Lu Yu didn't hesitate, didn't grind, and walked up.

"Be calm, face the gods and demons in your heart, and melt them with faith. "

He persuaded softly, if the demon in his heart was at this level, he could only comfort him more.

can only rely on Si Yan to get through it by herself!

The sore spot on Si Yan's face seemed to be much less.

"You, what about you...... I'm feeling distraught, can I ask?"

She whispered, lying on Lu Yu's shoulder, as if lying on a high mountain, solid and strong.

"Say, it's fine. "

Lu Yu responded indifferently, what else is going on at this time, don't say it early.

Si Yan nodded slowly, her face was painful, and the demons in her heart were not removed, and the obstacles were difficult to destroy.

"I like you, what about you?"

Her fingers clasped Lu Yu's back, extremely nervous.

Lu Yu was stunned


"Ahem...... coughed lightly, and felt the fingers behind him tighten.

"Of course. Lu Yu said with a smile, they have become gods, and they still ask this.

"Thank you. "

Si Yan responded, the corners of her mouth slowly hooked up a smile, and her white eyes seemed to reveal golden pupils.

"My God, no god or demon can defeat your word, I will follow your will for eternity, I have become a god!"

She looked at Lu Yu and said softly, her figure slowly floated, as if she was born a god, isolated from the earth!

Lu Yu let go of his hand and quietly watched Si Yan float up automatically, stepping on the sky, as if walking on the ground!

"Woo Woo ......"

Thousands of golden rays of light rushed out of the door.

Outside the door.

Demon Wine and Tan Si and the other hundred claws scratched their hearts and saw such a vision.

There is divine brilliance, and it is different from Lu Yu's divine brilliance, which is weaker.

"Became a god?"

The sound of rapid breathing outside the door was like a fierce wolf.

They wanted to see what it was like for a mortal to become a god.

"Tans, you're too anxious now, get out of the way!

Demon Wine hurriedly pulled Tan Si away, although the mentality of a guy is already a lot.

But in the face of the temptation to become a god, I can't hold on!

"It's okay, you guys come in, your heart will only make your inner demon more powerful, you have to face it head-on, it's best to get rid of the demon before you become a god!"

Lu Yu said indifferently towards the door.

is not worried about whether Tan Si can become a true god, but also worried about demon wine.

The demon wine has gone through a lot of faces, and the demons in my heart must have accumulated a lot.

If it fails in the next test, it may fall short and die directly, which is the most dangerous situation.

Moreover, Si Yan can help if he has a need, but the two big men still forget it.

The two hurriedly pushed open the stone door,

When they saw that Si Yan could walk freely in the air, with kindness, dignity, nobility, integrity, and selfless smiles on his face.

A smile and a smile are full of incomparable divine radiance.


Tans's eyes widened, his heart beat faster, and his breathing was like a bellows!

"This, this is the god of legend, so many strong people, I have not seen how many people can appear, today, I can actually see with my own eyes that after a human becomes a god, he can lead another human to become a god!"

His eyes were hot.

Lu Yu has already succeeded in this step, and it is absolutely true that it is absolutely true that they have shown it thoroughly!


The demon wine raised his head stupidly.

When he saw that Si Yan could become a god, he was even more determined that he himself could also become a god!

Because he is even stronger than Si Yan's strength.

However, Si Yan has believed in Lu Yu for a long time, so in terms of compatibility, the abilities between gods and gods are extremely consistent.

"Alright. "

Lu Yu's mood is economical and relaxed.

After all, it is a true god and an evil god, and he has fought several times.

How can it be that you are in a state of great interest for this true god?

"Si Yan, I will soon tell the two of them about the process of going from mortal to true god, as for the others? "


Both of them immediately agreed, and nodded like chickens pecking rice.

Who caused the dream of becoming a true God, or who invented it?

However, now that they all knew, it was not a secret to them.

Lu Yu has his own ideas, as long as he has a godhead and divinity, and has a visualization map, he can become the way of God!

Si Yan didn't think of himself as very high, and he didn't have the identity of a god.

Instead, they stepped directly on the ground, and the dust on the ground automatically rolled around to avoid it, as if they were standing under the Lord of God, and they were not qualified.

"Let me tell you, the true God's accomplishment lies in ......"

The two of them, Demon Wine and Demon Wine, sat opposite the stone table, listened carefully to Si Yan's lecture, and nodded from time to time.

The South of the World.

Countless plants turned into monsters.

On the earth, when they opened their mouths, they found that there were rays of light passing through people's bodies, killing together, and they couldn't stop anymore!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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