
In an instant, the entire world began to shake, as if the six reincarnations were slowly turning, and the power of reincarnation spread throughout every corner of the world.

The next second, all the six-path beings in the inner world fell into a deep sleep, as if time had stopped at this moment, and their souls suddenly entered a virtual world.

This is a trial world, a sandbox world, formed by the condensed power of the six paths of reincarnation. All lives participating in the six paths of fighting for gods will enter this trial world to compete for the position of gods.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

Suddenly, rays of soul light were thrown into this trial world, and all sentient beings in the Six Paths entered this virtual world. It seemed that the entire Six Paths World was stagnant at this moment.

"Has it started yet? I don’t know who will get the Six Paths Godhead this time."

Furukawa sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the Six Paths of Samsara, calm and relaxed. After all, no matter who wins the Six Paths of God, he is still superior and the master of the Six Paths of Samsara.

And this time, the content of the Six Paths of God Contest is different. For the first time The Six Paths of God Contest is an attempt by the Six Paths of Reincarnation to devour the three hundred and sixty supreme universes, so that these Six Paths of Gods can take action to speed up the Six Paths of Reincarnation to devour the universe.

But it is different now. The Six Paths of Reincarnation has gained enough energy and has grown to To a certain extent, there is no need for these six-path gods to devour the universe.

Therefore, the content of the six-path god-fighting this time is the trial, which is the condensed content of the six-path reincarnation itself. The purpose is to select the suitable six-path god.


At this time, the trial world was in a small mountain village.

A little girl about seven or eight years old suddenly woke up from the bed. Her eyes widened and she looked around in confusion. She felt that the surrounding environment was extremely strange.

"what happened? where is this place? Where am I?"

The little girl blinked her eyes. She felt that she seemed to have lost her memory at this moment. There were many things that she could not remember at all.


At this moment, her spirit was shaken, as if a dark sea of ​​consciousness appeared in the depths of the sea. Like a bolt of lightning, the boundless black curtain was torn apart, and huge soul memories suddenly surged in.

She felt that many memories emerged from the depths of her soul, and countless pictures came in like a tide.

"So that’s it, I remembered, I am Dawn, the World Tree."

The little girl suddenly remembered her true identity. She is the Chaos Demon God who was first born in the chaotic universe. She is also the ancestor of countless plant life. She has mastered the supreme power and is called the Lord of the Universe.

This time she is also the lord of all living beings in the six realms. One of them, so she came to participate in this Six Paths God Contest. After all, for her, it was also an unimaginable huge opportunity.

"But am I not taking part in the trial of the Six Paths Fighting for Gods? Why was the memory suddenly sealed?"The World Tree blinked and felt very confused.


Immediately, a breath came from the depths of her consciousness again. This was instilled by Heaven, telling her a little bit of information about this trial world, which can be regarded as an initial introduction.

"It turns out that I am already in the trial of the Six Paths Fighting for Gods. This is the trial world of the Six Paths of Reincarnation."The Tree of the World suddenly realized, and she suddenly understood why she had lost her memory just now.

In fact, she was not targeted by anyone. All the lives that participated in the Six Paths Contest for Gods would have their memories sealed after entering the trial world. Memory.

The stronger the cultivation base, the faster the life can restore its own memory.

If the cultivation base is too weak, it may not be able to restore the memory in a lifetime, and it will be muddled through the trial of the Six Paths to Fight for the Gods. In this way Naturally, he will be eliminated as soon as he comes.

In fact, the speed of World Tree's memory recovery is quite fast. Almost as soon as he entered this trial world, he began to recover a certain degree of memory and knew his true identity.

If other practitioners If so, I'm afraid I'm still in a daze and don't even know where I am.

"No, I have not completely recovered my memory, only part of it, and my cultivation has been completely sealed. Now I am just a mortal."

The eyes of Chen Xi, the World Tree, showed a glimmer of light.

Although she knew who her true identity was, she soon discovered that she had only recovered part of her memory, but the memory of those cultivations could not be recovered for the time being.

Yes. Said that she is a novice now and does not understand most of the methods of cultivation.

What is even more frightening is that her original invincible cultivation has also disappeared, and she seems to have turned into a mortal and lost all her power. This makes All the methods she has are unable to be used

"If you want to restore your own memory and cultivation, do you need to obtain the power of merit?!"

The World Tree Chenxi touched her smooth chin. This was the message she got from Heaven. In fact, the key to determining the outcome of the Six Paths Battle for Gods is the power of merit.

If anyone can obtain the power of merit in this trial world, Whoever has the most power will be able to obtain the Six Paths of Godhood.

At the same time, if you gain enough power of merit, you can slowly unlock the seals on your memory and cultivation, thereby quickly restoring your cultivation to its peak.

That is It is said that restoring memory and restoring strength is the real key to this Six Paths God Contest.

After all, this time when entering the world of cultivation, all participants have their power sealed, regardless of their cultivation level, and everyone is on the same starting line..

If whoever unlocks the seal first and recovers his cultivation level, then whoever will have the advantage will have a better chance of obtaining the Six Paths of Godhood. This is a time difference. It can be said that the Six Paths of God Contest will start from the moment it enters the trial world. It’s started. It’s a race against time, and if you lose at one step, you lose at every step.

"It seems that I need to obtain the power of merit as soon as possible, otherwise if my true identity is discovered, I may soon be eliminated and lose the qualification to compete for the Six Paths God."

Chen Xi, the World Tree, clenched her fists.

Although she was naive, she was not an idiot. After living for such a long time, she had already become an adult. At this moment, she suddenly realized the cruelty of this trial, even if it was If the aloof Chaos Demon God is careless for a moment, he will be eliminated in an instant and completely miss the chance to be the God of Six Paths.

Because the key now is to restore memory and cultivation. Whoever can restore cultivation first will be able to succeed here. They have an absolute advantage in a competition.

If the person who recovers his cultivation first is ruthless enough, he can directly attack other competitors, kill all those who participate in the trial, and eliminate them early.

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