"The spider dragon spun silk. "

Lu Yu rolled up these flying attack weapons and purposefully attacked the guys behind him!

"Boom, boom, boom......"

Loud explosions rang out from the sky.

The purple thunder and lightning showed no sign of abating, and it actually went straight through the divine explosion area and rushed behind Lu Yu to kill.


There was an angry roar from the ground, and the smell of gunpowder rose in the sky, and fire lotuses exploded above the sky.

Lu Yu could use the power of these explosions to consume the energy threat brought by the thunder and lightning!

It's just that it's very small.

"Old man, this god of thunder and lightning is very valuable for research, thunder and lightning come from the god of thunder and lightning, if you can parse it, then it will be good for you to create a large number of strong people. "

Lu Yu looked at the human tent and shouted loudly.

It's not that you can't reveal your energy, but don't forget to remind these humans.

The power they possess is a community with a shared future for mankind, not an enemy.


An old man slammed the tabletop into the figure with his eyes fixed on the sky.

"Damn, it turned out to be this kind of false god, since he was hunted down, don't help him. "

The soldiers on both sides listened to the old man's order, and put down the attack button in his hand.

Tudrin slowly walked out of the tent, his big hand slamming on the button.

"Woo Woo Woo ......"

Countless divine bombs sent out a curtain of divine light towards the sky, and the white above the sky was like the Milky Way.

"What the hell are you doing? Now that kid is a false god, an enemy of us humans. "

An old man looked at Tu Delin and said urgently.

Can't you distinguish between good and evil, is Tu Delin already old and dizzy and needs to retire?

Tu Delin glanced at the old man with a faint smile on his face.

"I think that kid is very cute, and the power between this canopy is huge, I'm afraid that kid won't be hurt much, give him something difficult, let's increase it a lot. "

The old man's eyes lit up.

"That's right, why didn't I think that taking advantage of people's danger and falling into the well, anyway, as long as this kind of false god is killed, we humans will have one less enemy. "

"Put it down. "

The divine brilliance of the ground base was slammed into the sky!

The sky was covered with a burst of fireworks, and the Ten Fire Lotus Great Array!

"Damn human!" Yun Niel was furious in his heart, the human race was already describing the idol, he must kill Lu Yu quickly, otherwise something will happen!


When Tu Delin saw that Yun Nier had come out, he took action himself, carrying a long sword in his hand, dodging the purple thunder and lightning, and only killed Yun Nierde.

"Hey...... Idiot, dare to chase?"

Lu Yu used his ability to escape in the sky repeatedly, causing the purple thunder and lightning from the attack to vibrate, and continued to kill Lu Yu.

"The realm of fear. "

Lu Yu looked at the energy around him that could already be detonated, and at the same time affected the spiritual power of this evil god.

He stopped suddenly, and layers of light appeared on his body.

"Chaos Revolver. "

Between his arms, a Chaos Revolver was caught in the corner of him!

It's already been edited.

When dragging it, I saw a chaos revolver gun the size of a house, the muzzle of which was like two windows, which had reached the level of a cannon, and its power was very huge.

This time, the thunder and lightning stopped violently, and he didn't expect Lu Yu to come up with such a lethal weapon.

"Get out of the way!"

Lu Yu looked at Tu Delin and roared.

Tu Delin glanced at the energy of the weapon in Lu Yu's hand, his eyes were about to fall out, and he immediately retreated!

Yuniel needs to know how powerful this gun is?

He originally wanted to base himself on this thunder and lightning, and the possibility of wanting to be a parasite in Lu Yu's body was almost zero!

Lu Yu has already made a move.


A violent explosion rang out in the sky!

The Chaos Wheel Gun fights the thunder that came from the attack!

Under this white holy light, instead of being sanctioned, it turned into a sky full of thunder and lightning!

"Boom ......"

The surrounding sky exploded! Countless lightning lights dissipated by themselves, and that killing aura dissipated with Yunilde's death.

The Chaos Wheel Gun is infinitely powerful, and it takes down an evil god with one shot!

Tu Delin was a little overwhelmed, he was finished with one shot, and this beam was not over yet, and he continued to attack towards the horizon!

"What the hell is this weapon?"

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and his hands were hot, too strong!

Everyone on the ground looked at the Chaos Wheel Gun in Lu Yu's hand with a look of adoration, it was too strong, it was a god at once!

Lu Yu's arm sank, summoning the Chaos Wheel Gun into the system space.

The Chaos Wheel Gun is getting heavier and heavier as it evolves, and the power of light on it seems to be very powerful!

After that bombardment just now, there is a bottomless dark abyss in this land!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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