Alos's eyes suddenly became solemn.

"So, if you come in with the Godhead, it might be a little bit of a help to us. "

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu nodded, and Alos finally said something useful to them.

His arm slowly swung down to the earth, and at the same time, half the size of a house was formed!

"Everyone follow me, be careful not to easily step on the five meters distance next to me!"


Everyone nodded one after another, and there were bursts of inquiry in their eyes, acting carefully.

If they are not careful, they may die without a place to be buried, which is the first choice for them to save their lives.


The light on Lu Yu's arm brightened brightly, and in an instant, the surrounding sand began to slowly turn, as if there was a new life form.

"Let's go. "

Without slackening, Kolos followed the land opened up by Lu Yu, and the silver spiders under the abdomen descended one after another.

The edge of the land can be used as a scaffold to block the indecent flow of the sand.

"Now I use these little spiders as a framework, if someone else comes, we will be the first to know that we are attacked, and we will also help us block it for a while. "

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu nodded, and did not doubt Alos's sincerity, there was a blood alliance between him and Alos, and in the two abiding by the blood alliance, there was this unified interest, but he was not afraid of the differences between the two.

Si Yan walked over, and with the divine brilliance on her body, the three of them easily opened a triangular deep pit.

"Tams, come here. "

"What's wrong, Lu Yu?"

Tan Si didn't understand what was the use of him now, he was just the end of the eternal sun.

If it's going to be useful, then Demon Wine should be more useful than him.

"How did you find that wet land just now, and when I swept through the city just now, I didn't seem to find anything unusual about them. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, he was telling the truth.

The concealment of this space is too high, if it is Tans, I'm afraid they haven't found it yet.

And for this one, I'm afraid, it's specifically for this divinity.

Tan Si was slightly stunned when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the demon wine.

"Come on, look at me, do you have an answer on my face?" Demon Wine patted Tan Si on the shoulder, and then nudged it.

"Just now, just when I walked to that land......"

Youjiu reached out and pinched his chin, recalling what had just happened.

He walked aimlessly in the desert.

Only Lu Yu, Demon Wine, Si Yan, and Alos, these people are more useful than him.

He was able to find the secret under the desert first, and for him, this desert seemed to be a sea of kings.

As he walked around, he felt that all the evil qi was rushing towards him, and it was very dangerous.

However, Lu Yu is his god and his contemplator, so he doesn't have to be afraid too much, and Lu Yu is not too far away.

At that moment, in a heartbeat, he couldn't help but start avoiding the invasion of the evil god!

When he first stepped on a piece of land, all the uneasiness in his heart immediately calmed down, as if standing on that land, he would not be despised by any evil spirit.


Lu Yu listened carefully on the side, and had already come to the ground, and directly tapped his fingers lightly on this piece of desert, and heard the sound of "dong dong".

"The evil spirit can't erode this piece of land, it should be because there is the breath of the evil god king under this land, although the divinity of the evil god king is gone, but the breath of this group of evil gods still recognizes the location of the evil god king, so they dare not have the slightest violation. "

Lu Yu nodded, if this is the case, then it makes sense.

"Let's get started, I can't help myself. "

Alos poked his claws frantically, what kind of precious treasures are buried under this blue-black land?

Lu Yu just knocked his fingers a few times, but he didn't even get through, maybe there was a treasure left by the old ruler down here.


Lu Yu's eyes showed a ray of solemnity, he exerted his divinity, blocked the holes around this one after another, pulled out the claws of time and space in the shape of white bones, and locked the aura around him one after another.

"What's wrong?"

The few people who were holding back in the sand, because they were around Lu Yu, did not have much sense of suffocation.

Alos crawled beside Lu Yu, thinking about why Lu Yu was hiding so much.

Lu Yu gave Alos a look, and Alos shrank his head and closed his one hundred and eight shining eyes.

Lu Yu was not afraid that this would bring danger to him, but because they didn't know what kind of power the things left over from the old domination had been.

If you alarm the enemy for a moment, and then they have nothing to gain, then it will be troublesome.

"Click," a crisp sound suddenly sounded on the ground.

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