This time, if the power of the evil gods is to add two ancient gods, then it will be fun to watch. "

Lu Yu smiled lightly, cut a steak in his hand, and looked at the tender gravy inside, the fragrance was good.

You can eat enough before the battle, and humans still have experience in this area!

However, it is more like a severed rice, especially the benign degree of the severed rice, and the taste is good.

"If you have fun, will my master be in danger?"

Josanif hurriedly walked over to Lu Yu.

If he needs someone else to die, he will be sad in his heart, but if his master dies, then he will be regarded as having no relatives now.

"Not necessarily. "

Lu Yu vetoed the view.

On the battlefield, anyone can die instantly.

There is luck in this, but on top of luck is strength, as long as you have enough strength, you can turn the tide of the situation!

"Immediately as soon as it is an action, everyone must obey my orders, follow me closely, and no one will be left behind, do you hear?"

"I hear you. "

Everyone nodded, then ate the meal in their hands, and looked at the people walking around the door.

Some are gathering, and sometimes they are discussing secrets.

"Adults are here, don't eat it, don't eat it, now hurry up and come out for me!"

An eager voice came from outside the door.

The chaotic crowd rushed out of the tent and formed a team.


A trembling sound sounded slowly in the sky.

In an instant, this white light flew out of the sky.

Paved with light and shadow steps.

The steps are like a road to the sky, radiating from the sky one after another.

"Wow! This turned out to be a powerhouse in the Genshin Impact realm, and it's really amazing!"

"Who says it's not, when we reach the god level, how can we compare to an eternal sun like us. "

"Yes, but the big war is coming, I'm afraid it's also such an adult, leading us to victory!"

"Yes, I must be more successful, maybe I can advance to the realm of true gods, and then Genshin Impact, I can also be a hero like an adult. "


Everyone's eyes were about to shine with a dazzling brilliance.

They watched the light and shadow of this road in the sky descend from the sky, not to mention how envious they were.

"Load and load. "

Tan Si shook his head disdainfully, and said, "The speed of Genshin Impact is extremely fast, if there is a fart, it would be good to let it go directly, and now it has even pulled out such a big pomp, people who don't know think that he is an ancient god." "

"Interesting, Lu Yu, what do you think?"

Si Yan looked at Lu Yu and said with a smile, queuing is quite boring.

Now Lu Yu himself is the original god, but Lu Yu has strong combat effectiveness, and they don't have them to put on a score like this.

Lu Yu looked at the steps above the sky, and the white light that was bubbling all over the person's body walked down like a flame.

"I don't know, the strength of this Genshin Impact is not strong or weak, if you fight me, you can hold up two swords." "


A cold look suddenly came from a team in front of him, and said, "Even you, this kid, dare to talk about Genshin Impact-sama!"

"I really don't know the severity, I think our Genshin Impact was a god who fought for nine days, and he made great contributions in the war of the gods......

"Yes, I really dare to brag, you should be careful soon, if you want to be listened to by Genshin Impact-sama, I'm afraid you will die without a place to bury!"

The few people who turned around were indifferent to Lu Yu one after another, as if they were about to pull out the long sword on their waists, wanting to provoke Lu Yu.

This is to satisfy their maintenance of Genshin Impact.


The primordial god stood in front of everyone, his figure was tall and majestic, magnificent, and the radiance of the dancing divinity of the statue behind him made it impossible to hide darkness between any of the surrounding peaks!

"Lord Ovi Jiag, Lord Ovi Jiag, Lord Ovi Jiag......"

The mountains roared and the tsunami sounded.

Their eyes were full of fiery light, and they stared at Ovie Jiage on the stage.

"Quiet, my heroes, we are about to face a grand battle, perhaps the last ...... of our lives"

The lengthy opening remarks made the mystical brilliance turn in everyone's eyes.

However, Lu Yu and the others were almost drowsy by him.


The purple thunder of the Ten Thousand Daos in the sky suddenly descended in an instant, and the clouds and mist suddenly surfaced with the huge face of the evil god.

On top of the eight-sided peaks, purple thunder and lightning poured directly from the peaks to the valley, making this group of people already surrounded!


Evil voices descended from the sky, and the divine brilliance of Genshin Impact completely suppressed the surrounding light.

Huge faces, flowing clouds, a pair of fangs flashing with cyan brilliance.

"Oviegag, you guy is a fast runner, I haven't had a good fight just now. "

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