"They are all rotten evil creatures, and they dare to scream in front of me."

Seeing these enemies coming to attack, Furukawa glanced sideways, feeling very calm in his heart, with almost no disturbance.

He immediately took out a talisman from his body. It was obtained from the dark organization after the previous annihilation. The six-character mantra contains six origin characters.

Each origin character has incredible power. If the six origin characters are superimposed and complement each other, this is not as simple as one plus one, but presents Growth at the multiple level.

This has also resulted in the power of the six-character mantra being unprecedentedly powerful, probably even comparable to that of the Lord.

Om, ma, ni, bang, mi, hum!

In an instant, as soon as the six-character mantra came out, Buddhism The six voices burst out at the same time, just like the first syllables of the universe sea, containing unparalleled sacred power. At the same time, the original energy of Furukawa was superimposed, which doubled the power of these six-character mantras.


Suddenly From these six origin words, bursts of vast golden light erupted, just like the Buddha's light in Buddhism, dyeing the area with a radius of hundreds of trillions of light years into gold. Vaguely, countless Buddhas seemed to Sitting in the chaotic void, meditating cross-legged, beating wooden fish, and reciting a series of supreme Buddhist sutras.

Endless Sanskrit words are superimposed together, seemingly forming an endless Sanskrit chant.

The power of this six-character mantra is extremely powerful, Although it is only an auxiliary ability, one thing is that it has unimaginable lethality against evil creatures, almost overwhelming destructive power.

The moment the six-character mantra vibrated, it seemed that the entire universe was echoing Om, well, , Ba, Mi, Hum, the six-character sound buzzed.

This chaotic space and time vibrated at this moment, as if a huge bell was vibrating, clanking, clanging, clanging, like morning bells and evening drums.

It can be said that this is the unimaginable power of the origin of music.


"It hurts so much, my head hurts so much, it feels like someone has opened it"

"Damn it, what kind of sound is this? How come it feels like the rhythm of the origin, the first syllable of the cosmic sea, contains incredible power?"

"Stop, stop now, stop shouting, shut up now."

Immediately, these evil eyes, those taboo creatures imprisoned in the infinite prison, and the corpses crawling out of the graves were severely injured. They screamed shrilly, as if Sun Wukong had encountered a tight curse. I suddenly felt a splitting headache, as if someone drilled my head with an electric drill, causing them to feel unprecedented pain.

Even the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty were probably nothing more than this. I have never experienced such torture in my life. What is even more terrifying is that , their bodies were illuminated by endless Buddha light, as if ice and snow met the sun, they melted one after another, making sizzling sounds at the same time.

Each one of them let out a shrill scream, and disappeared completely almost instantly.

To be honest, it's not that they are not strong enough, it's just that they encountered the restraining power of the six-character mantra.

Especially the corpses crawling out of the cemetery, they were even more powerless to fight back, and the vitality in their bodies was wiped out all of a sudden. Let them completely return to the tomb, losing all power.

Their skeletons were directly destroyed, and the power of death on them was instantly dispelled. They returned to the chaos, and their souls were integrated into the deepest part of the chaos. It seems that at this moment they have obtained Complete rest.

Even before they disappeared completely, each of them looked extremely calm and happy. It seemed that they had finally escaped the control of the master and could return to eternal peace.


As the six-character mantra continued to vibrate, it seemed that There are billions of Buddhas reciting scriptures of salvation, allowing all dead creatures to find complete rest.

Those corpses crawling out from the depths of the tombs have suffered heavy injuries. No matter how powerful they were in life, death They are also dead objects after that, with their own huge shortcomings.

Facing the power of the six-character mantra, they have almost no power to resist.

This is not only true for these corpses, but also for those evil creatures. This is the biggest encounter they have encountered. His nemesis was severely damaged almost instantly and could not pose any threat to Furukawa.

In an instant, with Furukawa's body as the center, within an area of ​​hundreds of trillions of light-years, the Buddha's light shone, and all evil creatures were There is no escape.

All evil creatures who dare to be illuminated by the Buddha's light will be purified into residue in an instant, turning into wisps of smoke and completely disappearing into the cosmic sea. This time they are really dead. They will be destroyed forever. Even if the master of the Chaos God's Tomb personally takes action, he will not be able to make them crawl out of the tomb again.

"Haha, you are a bunch of idiots. Just because you want to deal with the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation is simply ridiculous. Let’s just look at it."At this moment, a group of weapon beings came to attack.

They were all subordinates of the giant axe. They were all knife beings, sword beings, axe beings, etc. They had mastered the art of weapons almost by nature. He is a born martial arts master.


It can be said that their strength is more terrifying than other cultivators. Their bodies are filled with Gengjin Qi, like the sharp force that tears the universe apart, and they are invincible.


The moment they appeared, billions of sword energies came bombarding them, constantly cutting through this chaotic time and space, tearing apart everything, and everywhere they went was like a locust sweep.

Any existence will be torn apart by such a sharp force, and no one can stop it.

And they are not evil creatures. They are not afraid of the power of the six-character mantra at all, so they attack and kill without restraint, showing off their monstrous edge.

"Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you are not a creature that belongs to this time and space, and you are not a member of fate. Just die for us and be destroyed immediately."

In an instant, another group of monsters arrived. They controlled the river of time and space, and the river of destiny, seemed to run through this chaotic time and space and enveloped this area.

This made Furukawa unable to escape or avoid.

They are the masters. Under the hands of the Eternal River are endless monsters of time and space and monsters of fate, from which endless power of time and space and power of fate permeate.

It is as if they themselves are symbols of the law of time and space and the law of fate, and they are the ultimate defenders of the law. Warriors, it is difficult for any existence to compete in front of them.

The moment they appeared, it seemed that time had stopped at this moment, forcibly condensing this space and time, trying to fix Furukawa in this second of time, making him unable to move..

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