With the help of Lin Beifan's teleportation talisman, everyone quickly teleported to the vicinity of the secret realm, and followed Li Xiaoyao, who had been waiting anxiously, into the secret realm.

At this time, although less than an hour had passed, the situation took a turn for the worse due to Li Xiaoyao's absence.

All the geniuses are covered in scars, and even the most powerful Dog Demon Emperor's thighs have been damaged. I am afraid that the secret realm will fall within less than three hours.

Ao Bing, who had transformed into a dragon, suddenly heard a familiar voice:"Good friend, let me help you!"

"Nezha!"Ao Bing said in surprise, then turned around and saw that it was indeed his good friend Nezha who came to this world together, rushing over with a fire-tip gun and hot wheels.

He still looked like a child. , but very kind.

But the momentum has become stronger and a little unfathomable.

Nezha complained:"Good friend, why haven't you come to me for so long?"

Ao Bing apologized:"I'm sorry Nezha, this place is a little special, I can't contact you! Nezha immediately said:"

Good friend, I know your situation and I forgive you." But after the war, you have to play a game of shuttlecock with me. It’s been a long time since we fought side by side. I really miss you! Ao

Bing smiled happily:"Okay, after the war is over, I will play shuttlecock with you!""

"Get rid of the devil now!"Nezha swung his fire-tipped spear and rushed into the devil's cave.


On another battlefield, Ye Fan was carrying the Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things to smash the devil's head while winking at Li Xiaoyao:"Brother Li, that's my younger brother and sister. You are so spiritual and gentle as water, no wonder I will never forget you!"

Li Xiaoyao! Wry smile, it turned out to be as gentle as water, but now it has transformed into a tigress.

However, he did not dare to say this, with a happy smile like a movie king on his face:"Of course, my wife has always been as spiritual and gentle as water. Marrying her is the greatest blessing in my life!" He was stealing! After hearing this, Zhao Ling'er had a faint smile on her face.


While Xiao Han released the endless Fire Domain Burning Demon, he looked at Zhang Xiaofan, who had an awe-inspiring sword aura, and asked:"Hello, fellow Taoist, I'm Xiao Han! It seems that your swordsmanship is very different from others. It should come from another person." The world, right?"

"Hello fellow Taoist, I’m Zhang Xiaofan! Zhang Xiaofan nodded:"We do come from another world of immortal cultivation. She is my wife Lu Xueqi.""

"Nice to meet you!"Lu Xueqi nodded.

Looking at the two people who were deeply in love, Xiao Han burst into tears.

Why did others travel with their families, but he was alone?

No, he brought an old man with him.……


"Are you a monster?"The Dog Demon Emperor with a keen sense of smell looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu nodded, looked at the Dog Demon Emperor who was huge but as kind as an old man, and opened his mouth:"I heard that in your world, humans and monsters can be at peace. How did you manage to get along?"

"Do you really want to know, why?"

Xiao Wu secretly glanced at Tangshan who was fighting fiercely.

The Dog Demon King laughed loudly:"Haha, I understand! After the war is over, I'll tell you, if you can stand this old man nagging me……"

Xiao Wu nodded excitedly


Lin Beifan also came, but instead of joining the battlefield, he came to a group of children.

Li Yiru was more courageous and asked curiously:"Uncle, everyone is fighting the devil, why don't you go?"

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Fighting is their business, not my business. I am mainly responsible for drawing the magic talismans, and occasionally Diudiu magic talisman, because I am a great talisman master!"

"Talisman Master... what is it?"Li Yiru didn't understand and asked again.

At this time, a group of demons rushed over with their teeth and claws, trying to kill all the creatures here.

"That's what a Talisman Master is like!"Lin Beifan took out the magic talisman and threw it, and instantly transformed into an army of demon kings, hammering away all the demons.

Li Yiru's eyes were sparkling, full of envy.

So handsome! So arrogant! So domineering!

With every move he made , He killed the army of demons that made his parents a thorn in the side!

Li Yiru has already decided that he will become a great talisman master in the future. If anyone is displeased, he will throw out a stack of talismans and smash him to death!

There are other geniuses, too. Trying their best to kill the demons.

With the huge new force joining, the war ended quickly.

But everyone looked sad. There was no way for the dead people and demons to be resurrected, and the secret realm was almost polluted by the demonic energy and could no longer be inhabited. After going down, I had no choice but to leave my hometown. At this time, several colorful birds and beasts suddenly flew towards Lin Weiwei and others.

Lin Weiwei had already drawn his sword, and Zhao Ling'er said loudly:"Don't hurt them, they are just here to deal with them." Thank you!"

Lin Weiwei hesitated for a while, but did not sheath her sword.

She saw these little birds and beasts flying above Lin Weiwei, and then sprinkled colorful feathers. They neighed loudly and made a cry of joy.

Zhao Ling'er flew He came over and said softly:"They are colorful-winged birds and understand human nature. This is their way of expressing gratitude."

Lin nodded slightly, but when he saw Zhao Ling'er's snake body, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He put away his sword and flew away, unwilling to say a word.

Zhao Ling'er felt sad.

Li Xiaoyao flew over and grabbed Zhao Ling'er's hand tightly. Hands, with a jade-like smile and a rare serious look:"No matter what, the child and I will always be with you!"

Zhao Ling'er smiled happily.

During the battle, we were all close comrades-in-arms, but after the war, the human and demon tribes once again turned against each other. To be precise, it was the people from the outside world and the people from the secret realm who fought against the monsters.

The situation suddenly became Nervous.

Even Nezha and Ao Bing, Ye Fan, Li Xiaoyao and others who had a good relationship became silent at this time. They each stood back to their own camps, and their differences were clear. The hatred between the human and demon clans is as deep as the sea, isn't it? Reconciliation can be achieved by fighting a war.

The external troubles are temporarily relieved, but the internal worries are coming again.

A child was scared:"Mom, what happened?"

"Do not talk!"He was covered by his mother, and then retreated to the back of the crowd, his eyes full of worry.

The Dog Demon King came out, blocked the front, and said seriously:"Thank you very much for coming to save my children, but if If you want to hurt my children, you can only step over my body!"

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