I know you're keeping some things a secret, and I don't want to ask you, it's your freedom. "

"However, if you stop me again and again, because this cowardice and cowardice of yours has ruined our good deeds, then I will not leave you good things!"

"I want the son of the Evil God King, his sacrifice and godhead are yours, as long as I don't destroy his body and soul!"

Lu Yu's eyes flashed with a fine light.

"You mean captured alive?" Alos reacted suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief when he saw Lu Yu.

Lu Yu grabbed it with his big hand, and saw a small doll with a dark green body jumping out, which was the doll contaminated with venom.

"If you are infected with this poison, you will die, and the son of the evil god king will be contaminated with this poison, I am afraid that it may not be so easy to die, as long as you control him and base this poison on his body, I will do the specific things......"

The huge gray ship roared in the blue sky, not towards the front line of the west, but towards the rear of the west.

Passed through a crimson sea.

The tentacles on the ocean have reached the blue sky, and the huge suction cups seem to be black holes.


The ship hovered over the edge of a giant tentacle.

The huge suction cups were edged with white fangs, slowly opening to the sides.

With a "whoosh", it flew into the suction cup.

If it weren't for Lu Yu knowing that the two evil gods were already sitting in the spaceship, I'm afraid he wouldn't have followed the spaceship to the huge sucker.

Accompanied by a flight path that seems to be in a blood vessel.

There was a burst of blood red everywhere.


Only then did they feel a trace of coolness on their bodies, a cold that pierced into their bones!


Everywhere is full of huge icicles, looking around, only to see a crystal clear blue light, crystal clear, but what it brings to people is not beauty, only endless cold!


Tan Si often gasped for breath and warmed himself with the spiritual brilliance on his body!

Lu Yu can bear it, but he just can't.

He and Demon Wine are both eternal, so they have to pay attention to their own safety.

With a loud roar, the plane had steadily stopped at the airport.

It's not so much a parking airport as a hive.

Huge spaceships are running here, and Lu Yu can directly see the galaxy from this underground!

His eyes had reached the level of divinity, and he could know that this galaxy was not fake, it was real.

And the underground has been hollowed out by this group of monsters!



A trembling sound rang out from the ship.

Dougal and Barbaros, each jumping out of the cabin.

The two of them wore a silver pilot mech, and a helmet that looked like an elephant's head was on top of their heads.

The whole body is wrapped like a rice dumpling.

"Whew! Such a spaceship is simply a tyrannical thing, and now every part can be dismantled and used as an energy source, I have to say that the power of those old rulers is really strong, but it is cheaper for us. "

"That's it. Barbaros smirked at the bridge of her nose and said, "Your Excellency, he is the son of the Evil God King, and you have to think about how exaggerated the resources you possess ......." "

Before the words fell, he noticed that there was something different behind him, and he turned his head!

"Knock knock!"

The two demon beasts slowly turned around, their heads went straight up with Venus for a while, and they fell straight to the ground!

"Don't do it, this is the base, the base!"

Alos looked very panicked, if they were surrounded by people, then they would never recover!

"I know. "

Lu Yu neatly took off the cockpit protective suit on the demon beast's body.

This helmet, which looks like an elephant's head, puts on itself.

"You. "

Lu Yu pointed at Alos, and then he didn't care about him, under the protection of the radiance of divinity, he walked over to Si Yan, Demon Wine, and Tan Si, and said, "You guys should hide in the brilliance of my divinity for a while, and then let you out when you get to the place, but you can come up with ideas for me." "

"Let's go!"

Dressed in protective gear, Alos beckoned to the landing feather and hurried inside.

Lu Yu chuckled, and now he didn't urge Alos.

Alos walked into the passage in a human-like manner.

"Do you know the way?"

"Quietly, someone's coming. "

Alos looked at Lu Yu and said hurriedly, he was very nervous.

On the other hand, Lu Yu still had a little smile on his face, and he really didn't know where Lu Yu's confidence came from.

in a row of queues.

They carried all silver knives in their hands, and at the end of their knives there were pieces of godheads!

Looking at this appearance, at least the power of the half-step evil god can be exerted, and there are more than fifty people in number at the same time.

It can be seen how powerful the team is guarding under this ground.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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