
Hearing the grateful voices of these villagers, World Tree Chenxi's heart moved. She felt that wisps of golden light seemed to be falling from the void and integrated into her body.

There is no doubt that these golden lights are the power of merit.

She saved the villagers in this village from famine and gained the gratitude of these villagers, so she naturally gained a lot of merit power.

It is said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Saving people is a great merit in itself, not to mention that she has saved so many people this time, so she will naturally gain more merit..


In an instant, after Chenxi, the World Tree, felt a large amount of light of merit pouring into his body, his cultivation level also recovered part of its strength, as well as part of its memory.

She felt her body was warm, as if she were soaking in a hot spring.

Immediately, many memories of practice flooded into her sea of ​​consciousness. She felt that she seemed to be able to master more techniques and more secret techniques at this moment.

If she can get more power of merit, she can recover her cultivation at a faster speed.

After gaining a certain level of strength, she felt safer

"By the way, it's not just this village that is in famine. Under the continuous drought, life in an area must have been affected. If these lives can be completely saved, then more merits will definitely be gained."

World Tree Chenxi suddenly felt happy. She felt that she seemed to have found a shortcut to gain the power of merit.


A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Within this month, the reputation of the Harvest God has spread throughout the area, making every villager confused by the famine grateful.

They were all extremely grateful, kneeling down day and night, chanting scriptures, praying and offering sacrifices.

After all, without the blessing of the gods, they would not have survived such a terrible famine.

Chenxi, the World Tree, naturally gained a lot of merit power. Her cultivation level was unsealed very quickly, and part of her cultivation memory was restored.

This also gave her a certain degree of self-protection in this trial world.

Vaguely, a towering tree stood in the deepest part of the forest, standing tall against the sky and the earth. It was surrounded by countless runes of the world. Waves of dim light from the world enveloped the entire forest, exuding an incomparable mystery.

"It turns out that this is just a small world."

After recovering part of the strength of the World Tree, Chen Xi, she used the power of the secret method to immediately find out where she was.

Soon she used the original power of the World Tree to sense where she was. It is a small thousand world. The area is not very large for the Chaos Demon God. It can even be said to be small. But for mortals, this is already an unimaginably huge world, and they will not be able to explore much in their lifetime. region, it is impossible to know the whole world

"It seems that if you want to gain a lot of merit power, you must control the destiny of heaven and earth in this small world."

The World Tree Chenxi touched her smooth chin. She knew that she could not continue to make small fuss like this. Saving people from famine was just a small means and could not gain much merit.

What is merit? In fact, merit is to do good to others. Heaven and earth, the contribution of doing beneficial things to the world and the race.

Doing good things to people is just an ordinary merit. This is the merit obtained by mortals, not gods, and no matter how much these ordinary merits are done, it will not be much.

It is like ordinary With a person's salary, even if she works for one or two hundred years, she may not be able to afford a house in a school district in Beijing. Only by starting a business and establishing a company can she achieve a leap in wealth.

Otherwise, she will be just a wage earner her whole life.

So if she wants to gain unlimited With endless merit, the best way is to become the master of this small world and completely control the destiny of this small world.

In this way, she will naturally obtain the greatest merit in the entire small world.

It is like doing it alone. Good people and good deeds can only help a limited number of people.

But if you set up a charity fund, you can help tens of thousands of people. If you set up a multinational company, you can feed hundreds of thousands or millions of people. A family affects tens of millions of people.

But if a country is established, it can affect hundreds of millions of people. You can develop the future of the entire country according to your own wishes. The better it develops, the more merit it will gain. Much.

The same reason.

If she completely controls this Small Thousand World and controls the fate of heaven and earth in the Small Thousand World, then all the merits of this Small Thousand World will belong to her, and she will also become the biggest contributor to this Small Thousand World.

"Outside of this Small Thousand World, there are other Small Thousand Worlds, and there are so many of them that they are as numerous as the number of sands in Hengsha."The beautiful eyes of the World Tree showed a glimmer of light in the morning sun.

She could sense that in this world of trials, there were not only the Small Thousand Worlds she was in, but also countless Small Thousand Worlds.

These Small Thousand Worlds Like stars, they are distributed all over the trial world. The sentient beings participating in the Six Paths Contest for Gods this time were randomly born in these small thousand worlds.

And she was also randomly born in one of these small thousand worlds.

"It seems that the future will definitely fall into a war between the Small Thousand World and the Small Thousand World."

The beautiful eyes of Chenxi, the world tree, showed a glimmer of light. Based on her years of experience in playing games, she could immediately see through the development trend of the times and future changes.

Controlling a small world and becoming the master of the small world is just the beginning..In order to compete for a large amount of meritorious power, the masters of these small thousand worlds will definitely launch cross-dimensional wars, and will definitely find ways to break through other small thousand worlds and devour other small thousand worlds.

This is something that will inevitably happen in the era and is the trend. , is a trend that cannot be stopped at all.

After all, devouring other worlds can promote this world, and thus promote it from the Small Thousand World to the Middle Thousand World, the Great Thousand World, and even the Prehistoric World, etc.

It is conceivable that in this world, There is no greater merit than the promotion of this world. Once the master of the world promotes the small world to the middle world or the great world, the merit gained is simply unimaginable. In comparison, her rescue of those victims just now is simply childish. The merit gained by doing something like this is simply a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning at all.

Waging a war may seem like a cruel act, but in fact it is of great benefit to the local world and can accelerate the evolution of the world. Enhance the power of the creatures in this world.

Therefore, war has two sides.

This world is also divided into Yin and Yang, which cannot be generalized.

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