
After hearing Furukawa's speech, countless demon gods in Chaos City fell silent. They all sat cross-legged on the ground with solemn expressions, not daring to speak loudly for fear of offending the Lord of Chaos City.

"Chaos is unkind and treats all things as chú dogs; sages are unkind and treats the common people as chú dogs. In the midst of chaos, is it just like tuóyuè? Virtual and unyielding, moving and out. If you have too many words (shuò) and you are poor, it is better to keep the center……"

As soon as these words came out, countless demon gods were deafened and deafened, like thunder piercing their ears. The sound of the Great Dao continued to vibrate, and the words of the Great Dao circulated in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, 'Chaos is unkind and treats all things as cud dogs.'

They seem to have realized the truth of the original law of chaos.

Even the Demon God who didn't understand it felt vaguely enlightened. Obviously, the third sermon was very unusual. It was Furukawa talking about his understanding of the original law of chaos.

He doesn't care whether these demon gods can understand or not, he just tells what he has learned. As for whether these demon gods can gain anything, it depends on their own creation.

"Heaven and earth last forever. The reason why heaven and earth can last forever is because they do not generate themselves, so they can live forever. Therefore, the sage follows his body and comes first, and his body exists outside his body. Isn’t it because of his selflessness? Therefore, it can be done privately"


"If we hug each other, how can we not be separated from each other? Can a baby be born if he specializes in qi and becomes soft? Is it possible to eliminate all mysteries and become flawless? How can we be ignorant of loving the people and governing the country? When the heavenly gate is open and closed (hé), can there be no females? If you understand Sida, can you do nothing? To be born, to be an animal, is to be born but not to exist, to be made without relying on it, to grow without being slaughtered, this is called Xuande"


"Those who cannot see are called Yi, those who hear are not known are called Xi, those who fight are not known are called Wei. These three cannot lead to interrogation (jié), so they are mixed (hùn) into one. The upper part is not bright, the lower part is not ignorant. The rope (mǐnmǐn) cannot be named, and it returns to nothingness. It is called the shape of formlessness and the image of nothingness. It's called trance. When you welcome someone, you don't see the first one, and when you follow it, you don't see the rear. Holding on to the ancient way to control the present, being able to know the beginning of the ancient times, this is called Taoism"


"There are things mixed together (hùn), born in advance of heaven and earth. Silent and desolate, independent and unchanging, traveling without peril, she can be the mother of the world. I don't know its name, but its name is Dao, and Qiang's name is Da. The big day is called passing, the passing day is said to be far away, and the far away day is called reverse. Therefore, the Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, and the king is also great. There are four major ones in the domain, and the king occupies one of them. Man follows the earth, earth follows heaven, heaven follows Tao, and Tao follows nature."


"The way of heaven is still with the bow drawn! Those who are high will suppress it, those who are low will lift it; those who have more will lose it, and those who are deficient will make up for it. The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage. The way of man is not like that, if the loss is not enough, there will be more than enough. Who can have enough to serve the world? Only the Taoist. Therefore, one does not rely on the sage and does not rely on his achievements. He does not want to see the virtuous person (xiàn)."

"Words of faith are not beautiful, but good words are not believed; those who are good do not argue, and those who argue are not good; those who know (zhì) are not knowledgeable, and those who are knowledgeable do not know. The sage does not accumulate. If he thinks of others, he will have more; if he gives to others, he will have more. The way of heaven is beneficial but not harmful. The way of a saint is to work without fighting"


Furukawa spoke it in the language of gods and demons, every word, every word is like a pearl, containing the subtle meaning, as well as the infinite truth and mystery of the origin of the law of chaos.

Immediately, countless demon gods had a profound understanding. This was describing the supreme principle of the Avenue of Chaos.

"Chaos has no benevolent heart. It is the master of all things, constantly oppressing all things and pushing it like a blast. The process cannot be corrected, and everything will flourish and decline. No matter how powerful and beautiful things are, they are like chú dogs. Life and death are always inevitable."

There was an indescribable terror in the heart of a demon god. His whole body was trembling and he was sweating like rain. From it, he understood the truth of life and death, the cessation of life and death, the rotation of all things, all living beings are ants, and the ruthless truth of the great road.

Even though they seemed to be A powerful demon, but in front of chaos, he is just an ant, like a dog.

If you don’t want to be an ant, you can only go against heaven, transcend chaos, and prove the Tao with force.

Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to escape death, Ragnarok.

"No, that’s not right, this sentence shouldn’t be understood this way."

But there is also a demon god who understands another truth. It is calm and soul-melting into chaos:"Chaos itself is an existence of nothingness. It is because of it that all things are born. It is ruthless, but it is also the most fair.

It will not be merciful and favor other sentient beings, and allow all things to operate naturally without intervention; the saint will not be merciful and partial, allowing the people to control their own destiny without intervention.

Not intervening in all things and letting them fend for themselves may seem indifferent, but in fact it is the best attitude. This is the best way to understand the operation of the Avenue of Chaos."

It understands that if you want to become a saint and achieve the Great Way, you must have a tolerant heart that tolerates all things. Only by having the Great Way in mind, being ruthless and unrighteous, and having all four elements empty, can you achieve the Great Way.

And this is the great love of the saint, It seems heartless, but it is love

"Wrong, these understandings are all wrong. Laws have their own laws of operation, avenues have their own laws of operation, demons have their own ways of survival, everything has balance and laws, and everything in this world can be calculated. , Everything in chaos has its own destiny trajectory, which cannot be changed, participated in, or changed, otherwise it will definitely lead to great terror."

There is a glimmer of light in the eyes of the demon god, and endless data flashes from the depths of its pupils. It seems to have sensed the law of fate, and deduced the trajectory of countless demon gods and countless avenues.

It believes that the avenues can be calculated and deduced, and everything is possible. The trajectory of its destiny can form the balance of all things in chaos.

As long as it can control the trajectory of everything, then it can control everything.

"It turns out that chaos is also imperfect, so the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when it is damaged, and the way of man is to make up for the deficiency. Our demon god was born to make up for the avenue of chaos. We are the gods in charge of the avenue and maintain the chaos. The power of order."There is a demon god who realizes that he should be an important force in maintaining chaos.

That's why he needs to understand the Dao, and even replace the Dao, punish the heavens, and maintain the order of the chaotic world.


The demon gods all have feelings and understandings in their hearts. They all understand their own Tao from Furukawa's preaching process. Even if it is the same scripture, because of different personal experiences and different views, they have understood it. Things are different.

This is what is called a thousand people, there will be a thousand Hamlets.

Same thing.

Furukawa talked about his own understanding of the original laws of chaos and the principles of the great road, but other demon gods will also have their own understandings and embark on their own road to the great road.

This is what he really wants to see in his sermons. Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die.

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