Lu Yu felt that his spatial ring had been lost, and it was only then that he remembered it.

Now, if you go back and find the space ring and take out hundreds of Chaos Stones, you can open your own spatial realm!


"Right there!"

An eager voice rang out from the other side of the mountain.

Guliaya led a group of people with a group of wooden sticks in their hands and hurriedly ran towards Lu Yu!

"Oh, these bastards are here again, they must have bad intentions, hurry up and go back with me, and it's safe to go back to the manor!"

Fa Li Cai'er looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, she didn't expect Guli Aye to hold a grudge like this!

"I can't go. "

Lu Yu looked at himself and looked at the two crutches and smiled bitterly, running a little slower.

And the person on the other end hurried over from the other direction, seemingly outflanking.

This Guliyah still has a little brain!

"How so?"

As soon as the words fell.

Fa Li Cai'er was also speechless at this moment, she didn't expect that someone would climb up from the other end of the mountain.

The sneers on the faces of several people actually surrounded Lu Yu and her together.

"There's a river ahead, or I'll leave with you, I'm a good swimmer, I should be able to take you for a ride." "

She looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, now this Guli Aye is here to avenge that slap in the face, if Lu Yu is caught by them, something will happen.

"No need, I'm afraid that you will be careless and let me sink to the bottom of the river, it's just this group of little Luoluo, it's very easy. "

Lu Yuci smiled indifferently, he was holding two crutches in his hands, even if he had no divinity, with the strength of his body before the battle!

At least you can block it for a while!

"This ......"

Fa Li Cai'er immediately became anxious, thinking about carrying Lu Yu on her back, but seeing that this guy didn't even bend her waist.

Just looked at Guliaye with a smile, this guy wants to fight?


An icy laugh sounded from behind Lu Yu.

I saw a man with braided hair hurriedly walking over, and a cold smile appeared in his eyes.

On the face, he is three points similar to Gulaya!

Don't think about it, these two are at least brothers.

"Brother, this guy didn't plan to run before he saw you, and said that we are a group, but little Luo Luo, it's easy to deal with us. "

He looked at Gul Aye and waved his hand, holding the long sword in his hand at the moment, looking at Lu Yu's legs and his crutches.

I couldn't help but shake my head, and there was a trace of cold anger in my eyes.


When the people around him heard this, they burst out laughing, and the laughter leaned forward and backward.

"This ridiculous kid really thinks of himself as the number 1 person, and says he can fight us. "

"Don't look at his lame legs, leaning on this team of crutches, I thought it was quite pitiful to beat him, but now looking at this arrogant tone, I want to break his hands. "

A tall man was only two meters tall, with muscles in his arms, but he was wearing a pair of long sweatpants.

There is a huge iron ball like a vegetable jar under his hand, which he abandoned and catched!


Gul Aye sneered and waved his hand back at this moment.

I saw a group of people, and they surrounded the two of them, Fa Li Caier and Lu Yu.

"Fa Li Cai'er, there is no such thing as you here, get out of here!"

He looked at Fa Li Cai'er and sneered.

Some things are still in a hurry, especially now that Lu Yu is a guy, he must teach him a lesson.

Later, that Brownis was easy to solve, but it was just a little trick!

"Phew, I'm not leaving, how can you beat people? If that's the case, I'm going to sue your special department and see how you guys are still messing around!"

Fa Li Cai'er protected Lu Yu behind her, opened her arms like an old hen guarding her children, and looked at the fierce Guli Aye in front of her and scolded coldly.

"Ouch yo ......"

Gulliuxi sneered, shook his head again and again, looked at Fa Li Cai'er's body, and approached Gul Aya.

"Brother, listen to the words of the little girl, don't help our own family, if this matter is known by the special department, wouldn't it be a matter of brother's future?"

He looked at Guliaye and smiled, blinking!

"Damn, are you sure you won't get out of the way?"

A sneer appeared in Gul Aye's eyes, and her eyes looked at Fa Licai'er's body insolently.

"Bah, just don't let it! You two brothers are like dogs who can't spit ivory out of their mouths. "

"My dad will be here soon, if you don't leave, you will inevitably be beaten up immediately!"

She looked at the two ruffians in front of her and scolded coldly.


Gul Aye burst out laughing, watching Fa Li Cai'er be so arrogant, and the corners of her mouth hooked up with evil intent.

"It's so good, I didn't expect you to dare to talk to me like this, just take him down for me!"

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