That's it, I have more means waiting for you, ridiculous guys, what a pity,"

There was a sound of displeasure in Lu Yu's voice, and he walked out of the system space in a single step, and said, "Alos, now you will lead them!"


Out of the darkness came a spider, it was Alos!

Although the one hundred and eight eyes are no longer as powerful as they used to be, many evil gods must obey his command, this is Lu Yu's order!

"Kneel, master!"

Looking at the many evil gods in the audience, Alos said excitedly.

He stood on the fingers of the Thousand-Handed Demon God.

The evil gods looked up at the system space, and the evil gods lowered their heads one after another, bowing down to this statue.

"Oh my God, I feel that the evil gods are being destroyed, and I can't be destroyed by a human being!"

"Why! Why am I humiliated here? I can feel that the evil god is a lowly being?"


Inside the spaceship.

The divine brilliance above Lu Yu's body became stronger and stronger, and with each round of evil gods worshipping at his feet, the divine brilliance became more and more abundant.

On Lu Yu's cheeks, which were as white as jade, a few traces of blood slowly floated, like a cherry red.

The color of God's skin cannot be borrowed or commented on with the eyes of mortals, it is only a mortal rotten view.

"Buzz Buzz ......"

Several believers around Lu Yu felt that the blood in their bodies was hot.

Their godhead slowly floated, swirled, and condensed! The divine power regained their vitality.

"This, how is this possible, have those evil gods already forced themselves on you?"

Antia said silently, she didn't expect Lu Yu to be able to make such a large number of evil gods surrender to him in this short period of time!


The Bone God reminded Antia that she had too many words.

If it arouses Lu Yu's dissatisfaction, he may die without a place to be buried!

Lu Yu was satisfied with the White Bone Evil God's approach, which saved him a lot of tongue!

Si Yan, Demon Wine, and Tan Si were smiling, Lu Yu was really extraordinary, and it had already achieved results at the moment!

Si Yan's own divinity has recovered the fastest, and his divinity has increased, and his divine power has faintly surpassed that of the true god!

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Tans.

"Miss Si, why is your mystery stronger than that of the demon wine predecessors, can I ask?"

Si Yan's face turned red and turned his face to look

"Don't ask!"

Demon Wine waved his hand, interrupting Tans's inquiry.


Tan Si nodded gossipily, and ushered in more white eyes from the demon wine land.

Not for a while.

"Let's go, I think I already know what that guy is here for. "

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up a smile, and he saw that the divine brilliance of his whole body slapped on the spaceship.

"Phew. "

The spaceship turned into a white glow, shuttling through time and space.

The surrounding void space turned into black hideous cracks.

"It's pretty fast. "

A smile tugged at the corners of a woman's mouth, and the statue of a god that appeared behind her was herself!

However, compared to her own body, this ontological statue is even more majestic and huge, and the divine aura is more and more rich and powerful!

"Master Lufeier, that kid in front of you seems to be better than us in speed, or go back!"

A small mushroom-headed evil god whispered, Lu Fei'er is a false god, a false god who enslaved their evil god power!

False gods, they need believers.

If it is a false god believer, it is even better, because the power of their faith will be more pure, and the belief of one false god is more effective than ten evil gods!

This is the reason why she is determined to take down Lu Yu!

"Impossible, Amos, your guts are too small, just now when I watched those two humans fight with those evil gods, I wanted to fish in troubled waters, but this kid is good, he dared to take the lead. "

Lu Fei'er straightened her jade nose slightly, and her eyes were arrogant.

"However, it is even more wonderful for me, if I take him as a slave, the power of faith he absorbs will be subject to my control!"

Amos nodded slightly, the master of the past two days is indeed like this, he has captured more than twenty evil gods, and has supreme power.

If you go against your master, you are tantamount to asking for your own death!

That pseudo-god human, just think he was unlucky, and he actually hit the muzzle of the gun.


In time and space.

Time flies, passing through the sun and the moon.

They feel both long and short.

Flew over mountains, rivers, the Gobi Desert, from lush forests, wandering, abandoned cities, to the endless ocean!

"Damn, where the hell did this guy go? Could it be the territory of the evil god?"

Lu Fei'er was puzzled by Lu Yu's direction.

Lu Yu, the bastard, seemed to be flying aimlessly, leaving her behind, and taking advantage of the speed!

However, the speed is fast and does not dump her, like fishing, add her to the south and lead her!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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