A week later, a piece of shocking news spread around the world, instantly detonating the sea!!

""The end of the"Yonko" era!!"

"The Beasts Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates have all been defeated!"

""Demon King Thistle unifies the new world!"

"The Fallen Angel Pirates are about to ascend to the Pirate Throne!"


On the front cover of the newspaper were two eye-catching photos, showing Kaido and Blackbeard falling to the ground in defeat.

No one thought that in just one week, the two"Four Emperors" who once dominated the New World and dominated the entire sea would come to an end!

"Lord Thistle really did it!!"

"Unify the entire new world!! This...this...even the"Pirate King" Roger back then couldn't do it!!"

"Lord Cecil is the new Pirate King!"

"This sea...is going to change……"

"It’s over... Why is this happening? Why are evil pirates allowed to unify the new world? Will the sea be ruled by pirates? What is the Navy doing?"

"Hahaha...I want to go to sea, I want to join the Fallen Angel Pirates……"

"No! The Navy will never give up on us, justice has not yet been defeated!"

"This reminds me of the Rocks Pirates back then...ahem……"

The Fallen Angel Pirates single-handedly defeated the two"former" Yonko Pirates at the same time, establishing an unparalleled dominance!

There are even many calls for calling"Demon King" Thistle - the Pirate King!!

At the same time,"Blackbeard" Teach was ridiculed as the most"short-lived" Yonko! He has only been in the position of"Four Emperors" for less than three months.

New World, Demon King Island, Palace Underground Prison.

Kaido's whole body was tied up with thick seastone iron chains, his limbs were twisted irregularly, and many parts of his body were blackened. He was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and he was extremely fierce.

"Vegapunk, can your tranquilizer work? I think he still has strength."

Lafitte stepped and danced, turned his cane, and asked with an evil smile.

"Humph, that was specially made by me. Even after injecting such a large dose into the captain, he would still be paralyzed for half an hour. Kaido wouldn't be able to stand up until he recovered in a few hours. Wearing a white coat, the tall and thin Vegapunk said proudly:

"Besides, you broke his limbs, and he won't be able to recover for a while. Sia put her head in front of Vegapunk and asked excitedly:"After injecting your sedative, the captain will be powerless for half an hour?""

A small hand stretched out to Xia Xia's ear and twisted it viciously:"Uncle Xia Xia, what do you want to do?"

"Oops~ Oops~ Be gentle...be gentle, little princess...Uncle Xia is just asking casually."

Xia turned her head in pain, looked at the fierce little Zixi bitterly, and said with a flattering face.

"snort——"The little guy snorted arrogantly and let Xia go.

Sisir ignored their nonsense and stood at the front outside the cell, looking at Kaido Kaido indifferently.

"Thistle, don’t look like a winner, kill me if you can!"

Kaido widened his eyes fiercely and roared arrogantly.

Even though he was imprisoned by his subordinates, his domineering momentum has not diminished at all, and he still shows terrifying power. He is worthy of being called"Hundred Beasts" Kaido!

"What did you say!"Little Zixi's domineering aura came out of her body, and she stared angrily at"Hundred Beasts" Kaido.

She would never tolerate anyone who dared to be disrespectful to Thistle!

Thistle stretched out his hand to block in front of Little Zixi, making the little guy He calmed down his anger, looked at Kaido and said calmly:"You still have some value."

After that, he walked outside……

"Thistle!"Kaido shouted.

Thistle stopped but didn't look back.

"The new world is already yours. If it were you, you would definitely be able to do it.……"

Kaido struggled hard, making the iron chain of the sea tower clang. Even though he knew that Kaido couldn't break free now, it made many people around him nervous.

Kaido stared at Thistle and yelled with fervent eyes:

"Start a war that sweeps the world!!"

"Tell me, Cecil……"

Thistle turned around and looked at Kaido. The two met each other's eyes, both looking at each other.

No one around him spoke. For a moment, the atmosphere in the prison was extremely depressing.

"If this is your last wish……"Sisir said coldly:"I promise you!"

"Ha ha ha ha………"

Kaido kept laughing wildly with high energy. He was still the awe-inspiring"Four Emperors", still as powerful as a demon!

Sisir turned and left, followed by several cadres. Only Lafitte stayed. In this prison, the two"Four Emperors" were suppressed."

"Captain, you promised me that Kaido would be left to me to study."Vegapunk emphasized again enthusiastically, for fear that Sisile would regret it.

"Don't worry, he's yours. Sisir said calmly:"

However, as a respect for the strong, let's erase his will!""

"no problem."Bega Punk agreed immediately, his eyes started to heat up.

"But before that, let me know the secret of Blackbeard’s body." Thistle added

"give it to me."Vegapunk said confidently


"Captain..." Van Oka took a few steps forward.

"In one month, I will purge the new world, and kill all the disobedient ones!"


Gion hugged Thistle's arm and said softly:"Dear, for such a big victory, we haven't even held a banquet yet."

"right! right! right! There are also banquets."Xiao Zixi jumped up and down and nodded repeatedly.

"昳hahahahaha...how can there be less banquets!"

"Starting tomorrow, there will be three days of carnival on Demon King Island!"



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