At this time, in the palace on the island, Sisir was talking on the phone.

"Do you really not need me to go back?"The phone bug imitated a very elegant and noble look.

The corners of Sisile's mouth turned up, showing his white teeth:"No, Enelu and the others are enough! Compared with this, I am more curious about the partner you found, and you can actually value it and keep it by your side!"

"Ah...Padong, a very interesting little guy! Ryder said elegantly:

"Moreover, he is also an animal type-canine fruit-phantom beast type-one with the ability to transform into a raccoon form!"

"Well, then when you are done with this"travel", bring it back and have a look!"Sisier said with a slightly interested smile.

"Are you going to wipe out all the forces in the New World this time? Ryder asked

"That's not a hurry……"Thistle shook his glass and said calmly:"It's not time for a decisive battle with the World Government!"

If Thistle launches an all-out war against the New World now, the World Government will definitely not let it go and will definitely do its best to suppress it!

"I understand, please tell me when you need me."

Ryder nodded with understanding in his heart. He has been living in the sea for decades. How could he not know the style of the World Government...

After putting down the phone, Thistle slowly took a sip of wine and raised his eyebrows sternly. Said:"While there is still some value, cherish the last time."

A ray of breeze blew by, lifting the curtains in the house, reflecting the calm sea outside the window.………

At the same time, somewhere in the new world

"Woohoo...where is this?"

A little boy dressed in traditional Wano samurai attire, with all the hair on his head shaved off, leaving only a bun on the back of his head, and wearing a pair of wooden clogs at his feet, with runny nose and tears, looking around vigilantly.

"Young Master, our lady should have sent us to the world twenty years in the future!"

Wearing a light kimono with black and orange on the left half and plain color on the right half, with two long swords on his waist, the man looked around and said.

The tears still remaining on his face showed that he was suppressing a huge amount of pain in his heart. sad………

"If this is really the world twenty years from now, we must collect news about the current sea as soon as possible, especially"Hundred Beasts" Kaido!" said a tall and ugly man.

He has half-moon eyes, a high nose bridge, thick lips, and flushed cheeks. He is wearing a traditional vest and robe, with bare feet and herringbone sandals.

In addition, he also carries a A large sword shaped like a writing brush, with a pen tip at the end of the scabbard

"That's right, let's go to Zou first. Your Highness Momonosuke, cheer up and avenge Oden-sama!"

A man with a huge head, lightning-like eyebrows, a crescent scar on his forehead, a crab-like hairstyle, big set teeth in his mouth, and wearing a traditional kimono said

"Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizo……"Momonosuke put away his tears, looked at his three retainers firmly, and nodded heavily:"Yes!"

"Where is Xiaoju?"Momonosuke looked at it and asked

"I don’t know, maybe they were separated when they traveled through time."Kinemon also looked confused.


The four of them were actually sent to the current sea twenty years ago by Kozuki Oden's wife using the time fruit power!

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The war on the summit two years ago almost destroyed Marinefando, but the Navy still spent a lot of effort to repair the headquarters without changing its location!

And compared to two years ago, the Navy Headquarters is more spectacular, the firepower is more intensive, and the headquarters building is much more majestic.

In the marshal's office, the lazy Kuzan yawned listlessly.

A year ago, because the revolutionary army was"annihilated" and the marshal of the three armies was always vacant, Warring States was promoted to commander-in-chief of the army as an exception!

Akainu died in the war, Kizaru's character is not suitable for the position of marshal, and Aokiji has a high reputation in the navy headquarters, so Kuzan is naturally promoted to navy marshal!

As for the vacancies of the two generals, two"monsters" from the"World Recruitment" were promoted to the new navy generals in an exceptional manner!

Codename:"Fujitora""、"green bull"!

"Kuzan, you still have the mind to sleep. Haven’t you read the information about the new world?"

As soon as Lieutenant General He came in and saw Kuzan who was still dozing, he immediately became furious.

"Ah la la, Granny He, you are here……"Kuzan wiped his eyes and said hello lazily.

"Um?"Lieutenant General He looked at Kuzan with sharp eyes.

"Ah, well, that’s actually not a big deal! Kuzan quickly sat up straight and said quickly:

"Although it has been determined that Whitebeard and the others will fight back against Cecil, even if they repel the Fallen Angel Pirates, they will not be able to do anything to Cecil!"

"If you win, you will repel the invasion of the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

"Losing is just a loss of territory, which is normal in the new world!"

"They will not fight to the death, and it will be difficult for us to make profits from them! Therefore, we don’t need to interfere, just watch them fight.………"

Kuzan slowly recounted his analysis, and Hezhong crossed his hands and put his hands on his chin, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"You are right, Sisir did not personally take action, and the current offensive of the fallen angels does not seem to be to annex the entire new world!"

"However, you still can’t be careless!"

Ao Pheasant nodded and said:"I have asked Porusalino to go to the New World to monitor it in person. If there are any emergencies, we will make a decision!"

"Well, that’s fine too!"Lieutenant General He looked at Kuzan with joy. Kuzan has really grown a lot as Marshal!

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