before the time came. It turns out that going against the nine heavens is actually going against the long river of time."

Gu Changsheng appeared outside the nine-day space barrier. He saw an extremely thick river of time under his feet, flowing clatteringly. Large pieces of time fragments were flying, and he didn't know which era it led to.

On this river of time , and even branched out into several small rivers. Along those small rivers of time, you can even see the changes and destruction of many worlds.

Gu Changsheng quietly realized this change.

Although he also practiced the method of time, it was difficult to understand the changes in time..

This is the most mysterious power in the world. Only quasi-immortal emperors are qualified to travel in the long river of time, but they dare not interfere too much with cause and effect.

The more powerful the existence, the more cautious they are about this kind of thing.

All those who try to change history People will be crushed into ashes under the torrent of time

"Instead of doing this, it is better to think of a way to open this fairy gate."

Gu Changsheng quickly calmed down and became calm, not discouraged at all.

Now that he is here, he will not give up easily and is ready to pry open the stone door.

This time, the Hongmeng Seal dropped, and billions of chaos Covered by light, Gu Changsheng was fully prepared. He held the embryo of the Daluo Sword, and with blood all over his body, he slashed away with a bang. Poof!

He was completely blown away, and even the Hongmeng Seal was knocked to the ground.

Daluo Sword The embryo is so strong that even immortal weapons can easily cut it off, but it has no effect on the stone gate.

Then, Gu Changsheng took out the true dragon horn, which is the hardest part of the true dragon. He got it when he killed his opponent Long Teng. It's extremely precious.

In this world, there is only one pair of true dragon horns.

Even if he holds it with chaos energy, it still emits a terrifying wave.

The true dragon horns have the effect of breaking the forbidden formation pattern.

Gu Changsheng plans to use this Try.

This time, Gu Changsheng was knocked away again. Even the real dragon's horns cracked, and the stone door also made a slight trembling sound.

"It seems to be useful."

Gu Changsheng did not give up and continued to try.

Time passed, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye.

During these days, Gu Changsheng tried hundreds of times like this unremittingly. After thousands of times, even the real dragon horns withstood the Unable to suppress this wave of fluctuations, it exploded into powder with a bang.


The trembling sound emitted by this stone door became louder and louder, and even a crack opened, and a dazzling light bloomed out, extremely bright and dazzling.

"It's now."

Gu Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he did not hesitate when he saw this. All his strength exploded, and with a chirp, he slashed the Da Luo sword embryo into the crack of the door.

The stone door that was supposed to be closed was blocked by him. The gap came out.

The Great Luo sword embryo was stuck there, preventing the stone door from closing.

At this moment, the whole world began to change, mysterious rules came, and the vast fairyland filled the air. The dark land that was originally full of fairy corpses, in the blink of an eye It was shrouded in thick fairy mist.

The corpse disappeared, the blood dried up, and greenery covered all directions. The mountains were vast and as high as the sky, divine vines and fairy trees grew, full of fairy spirit.

Auspicious beasts appeared, fairy birds soared, and the blazing fairy light , soaring into the sky here!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel

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