When Gu Changsheng left the black windy area, he felt that the rules of the world outside were much gentler and more peaceful.

No more turbulent waves, the murderous intent is overwhelming, and can easily crush people

"This is where Jiuyou's burial soil is, and the outside is at most a layer of barrier."

Gu Changsheng whispered.

He stepped on mysterious steps. The way of space was also effective here. The speed was very fast, and the distance was thousands of miles in an instant.

The earth was an exhausted black.

Although it was no longer full of crises, it was filled with a thick atmosphere. The strong will of death filled all directions, making Gu Changsheng very uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that this place is not suitable for monks in the immortal realm to survive.

A living creature will definitely not like this kind of place.

Gu Changsheng also did not see any lakes Green mountains, towering ancient trees.

Looking around, there is nothing but a pool of black and red blood and a rolling crater.


At this moment.

Gu Changsheng suddenly felt something in his heart, and when he explored it with his spiritual mind, he noticed that there was a thick The death aura was approaching.

He looked back with surprise in his eyes,"The creatures in the Jiuyou Burial Ground?"

"Human beings from outside......"

A voice came, speaking in the ancient fairy language.

However, Gu Changsheng has been familiar with ancient and modern times since he was a child and has read many ancient classics, so he can naturally understand the meaning.

At the same time, Gu Changsheng quietly took several sword pills into his sleeves.

The gleaming light had been condensed by him several times before and blended into the meaning of killing immortals. Unexpectedly, it had such great power.

After all, it was the first time to see the creatures in Jiuyou Burial Ground.

He had to be alert.




Several sounds broke through the air.

The group of creatures that had witnessed Gu Changsheng's intrusion from the burial site before fell in front of him and looked at him with surprised expressions.

"It’s so strange, there’s not even the aura of the Supreme Realm, how did you break into this place?"

What surprised Gu Changsheng was that one of the young-looking women spoke up.

Although she looked human in appearance, the thick death aura in her body could not betray her inhuman nature.

"Could it be that there was an accident at the burial place? You must know that even a true immortal level existence would have a hard time coming over. As a result, this human race....."

Another creature also spoke in shock. Its appearance was similar to that of the Yuren tribe, and it was also filled with an astonishing death aura.

"The death energy here should correspond to the anger in the fairyland."

Various thoughts flashed through Gu Changsheng's mind, his face was calm, and he said in the ancient fairy language,"I hope you don't mind if I stumbled into this place by mistake."

"Don't be afraid, we don't mean any harm."

Seemingly sensing Gu Changsheng's vigilance, another woman in a blue dress with a beautiful face and a watery temperament chuckled and said

"We are just curious as to why you, with such a weak body, were able to get through the burial ground."

"You know, in the burial place, even immortal beings like us will be reduced to ashes and unable to be resurrected."

"You are a human race from outside, but your strength is still so weak......."

"However, if it is said that he entered by mistake, it is also possible that he touched some mysteries and was transported directly to this place."

The creatures next to them also nodded.

The other creatures also agreed with this statement.

Because Gu Changsheng gave them a really weak feeling.

Even the weakest burial earth creatures were not as good as those living in the Jiuyou Burial Earth. From the moment a living being is born with consciousness, it has the strength of the Supreme Realm.

However, it takes a long time from being buried in the burial soil to the birth of consciousness.

Tens of millions of years?

That belongs to the gift of heaven.

Millions of years?

That is nine The king in the burial soil must also be taken seriously.

As for being buried in the burial soil, it has been a long time since a business was born within a hundred thousand years.

That will be regarded as the new king.

As for them, they are all buried in the burial soil at least It takes billions of years for consciousness to be born.

Therefore, their lives are extremely long, and they will not die unless the Jiuyou Burial Earth is destroyed.

For them, practice is not as cruel and fierce as the fairyland.

Indeed, in this group Gu Changsheng did not feel any killing intent on the living beings.

On the contrary, his attitude was very gentle and calm.

Moreover, is the name of the black windy area called the burial ground?

Gu Changsheng understood clearly in his heart. As his thoughts flashed, he restrained his vigilance and smiled. He said,"Actually, I went here to look for someone."

Looking for someone?!

Come to Jiuyou Burial Ground to find someone?

Hearing this, these creatures were stunned for a moment, and they were all shocked and could not react.

"Who are you looking for?"

"There are not many creatures in Jiuyou Burial Ground, but it is divided into eight major states, with one billion creatures in each state."

"If you want to find someone, unless you get the king's permission, it's impossible given your strength."The beautiful woman who spoke just now said gently.

