"Ding! Option two! Give the sealed jar to the system and you will get a random ultimate monster form time clock."

"Option three! By finding a member of the Linduo clan and handing the sealing jar to the latter's hands, you can gain powerful sealing power and have a natural ability to defeat Gurungi."

Qin Ye looked at the tattered earthen jar in his hand with a strange expression. He didn't expect that the latter was actually the thing used by the Linduo clan to seal the Gurungi clan. Now it seems to be a little more mysterious.

It's just that Qin Ye doesn't know how to repair it, and what kind of special power will he have after repairing it? If it is some useless ability, it will be a waste of water. According to the cheating attributes of the system, it does not seem impossible.

It's just that option 2 is selected. Although Qin Ye longed for the ultimate monster timetable, he was not too yearning for it. Qin Ye had some expectations for the unknown special ability. In this constant entanglement, Qin Ye made a choice.

"I choose option one!"

I hope this choice will not disappoint me," Qin Ye murmured in his heart. He gave up the ultimate weirdo timepiece that was within reach.

"Wind beast, you are indeed an auspicious beast. This thing may be very useful. You have accomplished a big thing. Tell me, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you to it."

Qin Ye rubbed the wind beast's head and said in praise.

The wind beast was very useful to Qin Ye's praise and said softly

"You can eat anything, I don’t choose."

Qin Ye nodded matter-of-factly.

"Then eat western food? It’s from my dad’s house and it doesn’t cost much."


Lan Ye laughed at the side, and Feng Beast also had black lines on his face. Although he said it casually, you don't have to be so casual, right? How long have you been eating this Western food? If you continue to eat it, Feng Beast is afraid that he will... Spit it out.

Qin Ye chuckled.

"Just to tease you, call Yue Yuyue and the others in the evening, and I will take you to have a big meal."

The three of them were chatting aside, obviously not paying attention to Godai Yusuke.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

A girl with a sweet appearance and wearing work clothes ran out of the polepole shop in a panic. She was also going to deliver takeout, and then she discovered Yusuke Godai who was vomiting beside him.

Yusuke Godai waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. The dizziness has disappeared, but my feet are still a little floaty, and I always feel like I'm still floating in the air.

"Minoru the Fifth Generation, the younger sister of Yusuke the Fifth Generation."

Qin Ye thought about it in his mind.

"Hello, I am Qin Ye, a friend of Yusuke Godai."

Qin Ye stretched out his hand and greeted Wu Daimin. The latter's eyes looked at Qin Ye, but they were full of bad intentions. It was obvious that she was worried about the three people watching.

Qin Ye smiled softly, he didn't Will get angry with a little girl

"I am helping Godai Yusuke adapt to his abilities in advance. If he continues to do this in the future, he will die if he doesn't throw up."

Wudaimei glared at Qin Ye fiercely, and was even more confused about what the latter said.

"Min, I'm fine. Qin Ye is my good friend. I asked him to do this this time. Don't worry."

After adapting for a long time, Godai Yusuke finally returned to normal, and said with a smile to his sister. After hearing Godai Yusuke say this, the hostility in Godai's eyes towards Qin Ye and the three men weakened a lot.

"Then come in."

Minoru Godai supported Yusuke Godai and took the lead in entering the polepole store. Qin Ye and the other three entered the store. Saburo Saburo was talking to the customers on the side. From the customers' perfunctory laughter, Qin Ye realized the deep feeling. Deeply helpless, but there is no way

"Yusuke, what happened?"

Shitama Saburo looked at Godai Yusuke who was being supported by Minoru Godai. He thought the latter was injured, and looked panicked. He touched Yusuke Godai's forehead, checked the latter's body again, and even wanted to peel off the latter. Check Godai Yusuke's pants.

If Godai Yusuke hadn't protested, Saburo Kodama might have actually taken off his pants.

"I'm just a little dizzy. Do you want such a big battle?"

Yusuke Godai was quite helpless.

Saburo Shitama said solemnly.

"Your father entrusted you two to me back then, and I can't live up to his expectations. Otherwise, if I die, I won't have the shame to see him."

Feeling Saburo Saburo's concern, Godai Yusuke had a warm smile on his face.

"I know you care about me, dad, but I'm really fine. There are so many customers in the store, why don't you go take care of me? Stop telling bad jokes, right? If your dishes weren't really good, I'm afraid the guests wouldn't come."

Shitama Saburo was quite happy at first, but after hearing the second half of Godai Yusuke's words, his face became unhappy.

"Most of them come to take care of the store's business because they like my bad jokes. My craftsmanship must come second."

"Yes, I think dad jokes are very good and I like hearing them."

Qin Ye spoke from the side.

Hearing Qin Ye's words, Shi Yusanlang held Qin Ye's hand tightly as if he had met a close friend.

"Qin Ye, I know that you are different from this guy Yusuke. You know how to appreciate things, you have an aesthetic level, and you are my Bole."

The corner of Godai Yusuke's mouth twitched, his body trembled, and he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Qin Ye, however, looked calm and withdrew his hand without leaving a trace.

"Dad, I’ll listen to your jokes later. Now I want to try your cooking. I haven’t eaten for a while, but I miss you so much."

The smile on Shiyu Sanlang's face became even bigger, and he turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll do it for you right now"

"Qin Ye, I didn't expect that you still have this skill and are very good at communicating with the elderly."

Yusuke Godai sighed loudly.

"Old people, as long as you spend more time with them and listen to what they say, they will naturally be very happy. It's just a few words and a few jokes. It's very simple. Maybe you want to hear them in the future, but you won't be able to do it. ? Cherish the moment, right?"

Qin Ye turned his head and smiled.

Hearing Qin Ye's words, Godai Yusuke was shocked. The smile on his face slowly disappeared. The respect for Qin Ye in his eyes was even greater, and he bowed down to salute seriously.

"Been taught a lesson."

Qin Ye waved his hand.

Godai Nen's impression of Qin Ye was much better, and he made up his mind to listen to more of his father's cold jokes in the future.

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