A divine light fell from the sky, and the shadow of the whale shone between heaven and earth.

It is like a Taoist text engraved on the heaven and earth.

The heaven and the earth have changed greatly, sweet rain falls from the sky, sweet springs spring from the earth, flowers bloom, old trees sprout new buds, fairy music and divine music come in bursts, and the sun and moon shine together, as if the heaven and earth are celebrating together!

This is heaven and earth, which recognizes the whale emperor's ability and qualifications to be crowned emperor, and expresses congratulations!

The face of the human race changed drastically!

"The Whale Emperor became emperor? Then our human race……"

"Our human race only has emperors, not emperors yet. The crisis for mankind has arrived!"

"This time is an opportunity for genocide!"


Divine Hermit, Lin Weiwei, Ye Fan and other human greats soared into the sky, looking at the shadows in the distance with their brows furrowed.

Tang Shan, Xiao Han, Blind Boy and other venerables also soared into the sky, full of worry.

Lin Beifan murmured to himself:"It's still a step too slow.……"

The huge shadow of the whale tossed and turned in the sky, like a dragon turning over clouds and rain. The ferocious laughter spread in all directions:"Haha, I, the Whale Emperor, have become the Demon Emperor! From now on, I am the Kun Emperor! The demon clan is in high gear, The human race must be destroyed!"


All the demons roared together with arrogance, congratulating the demon clan on the emergence of a demon emperor to lead the demons.

The phantom of the Whale King appeared above the human race territory and looked down, with the sun and moon in his eyes, gazing at all directions:"Pass on my emperor's order: All demon clans will be sent out to destroy the human race, and celebrate my victory with the blood of the human race!"


Ten thousand demons responded and all moved out, coming in a mighty and overwhelming manner.

Dense sea beasts appeared in the sea, carrying the waves and rushing towards the earth.

Among the sea beasts was a huge whale, which had returned to its ancestors and transformed into the form of Kun.

He was the former Whale Emperor, and now he has become the Kun Emperor. There is a purple mark on his forehead, which is shining and noble. This is the recognition of him from heaven and earth.

Today, it will inevitably destroy the human race and eliminate all threats

"Time and space landlord? Night Stalker? You will die today!"

Emperor Kun sneered. Today he will definitely destroy the human race and achieve his supreme reputation.

From now on, the world will respect him!

At the same time, Duolong, the manager of the game world, also saw the opportunity and said with great joy:"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Chance!"

Immediately ordered the hundreds of millions of players in the game world to dispatch to jointly destroy the human race in the spiritual world.

Tens of billions of game players came again!

At this moment, a whirling world descended from the sky and took away all the players.

"No!"Manager Duolong let out a shocked cry.

"Clown, I'll give you death!"

Another world came over, beat the manager Doron to death, and sent him back to the game world.

All the races shouted

"That is the magical power of Night Demon - the world in the palm of your hand, I remember it clearly!"

"The Night Stalker is coming, and the hope for mankind is coming!"

"But if Night Demon has not become the Supreme, can he defeat Emperor Kun?"

"And the time and space landlord!"


After dealing with these little bugs, Night Demon's joking voice came:"Whale Emperor, you have just become emperor and are you so arrogant?"

"I'm crazy because I am the Emperor of Demons! Emperor Kun's voice boomed over, arrogant:"Night Demon, today you and the Master of Time and Space will die, and the human race will also be destroyed!""

The Night Demon did his part:"Then come on, today I will defy heaven and defeat the emperor!

Emperor Kun said loudly:"Call the Master of Time and Space out, I will kill your two emperors today!""

"Need not! I am enough to deal with you!"

"So brave! Come and fight!"Kun Emperor slapped the sea surface and stood out, soared into the sky, and was already a million miles away in the blink of an eye.

A small black figure also appeared in the sky, it was the Night Demon.

At the same time, the teleportation arrays in major cities shone. The dazzling light sucked all the ordinary people into the space-time building, leaving only the cultivators outside to fight against the invasion of the demon clan.

"Night Stalker, die!"Emperor Kun has already arrived in front of the Night Demon. He rushes over and crushes him violently.

Lin Beifan gave birth to 10 whirling worlds in his hands and shot them out at the same time.


All the worlds exploded, but Emperor Kun was actually unscathed and couldn't even stop him for a moment.

Lin Beifan wanted to teleport away, but found that the space was locked by Emperor Kun.

Not only can't he teleport, but his movements are also slower.

This is the unique skill of the Supreme. As long as it is recognized by heaven and earth, then he can issue orders like an emperor, not to mention sealing off a space.

But Lin Beifan was not afraid, he held up his hands

"Thousands of visions - open!"

The 6000 visions in his body immediately erupted, covering a million miles in radius, creating a void and becoming his own unique domain. Within this domain, he could do whatever he wanted.

Lin Beifan teleported away.

"I swallowed your vision!"Kun Emperor opened his mouth to devour, and the vision was getting smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"See how you swallow it?"Lin Beifan's fighting power exploded, and the runes all over his body shone. In an instant, he gave birth to thousands of heavenly spirit runes, which were shot into his mouth, making bursts of roaring sounds.

Emperor Kun ignored him and continued to devour the world.

In addition, The human race and the demon race finally collided and started a war.

The Heavenly Dragon King, who had evolved into a little demon emperor, came with shrimp soldiers and crab generals swallowing clouds and spitting mist:"Nezha, come out and die!"

"Your grandpa Nezha is here!"Nezha transformed into three heads and six arms and flew out, pointing his gun at the Heavenly Dragon King:"Come here, little demon dragon! Today your grandpa Nezha once again peels off your dragon skin, taps your dragon tendons, drinks your dragon blood, breaks your dragon bones, and goes back to cook a feast!"

"Damn Nezha! If I kill you today, no one can protect you!"The Emperor Tianjiao screamed and rushed down.

"Look at my Samadhi Fire Lotus!"Nezha opened his mouth and sprayed out flames


"Demon fox, punch me!"Sun Wukong once again faced off against his old enemy, the Nine-tailed Demon Fox.

I don't know if the Nine-tailed Demon Fox got a chance or was rescued by Emperor Kun. Not only did he return to normal, but his strength further improved and he became the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, the Demon Emperor..

However, it saw Sun Wukong’s eyes filled with anger and murderous intent.

"Child, I will kill you today!"The nine tails of the nine-tailed fox spread out like nine whips.

"Look at my instant killing hundred punches!"Sun Wukong swung his hands hard and punched hundreds of times in an instant.

The sky was filled with shadows of fists and whips.


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