one year later.

Under Furukawa's order, the leaders of all races in the entire Chaos World gathered in Chaos City. Regardless of the strength of the race, they were all qualified to appear here.

For those weak races, it is naturally a great thing. After all, they actually have the opportunity to come into contact with the legendary Chaos Demon God, the Lord of Chaos City. It is like a dream.

And this time, not only the weak races participated in the meeting, but also the Chaos Demon Gods.

Although 110,000 enlightened Chaos Demon Gods fell this time, in fact there are even more Chaos Demon Gods who have not attained enlightenment, numbering in the hundreds of millions, which is still considered a huge group.

Of course, the enlightened Chaos Demon God needs to attend this meeting. After all, every meeting held by the Lord of Chaos City in person will have great changes in the future direction of the Chaos World.

"In order to cope with future changes and the crisis of doomsday, I will establish a high-level council of the Chaos World. All living beings who have achieved enlightenment are qualified to become members, hold power, and participate in meetings that determine the direction of the Chaos World. Furukawa said solemnly.

He made up his mind to unite the power of all races in Chaos. Otherwise, they will be scattered like before and will be broken by the power of doomsday.

Only by establishing a world government can we fully mobilize everyone. The power of a race.

High-level council? Member?!

The eyes of many Chaos Demon Gods and leaders of various races flickered. Although they did not understand what this term meant, there was no doubt that the Lord of Chaos City had decided to unify all races in the world. Form a super force.

If other Chaos Demon Gods had such an idea, no one would listen and would just sneer at it. But if this is proposed by the Lord of Chaos City, then no Demon God will raise any objection. Even those who are enlightened by Chaos Even if the Demon God is not dead, no Demon God will put forward different opinions and will definitely agree with both hands. This is the power of the Lord of Chaos City, the strongest Demon God in Chaos.

He said he wanted to unify, so he unified.

He said he wanted to set up a council, and it will be set up. Parliament.

His words are the rules, and all life must play within these rules.

"In order to cope with the crisis of doomsday, I have built nine trillion worlds. Each of your races can randomly select a world as the base of your race."

Furukawa began to announce the first order.

The leaders of many races, especially those of weak races, were extremely excited and could be said to be ecstatic.

Because as the power of doomsday spreads and the chaotic wind blows, the entire chaos There are not many safe places in the world for races like them to survive.

Now there is actually a vast world where they can survive. What a blessing.

If this is not a huge opportunity, what is a huge opportunity.

In fact, not only Weak races, even powerful races, have also lost the gods of their own race, and are weaker than ever.

Once they are annexed by other races that still have gods, they will definitely die and be unable to resist.

But now the Lord of Chaos City says that he will Give them a place to recuperate, then which god dares to object?

"Lord City Lord."

At this time, a Chaos Demon God said:"Looking at the entire chaotic world, there are not nine trillion races, at most there are hundreds of millions of races. How should other worlds deal with themselves."

In the beginning, countless races appeared in the chaotic world because the gods continued to create races.

However, after experiencing the blows of the three apocalyptic forces, too many weak races have been wiped out in the long river of history.

In fact , Even the powerful races cannot withstand the blow of the doomsday force, let alone the weak races. The weak races that can survive until now are basically lucky and close to Chaos City.

So as of today, there are only hundreds of millions of races left in the Chaos World. , even if each race occupies one vast world, it is only a fraction, and cannot occupy nine trillion great worlds at all.

"Occupying other worlds is naturally up to each of your races according to their abilities. Whoever is stronger will be able to occupy more, and I will not interfere."

Furukawa said lightly.

After hearing this, some powerful races were very excited, because it was quite beneficial to them. With their strong strength, they could naturally occupy more of the world and obtain more resources.

Some weak races had solemn faces, which meant In the future, racial hegemony will be even more cruel, because the place is so big, and whoever occupies more space will naturally have an advantage.

"However, in the final battle, all parties suffered heavy losses. Within 10 billion epochs, you cannot use swords rashly. As for after 10 billion epochs, everyone will rely on their own abilities."

Furukawa gave them a time limit so that they could have time to recuperate and recuperate, so that they would not fight to death from the beginning and let Doomsday take advantage. If there were no restrictions, they would kill each other before Doomsday comes..

Some weak races are extremely excited. If there is 10 billion epochs, they may be able to develop from weak to strong, thus being able to compete with those powerful races.

But those powerful races are also very calm, because this world is The stronger the strong, the weaker the weak. Could it be that as the weak progress, the strong will not progress?

Wrong. It is precisely because they are strong that they progress faster than the weak.

Not to mention the 10 billion era, Even if a trillion epochs pass, it will not change the outcome of both parties.

Moreover, they suffered heavy losses when invaded by the doomsday forces, and they indeed need a period of time to recuperate.

None of the parties have any objections to this provision.

"There are also wise Chaos Demon Gods who need to integrate your kingdom into the stars, treating it as your future cave and war base. These stars will be the first line of defense against the doomsday in the future. Furukawa said solemnly, saying that he needed those Chaos Demon Gods to integrate the Kingdom of God into the Chaos Stars Zhoutian Formation, so that their Kingdom of God can be integrated into those stars.

Moreover, these Chaos Demon Gods need to guard the four directions and monitor the movements of the Doomsday Power at all times. No doomsday power can be allowed to cross the Chaos Stars Zhoutian Formation to protect the safety of countless worlds.


Many gods nodded. After this battle, they knew the horror of the power of doomsday. It is a terrifying power that can lead to death if you are careless. No demon god can underestimate it.

Even those powerful gods died because of this. Not to mention the other Chaos Demon Gods.

In fact, no matter how cautious you are, it is a matter of course.

Moreover, they feel extremely safe when they stay in the forbidden formation arranged by the Lord of Chaos City. At least they can combine the power of other gods. To fight against the doomsday.

If things don't work out, they can even contact the Lord of Chaos City for help. There is nothing wrong with this. It also has a huge guarantee for their life safety.

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