That's why, so when faced with such a Cage, Edward was very surprised.

Edward, who was standing in front of Cage, sneered and said, "Do you know why I came to you?"

"I don't know. Cage said.

Hearing this, Edward laughed and said, "Because I want to get to know you, after all, you have a high reputation at sea. "

What Edward is saying is the truth.

When Edward was young, he was also a pirate who dared to fight, otherwise he would not have known Whitebeard.

He's seen a lot of pirates.

So when he heard Cage's name, Edward came over.

One is to get to know Cage, and the other is to catch up with Snow White.

"Edward, I'm actually interested in you. That's when Cage said.

Hearing this, Edward smiled, after all, in Edward's opinion, Cage's strength was extraordinary.

If Edward didn't have such a vision, then of course he would definitely not be able to fight Cage.

It's because Edward has one thing that no one else can compare, and that is his unique vision.

As long as I have met a lot of people.

After walking with a certain amount of experience, there will be such a gaze.

But when Cage knew that Edward had such a gaze, he admired the man in front of him very much.

Because Edward didn't feel a little scared when facing Cage, and even felt Cage's challenge, so Cage would be able to appreciate Edward.

The reason why Cage thinks this way is because Edward is the only one who has shown that he does not admit defeat in the face of his domineering domineering!

Cage has never liked weak guys, so when facing Edward like this, Cage smiled with satisfaction.

"I really admire you, you are such a nice fellow, and I am really impressed by the amazing willpower you have shown. "

Cage said.

Hearing Cage say such a sentence, Edward smiled slightly, but did not say anything.

"Thank you!"

Edward said lightly.

After saying this, Edward rushed directly at Cage.


In the face of Edward's attack, Cage directly used his Susa Nenghu.

After all, in Cage's opinion, no matter how powerful Edward is, it is impossible to break through his own defenses.

"Then let's give it a try, let's just think we're talking. "

Cage said again.

"Okay, I'll accept your challenge!"

At this time, Edward said lightly.

Eye contact, as intense as lightning.

After all, in Edward's opinion, if he didn't have certain qualifications on the sea, then he definitely couldn't be a sea thief.

Even if it is strong, basically only a strong person like Edward can be regarded as the lowest level of a strong person.

So when Cage made this request, Edward was actually very happy in his heart, after all, he could see Cage's strength in this way.

If even Cage didn't have such strength, then he would definitely not come to Cage to join him, then his legends might be fake.

In other words, Edward hopes to test Cage's strength through such a competition, and then he can know whether the rumors in the past are true or false.

Because Edward wanted to see Cage's strength.


In the blink of an eye, Cage and Edward were fighting again.

Both of them moved very quickly.

Edward didn't react at all, but his body had been knocked flying by Cage.

Although Edward hopes to test his level by comparing with Cage, and even challenge how good Cage is, Cage's strength has shown.

Almost instantly, Edward was overwhelmed.

Not everyone has Cage's strength, and Cage can't reach this level without training.

If Cage's strength is not particularly powerful, then Edward is willing to obey Cage.

That's why, when Cage proposed for Edward to challenge himself, Edward gladly accepted, which made Cage satisfied.

When Cage said that he had to accept his own challenge

"Hahaha, then you guys fight!"

Snow White laughed and said.

Snow White was in a particularly good mood at this time.

After all, you can look at Cage's strength.

You can also watch this competition and learn Cage's fighting skills.

And then adjust their own combat effectiveness.

After all, Snow White's strength is not comparable to Cage, and Snow White has known this for a long time.

Others simply don't have a fighting skill like Cage, so when facing the powerful Cage, they will surrender.

So Snow White wants to see Cage fight, and then improve her combat power through Cage's fighting style.

Snow White is highly gifted in her own right, but she has reached her limits.

I haven't grown over the years. It is for this reason that Snow White is particularly puzzled.

In fact, whether it is Snow White or Edward, they all want to know about Cage in this way.

Even if the end result is failure!

If Cage didn't have too much strength, then he wouldn't be worthy of being Edward's own leader.

On the sea, only strong strength can become the hegemon.

If Cage doesn't even dare to accept this, then he is really a weak guy and does not deserve to be his own captain at all.

Suddenly, Cage looked at Edward in front of him and said, "Edward, hurry up and do it! I don't want to waste time!"

"Do you think you can split the winner with me in a short period of time?" said Edward lightly.

"Of course!" Cage replied.

Hearing this, Edward raised his eyebrows and said, "Haha, arrogant boy!"

At that time, Edward's lower body turned into sand and rushed directly at Cage.

Cage seemed to be full of indifference, facing the oncoming Edward, but he just used his domineering!


At this time, Cage directly used his overlord color domineering and instantly filled the entire hall.

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