
In an instant, millions of Dao evil spirits surrounded them. They seemed to have seen hungry wolves of flesh and blood, and instantly rushed towards the thirteen cosmic sea monsters.

"go to hell."

The Screamer and other thirteen cosmic sea monsters had ferocious expressions on their faces. They tried their best to burst out doomsday spells one after another, producing terrifying power and bombarding these evildoers.


Suddenly, a burst of doomsday spells The Dao Doomsday Technique bombarded, and half of the bodies of these Dao Evils were immediately blown away, and the chaotic time and space was shattered into pieces.

There were dense void cracks all around, shattering like glass, as if the universe was in chaos at this moment. They were all a bit messed up.

But the bodies of these evildoers shook slightly, and the endless power of sin surged from the depths of the void. In just a blink of an eye, their bodies returned to their original shape, and the breath on their bodies Even more powerful than before

"Damn it, the power of these guys can still be restored continuously, and they can swallow the power of sin coming from the mysterious portal."The expression of a cosmic sea monster changed, and he instantly saw the secrets contained in these evil beings.

"No wonder they recover so quickly. Even if we hit them with all our strength, we can't hurt them at all. It turns out that there is a steady source of power."

A cosmic sea monster suddenly realized.

In fact, this is also true. These sins contain the thread of reincarnation, which is connected to the power of hell. Through this reincarnation channel, endless power of sin can be instilled. It can be said that on the surface, these The cosmic sea monsters are contending with these evil beings. In fact, they are competing with the entire hell world, so they are not opponents at all.

No matter how much effort is expended, they cannot kill these evil beings.


But they didn’t wait until they thought about it. In order to find a solution, millions of Taoist demons came to kill them. They didn't know any magical powers or even any martial arts skills. They were just like wild beasts, good at basic actions such as jumping, tearing, biting and so on.

But Dao Zhi Jian, under the blessing of Dao Ni's endless power, often these simplest actions burst out with astonishing destructive power.

"not good!"

The hairs of the thirteen cosmic sea monsters stood up. They originally wanted to blast these evildoers away, but by this time it was too late. The evildoers had already rushed over and pounced on them in an instant, starting to bite them. stand up


Suddenly, Screamer and other cosmic sea monsters let out shrill screams, and their flesh and blood were instantly bitten into countless pieces by these black monsters.

If that's all, that's it. After all, according to the title of Lord of the Universe, It only takes one second for the body to restore energy and the body can be reorganized immediately and restored to its original state.

The problem is that these evil beings are highly poisonous and contain huge power of sin. These power of sin follow the wounds and instantly It penetrated into their flesh and soul.

Immediately they felt the endless darkness, curse, corrosion, poison and other forces coming, which spread throughout their bodies in an instant, and the power on their bodies was also visible to the naked eye. The speed is fading away.

What is even more terrifying is that there is a smell of decay and rot on them. They seem to have entered a state of decline, and the sanity of the soul seems to be almost gone.

"We can't continue fighting, run away quickly"

"Run away, run away quickly, escape from here, you can't fight against it."

Screamer and other cosmic sea monsters are extremely scared. At this moment, they feel the crisis of their own death. If they don't escape, they will definitely die. Now they no longer want to get the Lord God Space, they just want to get it from the Lord God Space. After escaping, they had no idea that they would be in such a crisis.

If they knew this, they would not dare to provoke them even if they were killed, but it was too late to say anything now.

But before they could make any move, Suddenly, reincarnation tentacles appeared one after another in the chaotic void, as if they were chains of order.


These reincarnation tentacles easily penetrated the thirteen cosmic sea monsters, and tied them up tightly in one fell swoop. It's so tight that their bodies can't move.


"Stop, stop now"

"Damn Lord God Space, what on earth do you want to do to us?"

"We also have a backend. If we are touched, we will immediately face endless revenge, you know?"

Screamer and other cosmic sea monsters were stunned. They felt that the power in their bodies was rapidly weakening, and an endless force of reincarnation instantly sealed all the energy in their bodies. It can be said that they can no longer escape. These chains of order are sealed so tightly that it is impossible to break free from these chains.

They are fierce and fierce at the moment, trying to intimidate the main god space and gain a chance to survive for themselves.

But such threats have no effect at all.

After all, even the nine masters are not afraid, even if It doesn’t matter how big the background of the cosmic sea monsters like the Screamers is. Is there anything more terrifying than the nine masters in the entire cosmic sea?!

So their voices are just the wails of bereaved dogs, and they cannot shake the main god space at all. Half a point.


In an instant, these reincarnation tentacles slowly moved, grabbing the thirteen cosmic sea monsters, and slowly dragged them directly into the thirteen black coffins.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

The next second, thirteen cosmic sea monsters were immediately imprisoned in these black coffins, with chains of order one after another wrapped around them, and dense runes of origin emerged.

They struggled hard in the black coffin and bombarded the black coffin frantically. They didn't want to be imprisoned in the black coffin, but obviously doing so was just in vain.

The Lord God Space does not want to kill these cosmic sea monsters for the time being, so it chooses to imprison them in the black coffin of hell, hoping to refine them into ultimate weapons to fight in the Lord God Space.


Immediately afterwards, those evildoers were also pulled back by the chains of order, and were imprisoned in the black coffin again.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

Not long after, millions of black coffins returned one by one from the Gate of Hell to the world of the 108th floor of Hell. When all these black coffins disappeared, the Gate of Hell also closed, completely Disappeared into the chaotic void.

The endless power of sin that originally permeated the surroundings disappeared at the moment when these evils disappeared, and all of them were taken back by the hell world.

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened before.

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