"I see."

Furukawa suddenly realized that he finally understood why the benefits of seizing the chaotic universe were so huge.

The energy of the ordinary universe is simply not comparable to that of the chaotic universe, even if it has experienced the reincarnation of the universe.

It can be said that the elementary universe has reincarnated hundreds of times. None of them can compare to the reincarnation of a medium universe.

The same principle is true.

The reincarnation energy of a chaotic universe surpasses countless reincarnations of the supreme universe.

And the chaotic universe where Furukawa stayed, due to Furukawa's relationship, gave birth to countless Endless gods have swallowed up the doomsday energy one by one, and are obviously more powerful than other chaotic universes.

This also leads to the fact that once he seizes the chaotic universe, he will instantly have more power than the ordinary lord of the universe.

"With just one percent of the fusion, I actually have the power of ninety-nine universes of reincarnation. If it were 100 percent fused, how high would my power be?"

Furukawa's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

He can completely deduce such a result. Once he completely controls the original energy of the chaotic universe and successfully integrates them all, I am afraid that his power will be comparable to the title of Lord of the Universe.

Although I don't know if it can be compared. A gnawer, but at least he has reached the supreme state of being called the Lord of the Universe.

"But the power of the Lord of the Universe is truly amazing."

Furukawa clenched his fists, and he felt vast and huge cosmic power gushing out of his body. This is the energy that can only be possessed after being promoted to the Lord of the Universe.

And the mystery of this cosmic power far exceeds that of a saint. Imagine that it can not only cause terrible damage, but with a single blow, it is like the power of three thousand avenues condensing into one force, shattering the chaotic void.

At the same time, it also has the power of creation, and can create all kinds of things at will. Matter.

Once such cosmic power is activated, chaotic energy can be easily converted into endless matter. These materials will also be turned into nutrients within the universe and promote the growth of the universe. Therefore, the growth rate of a self-aware universe is far faster than that of only Once the instinctive universe has self-awareness, it can allow the universe to evolve independently, continuously swallowing the original energy in the depths of chaos, and accelerating the growth of the universe itself. It can be said that another title of the Lord of the Universe is the God of Creation.

To achieve Once you reach this state, you can easily create infinite matter and even life in the universe.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful."

Furukawa sensed that the power of the universe in his body was constantly flowing, containing infinite mysteries. It seemed that a ray of power of the universe encompassed the entire universe itself.

Moreover, the law of the three thousand avenues was also integrated into his body, forming a complete The reincarnation of the universe, endless life, eternity, and the birth of many immortal substances.

Vaguely, he felt that this power was more mysterious, and it seemed to allow him to touch the mystery of a higher level of power.

As Furukawa's body The power of the universe is constantly increasing, and the entire chaotic universe is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If the creatures outside the door see the chaotic universe, they will find that the chaotic universe has been entangled by the body of a giant snake, and it is wrapped around the body of a giant snake. A circle.

Such a phenomenon also makes the entire chaotic universe seem to be transformed into a primitive ancient snake, like a creature born in the depths of chaos, constantly swallowing the origin energy of the chaotic void.

This also makes the evolution of the chaotic universe faster than before. It's hundreds of times faster, even more than a thousand times faster. Compared with before, it's completely different.


But such a chaotic phenomenon immediately alerted the creature outside the door - the Gnawer.


The gnawer who was sleeping suddenly woke up. Its eyes opened, and it seemed to contain infinite destructive power. It was unknown how many universes and lives it had destroyed.

Ordinary beings just glanced at it, I'm afraid they will all fall into the ultimate madness and be unable to control it at all.

"what is going on? How much time has passed, why is this chaotic universe already under control?"

The Gnawer stared at the chaotic universe. It didn't know how many eras had passed, and it was one of the oldest existences. Its gaze was so vicious.

With just one glance, it instantly saw the chaotic universe. His own master has been born.

Although he is only the newborn master of the universe, the master of the universe is the master of the universe, far surpassing other biological levels.

"Damn it, really damn it, who is doing this? It’s just a creature in the gate. How can it be possible to take over the chaotic universe? What kind of joke is this?"

The Gnawer roared.

With its body as the center, it produced a terrifying chaotic sound wave, which simply destroyed everything. The chaotic area with an unknown number of light-years in radius was instantly shattered.

If there is an unlucky creature , If you come to this area, you will probably be shaken to pieces and nothing will be left.

It is simply furious now, and no one can imagine the anger deep in its heart.

Because this chaotic universe is something it does not know The prey that it has been searching for for so long is the greatest opportunity for it to rise from the title of Lord of the Universe to become the Master.

Once it is successfully devoured, it will become the supreme existence, superior to countless Lords of the Universe.

But this prey actually Wanting to run away and stop myself from being devoured, this kind of frustration and anger can't be described in words.

In fact, according to its calculations, no matter how powerful and talented the creatures in these sects are, they will occasionally produce unimaginable things. A miracle can give birth to a Lord of the Universe.

But such a Lord of the Universe will also be rejected by the Chaos Universe itself and cannot stay in the Chaos Universe.

It is basically impossible to successfully seize the Chaos Universe.

Even if It is extremely slim to obtain a complete inheritance in the Origin Continent.

But such a slim thing happened. The indigenous life in this chaotic universe not only really promoted to the level of the Lord of the Universe, but even took away the body of Chaos. The universe.

If it hadn’t witnessed it with its own eyes, it wouldn’t have believed such a thing. This is really ridiculous.

"The Void Angler must have been responsible for this. He must have done something wrong that time. Otherwise, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?"

In an instant, the Gnawer roared angrily. It remembered that the Void Angler once appeared in this chaotic universe, and the other party once wanted to fish for the treasures of this universe.

Although it only appeared once, it brought it great Be vigilant.

After all, this Void Angler is also an extremely ancient existence, almost as good as himself. If such an ancient existence wants to plot against himself, he will definitely use unimaginable means. It is completely conceivable that this must be the Void Angler What kind of tricks were done to cause such a change in the chaotic universe, and to allow the natives of this universe to be promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe.

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