Klockdahl chuckled.

This guy is a well-known old coward, and it's not good to offend him.

"Some discussed, some discussed, after Yuniel died, his divinity and divinity were mine. "

"However, the chaotic qi where he is belongs to you, don't think I'm making empty checks, I'm not like that treacherous human, as soon as he dies, I will take you to collect his chaotic qi and his evil god space first, as for his evil god divinity and godhead, it will belong to me, how about it?"

He looked at Alos and said happily.

Anyway, once this kind of thing succeeds, a lot of benefits, and if it doesn't succeed, there will be no such thing!

"No way!"

Alos decisively refused, and one hundred and eight eyes rolled around, and Klockdahl seemed dizzy.

"Then you make a bid!"

The two evil gods seemed to be bargaining in the vegetable market, and their eyes widened.

However, Alos had one hundred and eight eyes, and Klockdahl was dazzled for a while.

If it drags on, there is no benefit for Klockdahl.

In addition, if you want to help that guy in the north, I'm afraid it will be bad for you!

"I only need a godhead, but if the white bone evil god, that guy dies inexplicably, then his godhead and divinity belong to me, and the chaotic qi belongs to you, how about it?"

He pretended to be in pain, and the big eyes of the tree blinked.

But he could only open his mouth, but he didn't have the pupils to stare at these one hundred and eight pairs of eyes.

"Then, okay, but you have to share a little bit of the venom on your body, and once the time comes, you will deal with Yunielde, as for the White Bone Evil God, as long as I have this venom, I can easily slaughter it!"

He squeezed his eyes at Klockdahl.

Klockdahl suddenly became unhappy, the old boy dealt with the weakest, and kept the strongest for himself.

"However, I can't beat Yun Nier alone, you know this matter, even if I can beat him, but I can't catch him, what can I do?"

He simply shook his hand, which meant that he was also very difficult, and there was no need to reveal the cooperation between the two.


Alos laughed gloomily twice.

"To tell you the truth, I know a false god, and I guided him to become a god for a while, and he sees me as if he saw his father, and he is extremely powerful, and I can attack that guy with you. "


The smile on Klockdahl's face was fleeting, he didn't believe much in the pit god Alos.

Under the love of the two of them spitting and shaking their lips.

In the end, an agreement was reached, and Lu Yu had to be brought to meet this evil god!

If you don't see the true God, no one will easily show their bottoms.

This is the interest of their evil gods, who are greedy, violent, disorderly, and have a certain amount of wisdom.

There is no difference between the evil gods and the capitalists in the world, they just drive their own interests to become stronger, as for other partners.

Bloom early and bear fruit early, and they will taste it early!

The warm breeze in the early morning is accompanied by a delicious meal.

Even if Lu Yu became a true god, he felt good about the enjoyment of this food.

Meals are already indispensable for him.

Only divinity is attractive to him.

But the radiance of divinity shines on the food, so that their freshness and tenderness of the flesh have reached another level!

Si Yan is also a true god now, so it is not difficult to cook these meals.

Demon Wine and Tan Si had a full meal.

After all, there is a true god who cooks for himself, and this is the first time they have seen such a means of serving.

The old faces of the two were flushed, and they didn't know what to say on the side.

"Lu Yu, I feel that this line is getting farther and farther away from us, this time if you want to make a move, you have to press it quickly. "

As he spoke, he took out the map.

"Let's start with the place where the monsters have cleared, and cross a line from their big rear to inspect, as for the forward base of the monsters in front of them, their three evil gods must be stationed there......"

Demon wine showed Lu Yu that he was still somewhat useful.

Lu Yu didn't care, and listened to all these things in his ears.

He had already heard the report of the White Bone Evil God and knew where those guys were.

"Okay, you can do this with confidence and boldness, and at the same time experience your own spirituality!"


When Demon Wine and Tan Si heard this, they hurriedly carried their bags, and the two of them left here.

"So what should I do?"

Si Yan looked at the backs of the two of them and walked more hurriedly, touching his forehead, not knowing what to do?

"Well, you're useful. "

Lu Yu chuckled, it was much more convenient for a god to help him now than for a single god to go back and forth.


Si Yan muttered, Lu Yu was her main god.

It is impossible for her to spy on Lu Yu's thoughts, and only Lu Yu can spy on the thoughts in her head.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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