However, this force was instantly resisted by the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which also made the original will of the universe helpless and had no place to use its strength.

"It can actually change our identity and attributes. What kind of power is this?"

These indigenous saints were shocked. They must know that the true spirit of every life is integrated into the depth of the origin of the universe. It is a part of the origin of the universe and is almost difficult to take out.

Even the monsters of the cosmic sea are like this. Although they have infinite The power of a horse, but it can only destroy, and cannot do such exquisite things.

But obviously this ancient universe can do such a thing, easily change their identity attributes, and extract their true spirits.

In this way, they are no longer natives of this universe, but residents of other universes. It is like immigrating and changing their nationality.

In fact, this is the unique ability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and it can easily Penetrate the depths of the origin of other universes and extract the true spirit of any life

Of course, this also requires the consent of the other party. If they do not agree, even the Six Paths of Reincarnation will be difficult to take out, and it will definitely be counterattacked by the original will of the entire universe.

But once agreed, even the original will of the universe cannot prevent the six paths of reincarnation.

Just like if a resident wants to change his nationality, the state cannot agree even if it wants to.

Therefore, these indigenous saints, like other sentient beings in the Six Paths, sensed the malicious nature of the origin of the universe and its powerful repressive power, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

This was the first time that they felt that the universe where they were born and raised had become extremely strange at this moment.

Suddenly, they began to wonder if what they were doing was wrong.

"don’t worry."

Taoist Lingxiao immediately saw the entanglement of these indigenous saints:"Although you have changed your identity and attributes now and become a member of our Six-Path Universe, you are rejected by this universe.

But as long as you help us integrate this universe into the Six Paths of Reincarnation and become a member of the Six Paths Universe, then this place will naturally accept you again, and you can also live in this universe."

To put it simply, he wants these indigenous saints to be the guides and traitors, helping the Six Paths of Reincarnation to conquer the universe.

Just like the traitors help the forces of other hostile countries to conquer their own country.

Once successful, the territory of the original country will be destroyed. Belonging to other countries, this is equivalent to the two countries integrating into one and becoming a part of it.

In this way, they will naturally be re-accepted by the original country, and their status can even be improved to a higher level.

And If they do this, for them, apart from having some immediate bosses, it is actually not much different from before.

"We understand, and we will assist you in conquering this universe."

Hearing this, these indigenous saints sighed. Since they have all boarded this pirate ship and even their identities and attributes have changed, it is naturally impossible for them to go back on their word. It can be said that this is a road without turning back, only one. The road goes dark

"Very good, in that case, then we are all brothers from now on."

Taoist Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

Although these indigenous saints are nothing for the time being, they are still saints after all. They are much more powerful than other beings and can completely make up for the shortage of manpower in his own power.

If this continues, then his power will A saint who continues to grow like a snowball, conquering one universe after another and annexing one universe after another.

By then, his team will surely become a force that cannot be ignored in the Six Paths Universe.

"Actually surrendered?!"

The Dark Emperor, the Light Emperor and the Zhenwu Emperor looked at each other, and they all saw each other's shock, and even felt a sense of sadness.

Because their multi-parallel universes are actually similar to these ordinary universes, once they are multi-parallel If the universe is discovered by the Six Paths Universe, then the entire multiverse will be targeted like a piece of fat.

And the fate of these indigenous saints is actually their fate. If they do not surrender, they will die.

In fact, they have no choice. If they don't want to die, they have no choice but to surrender and become a member of the Six Paths.

Putting themselves in their shoes, they feel that if the multiverse is discovered by the Six Paths Universe, they probably won't fare much better. It will be a matter of time before they are conquered.

"Fortunately, our multiverse itself is part of the Six Paths Universe, so this won't happen."

The Dark Emperor said through the sound transmission.

After such a long time, they have already known that the multi-parallel universe is actually a part of the six-path universe, and they are also a member of the six-path sentient beings.

If this were not the case, they would have known so long ago Expelled from the Six-Path Universe, there is no way he could have stayed safe and sound until now.

Therefore, the multiverse will not actually face the things that this medium universe has encountered.

"This is the sorrow of the weak. The cosmic sea is the real law of the jungle. The weak eat the strong. Fortunately, we are on the strong side. If we are on the weak side, we can only be slaughtered by others."

The Emperor of Light also sighed with emotion.

This scene alone was enough to make him sigh with emotion and feel the cruelty in the cosmic sea. Once the war fails, the entire universe will be conquered or even destroyed.

And this medium universe will also You are lucky. If you encounter those doomsday monsters, you will only die and become food in the mouths of those doomsday monsters.

"Mercy is a power that only the strong have. The reason why we pity these indigenous saints is just because we are condescending and look at them from the perspective of a strong person. There is no need to show mercy to them. To a certain extent, they It's also a good thing to be a member of the Six Paths Universe. At least you won't encounter some space sea monsters for no reason and be eaten alive."Emperor Zhenwu said in a deep voice.

He has lived for so many epochs and has merged with countless clones. His Taoist heart has long been extremely strong. He has reached the realm of the Great Dao and will not be easily affected by these things.


The Dark Emperor and the Light Emperor also nodded, agreeing with this.


The next thing is actually very simple. With these indigenous saints as internal responders, plus the cooperation of Taoist Lingxiao and others, the internal response and the external response can be combined. Next, all the rebel forces were defeated.

And this medium universe was also swallowed up by the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The origin of the entire universe was assimilated into a part of the Six Paths Universe, and all the natives were forcibly transformed into Six Paths sentient beings.

In fact, something similar to this scene Things are happening all over the cosmic sea and in many universes.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is like a dark giant beast, quietly assimilating into each universe.

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