
An Ruiqin looked at Lu Yu's appearance and the divine nature around her, but she felt ashamed.

"You don't have to come to Genshin Impact yet, are you?

She looked at Lu Yu and said softly, looking at the Chaos Wheel Gun and the Claw of Time and Space in Lu Yu's hand, she seemed to understand something.

"What's the problem?"

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent.

The surrounding mountains suddenly went out from the ground, and from time to time from the sky, the huge mountains fell straight down.

This mountain peak is very strange, I don't know which direction the heaven and earth are, left or right, front or back.

"Forget it, you can't protect yourself, don't drag me down. "

An Ruiqin shook his head and directly broke free from Lu Yu's power of time and space.

"You may not be able to survive in this forbidden area, the reason why you saved me, but you want to use my power to break through, I will never be used by others, you go by yourself." "

She looked at Lu Yu and shook her head in disappointment, her footsteps rushed between these mountains, and with a single sword, the mountain peaks were broken, and the divinity on her body disappeared a lot.


Si Yan felt that Lu Yu had indeed saved people just now.

However, in the end, this An Ruiqin thought that they wanted to come to take refuge, and they looked high.

Lu Yu waved his hand, but there was no need to have anything more to do with this An Ruiqin.

Since he doesn't want him to save people, he just pulls it down, and he is lazy to pay attention to it.

"Let's go!"

Lu Yu looked at the mountain peaks in the distance and lifted the claw of time and space in his hand.


An Ruiqin's eyes were fixed on the white bone claw in Lu Yu's hand, and that white bone claw seemed to have the ability to distort time and space.

If she wants to stay, then the benefits to her are evergrande.

"Boy, I want this space-time weapon in your hand, I'll sell him to me for five evil gods, hurry up. "

She yelled at Lu Yu urgently, and in a flash, she turned into a ray of light, blocking Lu Yu's eyes, the long sword in her hand turned with purple thunder light, and the aura around her body rotated one after another.

"Nerves. "

Lu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to his duties, and turned the ability of the claw of time and space.

"What did you say?"

An Ruiqin's face was gloomy and watery, her fine eyes shone with murderous intent, and just looking at Lu Yu's strong aura made people shudder.

"Before I'm angry, you'd better get out of here!"

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent, and he slowly raised the Chaos Wheel Gun, and his fingers pulled the trigger.

"Boom Boom ......"

Mountains surrounded Lu Yu and An Ruiqin, and stone giants stood up, and round after round of bloody eyes rose high from the bottom of the mountain like a blood sun.

An Ruiqin's teeth were bitten slightly.

The Evil God King has already caught up, if he fights with Lu Yu at this moment, he will fall into the hands of the Evil God King again, so it is better to hurry up.

"Boy, if I see you next time, I will never spare you. "

The words fell, turning into an aurora of light and rushing into the distance.

Lu Yu took the Chaos Wheel Gun, and the spatial claw in his hand turned into a ray of light, and in the blink of an eye, he walked into the ripples of time and space.

"That An Ruiqin just now, it seems so unreasonable, he actually wants to rob us at a critical time. "

Tan Si frowned slightly.

Such a person is simply rare, such a temperament seems to be similar to the An Chamber of Commerce, and it seems to be somewhat similar to the previous human powerhouses, and said, "An family? "

Lu Yu nodded.

"The next time you see her, be careful, it seems that there are hole cards that have not been dealt yet. "

As soon as the words fell.

Beneath the surrounding peaks, bursts of magma erupted, enveloping them entirely.

"Hell Flames. "

Lu Yu took all the evil gods and true gods into his space with one move.

As the intensity of faith increased more and more, the divinity of the evil god king in Lu Yu's heart.

When the flames collide on both sides, the rocks fly!

Under Lu Yu's feet, a huge face began to slowly emerge.

"Boy, you ruined my good thing just now, you know?"

looked at Lu Yu with a big face and said in a cold voice.

Lu Fei'er walked out from behind Lu Yu, the Evil God King had a strong aura, if she was accepted as her subordinate, she would definitely be able to improve her strength.

"Lu Yu, we don't have to be afraid, now I will go with the two of you, plus the number of our evil gods, it is still okay to target an evil god king. "

She was eager to try, rubbing her little fists, if it wasn't for his sister telling her, everything would have to be up to Lu Yu, and now she had rushed forward.

Lu Yu shook his head with a smile, and waved his arm directly behind him.

"I haven't tried my strength yet, and I already have thirty godheads on my body, plus the power of your faith, if I can't fight an evil god king, I won't live at all. "

Lu Yu stepped out, and the Evil God King Godhead in his heart rotated wildly, and the power of thirty Godheads around him spun!

"This villain, it's clear that he just doesn't want to give me a point. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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