Lu Yu is right, Yun Nier has to take revenge, so he must be killed!

He just vomited out all of his godhead? Probably not!

Now, if you find Yun Nierde, wouldn't you be able to take away Yun Nierde's natal godhead!

Antia took a deep look inside, turning into a ray of light and searching in another direction.

However, she glanced at Alos on her left, intentionally or unintentionally.

This guy is really cautious, and now even the White Bone Evil God is afraid.

Si Yan and Alos Tans went to search in several other directions together.

Catching Yunil, they have to settle their hearts, although Eganipur has escaped, but Yunnierd's body must be very strong.

Lu Yu saw that there was no one around, and two balls of blood appeared on his fingers.

These blood are the blood of Eganipur, and the puppet power in it makes people feel mysterious, if you try it, I'm afraid it's really good!

"What about puppetry? I'm interested in you. "

Lu Yu's fingers slowly floated upward, and when he saw the huge white bone evil god's fingers, he began to spin.

A black tornado cloud fog had not yet cleared, and another black fog the size of a house began to slowly turn again.

Lu Yu-level sold all the two weapons.

If Vanill doesn't show up again, he'll lose his best chance.

"Die, boy. "

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yu's eyes, and the purple lightning turned into a cloud and mist, and it could actually kill Lu Yu with the thunder in the sky!

It was as if the roots of a big tree had been cut off, and the thunder and lightning sword in the sky were like torrential rain.

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked into a smile.

Just now he broke up these people.

In order to explain to Yunil, now that there is no one around me, you can come and attack!

"Good boy, don't leave since you're here. "

His fists clenched, and the momentum around his body began to grow magnificently, and in the blink of an eye, he became a giant of dozens of feet.

"A punch came out. "

A loud explosion rang out, and Vanill spurted a mouthful of blood, and his figure fell backwards and knocked down several mountains.

"This ...... That's impossible. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said in disbelief that Lu Yu had just used his heart for how long

can already fit perfectly with the heart, doesn't this mean that Lu Yu himself is an evil god king?

Lu Yu patted his heart, the heart of the Evil God King, and at the same time, he also had half of the Evil God King's godhead!

In other words, his combat power is one step closer to that of the Evil God King.

"Do whatever you can, I have taken them away, and I have come to give you a ride as your last glory. “

"Don't think about dying with me. "

Lu Yu hooked his fingers and added.

If Vanill wasn't stupid, then he would have used his strongest means.

This is also what Lu Yu wants to know, not only to see how powerful the means he has, but also to develop his own strength.

There was a trace of solemnity in Yunilde's eyes, and his footsteps slowly stepped into the air.

The purple thunder and lightning intertwined all around, and the black clouds that hooked the sky fell gloomily.

It was as if there was a world of black clouds, hidden in his eyes.

"Since it's you and I'm one-on-one, then you should accept my anger. "

"Okay, I can't wait. "

A hint of laughter appeared on Lu Yu's face, his bones cracked, he turned his arms, and the joints of his whole body crackled and burst.

There is an evil god heart in his body, and his own flesh and bones collapse, which is extremely terrifying!

There was no fear in Yuniel's eyes!

"God of thunder and lightning!"


A thunderbolt in the sky suddenly split towards the canopy from east to west, and I saw that there was a rush of flowing water, and there seemed to be the power of time and space between the flowing waters.


A trembling sound shook slowly from the plane.

That quaint aura seemed to be a lightning bolt from ancient times.

Behind the wide and powerful lightning bolt is a god wearing huge armor and a thunderbolt sign on his forehead!

It seems that Yuniel is also because of the power of faith!

However, the thunder and lightning he cultivated himself were not so complicated and complicated.

It seems that this god of thunder and lightning can only be regarded as his master, but not his admirer.

"Boy, look silly! You just know that we are unpredictable, but when the god of thunder and lightning comes, it will be your time of death. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said with a grim smile.

"The god of thunder and lightning?"

Lu Yu muttered, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Shouldn't this god of thunder and lightning be a righteous god, how can he hear the call of your evil god?"

"Stupid. "

Yuniel sneered.

"Most of the many gods in the heavens have their own interests, and as the gods of justice, they were born a long time ago than us, and we belong to the second generation of heavenly beings!"

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