I had to kill someone, the evil god didn't kill him, but it was interesting to kill humans first. "

Lu Yu looked out the door, as if thinking.

Tans's brow furrowed slightly.

"Josanif is the will of his teacher, and there are two eternal suns under his hands, as if with the permission of Tudrin, but the real reason for this is only two, and I am not sure. "

"What is the content of the collaboration?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, but there was no need to fully inquire about what Qiao Sanif thought in his heart, after all, everyone has secrets.

Qiao Sanif said that although the West has already gone out a large area of evil gods and powerhouses, it has also discovered a large economic area, and many human powerhouses will turn into white bones after entering, and they have encountered many strange things! Some of them have also been lost, and some are missing. "

Tans reported.

"It turned out that they were using us as a stepping stone, but we happened to go to the West, and there were some things that we had to try, but if you put forward conditions to them, I think they would agree. "

Lu Yu nodded and agreed, the West is a must!

"Okay! "

Five days later.

Among the western camp of mankind.

"What? That kid ate the gall of the ambitious leopard, and dared to ask me for so many supplies, and the divinity asked me for two tons, and he thought he was drinking water?"

Tu Delin looked at the rows of data in his hand, and anger surged in his eyes.

Their human beings had already suffered countless casualties in the battle against the evil gods, but Lu Yu was actually taking advantage of the fire to rob.

Josanif looked at the set of data in front of him, and couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart, and smirked for a while.

"Okay teacher, now the number of people we have gone in has exceeded twice as many of this material, and I am afraid that some of our information has been leaked out, so he dares to open his mouth. "

"Damn it!"

Tudrin had a headache and gritted his teeth.

"Even a few elders have lost a few of them, but the guy who revealed the information should be you. "

Josanif's head shrank slightly, and a pair of eyes looked at Tudrin with some embarrassment.

"Teacher, when is this? Is it possible that all mankind is cooperating together? I heard that the side of the false gods is already preparing to start a divine war! But the group of people at the combat headquarters seems to be going forward, isn't this just helping the evil gods?"

He looked at Tu Delin and said with a wry smile, "This, who are they who are righteous? Who are the evils? The two words of justice behind us are probably written crookedly, twisted and pinched, and if you look closely, they are blood-red and will eat people." "

"Shut up, it's not your turn yet. "

Tu Delin scolded loudly, walked out of the tent, and looked left and right, but fortunately there was no one.

"From now on, you are not allowed to talk about the matter of the pseudo-god anymore, but if Lu Yu and they come, then agree to their conditions, go!"

Tu Delin could only slap the table, and he made his own decision!

In this tent, almost all the patriarchs are dead, and some are missing.

It can be seen how terrifying the outer god forbidden area in the western region is.


When Josanif heard this, he hurried out of the tent.

He had long wanted to act with Lu Yu, after all, Lu Yu was a pseudo-god, and the main target of the battle was the evil god.

I heard that he made a few shots, and he was very happy in his heart.

"You kid! It's not like you want to hook him with a soul, you have to remember that you're from the War Department. long

Tu Delin hurriedly followed behind Josanif, wanting to say a few more words, but he didn't expect that Josanif had disappeared.

"Hey, what's that going on?"

I clapped my palms, and I always felt ashamed in my heart.


Blazing desert.

The steaming up makes the surrounding distorted heat, and everything is distorted as far as the human eye can see.

"Lu Yu, when are we leaving?I heard that you did a big job in the south, and you also died an evil god king. "

Qiao Sanif looked at Lu Yu and smiled, "Park the car at the door of the cave." "

From under the sand, Tan Si and Demon Wine shook the grains of sand on their bodies.

Hurriedly walked towards Josaniv.

Lu Yu walked forward, and the dark cave was already faintly hot after the hot wind blowing.

They don't feel the heat anymore.

"I didn't do it to the Evil God King, set off immediately, I can't wait any longer, I heard that a few of you are missing, right?"

"Yes, if we can get them out this time, then we will double our supplies. "

"Then you, did you bring the supplies this time?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, the divinity behind him was not mistaken, but the godhead was the material he wanted.

Demon Wine did not hesitate, and directly handed the five godheads in his hand to Lu Yu.

Although it is a little smaller, it is indeed a godhead, and it is complete, and there can be no mistake.

Lu Yu didn't pick the size of a godhead, and walked into the desert where the scorching sun landed with Demon Wine and the others.

"Tans, from our group of believers, pick out the five most zealous people of the faith. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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