She felt that Gu Changsheng was very pleasing to the eye and good-looking, so her attitude was gentler and she explained a few more words.

The other creatures all had a hint of disbelief at this moment.

"A friend of mine wandered into this place by mistake, and I wanted to take her away."

Gu Changsheng said with an indifferent expression.

Although he already had a guess.

Su Xiaoxuan is probably the creature in Jiuyou Burial Ground.

But no matter what, he still has to see her face first.

Besides, as for Jiuyou Burial Ground, he I am also extremely curious.

I want to take the opportunity to learn more about this place.

Moreover, according to his words, this place is divided into eight states, and there are only one billion creatures in one state.

Is there still a king?

Is there a fairy king?

"With your little strength, even if you find your friend, you still can't take her away."

Hearing this, a creature that looked very similar to a shark shook his head and said. As he spoke, the air of death filled the air, and he was filled with twilight energy.

"You were so lucky the first time, but not so good the second time"

"The name of the burial place is not for nothing."

"But if you want to go back, go to the king and he may be merciful and help you."

"But it’s hard to say whether Wang will see you or not."

Hearing Gu Changsheng's words, these creatures did not laugh or ridicule, but instead tried to persuade them with gentle words. They were completely different from the monks from the Three Thousand Dao Realm.

This made Gu Changsheng feel a little strange.

However, he still smiled naturally. He said authentically,"I really came here from the grave, and I have my own way. Forget it if you don’t believe it."

Gu Changsheng is not worried that they will have temporary ill intentions towards him.

With his current strength, he has not found any threats on them.

What's more, he brought the token given by his ancestor and said that after entering the Jiuyou Burial Ground, he could Keep him safe all the way

"Sure enough, the rumors are correct, humans all love to brag and tell lies."

"Regardless, I finally met a living being from the outside world. If I take him to see the king, maybe the king will be interested."

This group of creatures showed regretful expressions, and then began to discuss other matters.

In the past, outside creatures accidentally fell into the cracks in space and survived the catastrophe and fell into the Jiuyou burial ground.

They didn't think that Gu Changsheng could rely on himself. Strength.

I think he fell into this place by mistake when he entered the burial place.

"Forget it, it's up to me to teach him to recognize the reality. Jiuyou Burial Ground is different from the outside world. He may be strong outside, but here, he is only at the weakest level. It is no different from a mayfly that can be trampled to death by our kick."

At this time, a man with golden scales on his forehead said, looking very helpless.

However, his expression was also full of fun and teasing, and also a bit cold. He didn't like the look of the woman in blue skirt looking after Changsheng just now.

The rest of the living beings , seemed to be a little afraid of this man and did not speak.

Tu Chen's family was much stronger than the family behind them.

There was no need to offend him for an outsider.

"Tu Chen, please don't hurt him. How many years has it been since there was such an alien human race? The king will probably be interested in him."

The woman in the blue skirt frowned, a little dissatisfied with the man's approach.

But it was just a word of advice.

"The strength of Xuanzun Realm, it seems that this is the basis for your words?"Gu Changsheng's expression was very indifferent and did not change.

Unexpectedly, jealousy was also unavoidable here.

"Can you actually detect my realm?"The man named Tu Chen was slightly startled, but then he didn't care and continued,

"The Xuanzun realm requires hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation for the human race. Are you still far away from this realm?"

"Let you see how powerful we are. Even if you have nine fingers, I can easily suppress you with one finger if I stand differently. Tu

Chen said lightly.

As he spoke, he pointed a finger towards Gu Changsheng. It was crystal clear, like jade, and you could see the strands of death energy flowing in it.


The void was trembling, mysterious and abnormal.

This finger was very casual, There is no pyrotechnics at all, but it is enough to suppress ordinary supreme realms.

"Yeah?"Gu Changsheng's smile was still flat, his expression did not change at all, and he didn't even cast his eyes away.


The next moment, he slapped him over, and his energy and blood rumbled, sounding like muffled thunder. Without using his magical powers, the light was still the power of his physical body.

There was a click.

Tu Chen's eyes widened in disbelief,"How is this possible?"....."

The fingers that came into contact with Gu Changsheng were shattered in an instant, and then the palm did not stop and continued to cover his face.

With a pop, Tu Chen wanted to retreat, but was too late. Half of his head collapsed and his body flew out.

The whole person almost exploded in the air!

What! ?

Seeing this scene, the creatures in the Jiuyou Burial Ground were all shocked, their scalps were numb, and they couldn't believe it for a long time. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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