Zhou Yi and several people climbed over the mountains and ridges, and finally found a more suitable place to build the city.

They named this city the City of the Gods, which coincides with the name of the Gods List.

Zhou Yi is the nominal city lord.

However, it is not easy to build a city.

Since the 4th Spiritual Energy Tide, there have been only three new cities, Miracle City, Qincheng and Hancheng, all of which were built at a great cost and a lot of effort.

And there are only a few of them. How easy is it to build a city?

However, they have the God List, and anything is possible

"We can use the list of gods to release several places. Whoever pays the highest price and plays the greatest role in building the city will be granted the title of god and become a venerable person."Zhuge Liang's plan

"But...will anyone come?"

"The list of gods has such huge flaws, who is willing to pay such a price?"


Zhuge Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he grasped the pearl of wisdom:"You can't judge others based on your own situation. For Tianjiao, the list of gods is indeed of little significance. But, how many real Tianjiao are there? Those who can cultivate to the level of venerable ones, and how many are there? How many people are there?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head:"There are very few such people! However, in this splendid era of cultivation, who doesn't want to become a high-ranking venerable? In order to become a venerable, they are willing to pay any price!"

In this way, when Zhou Yi and others released 10 quotas for the gods, people in all major cities were excited.

"That Jiang Ziya was going to build a city, and he actually used the bargaining chip to become a god!"

"The more you pay, the more chances you have to become a venerable person!"

"But after being made a god, he can no longer become stronger, and he will be controlled by others for life!"

"It’s better than being unable to practice for the rest of your life!"


This bargaining chip is attractive.

Some people went bankrupt to support the construction of the city of gods.

Some people don't have that much money, but they rely on their huge personal connections to communicate what they have and what they don't have to promote urban construction.

There are also ninth-level extraordinary people who personally participate in the construction.

With money and strength, the city of gods was quickly established.

On the day when the city was built, Zhou Yi, the holder of the list of gods, canonized the 10 people with the greatest contribution as venerables on the spot.

The City of Conferred Gods has become the city with the largest number of venerables after Jiangnan City.

Zhou Yi also announced with high spirits that as long as he joins the City of Conferred Gods and contributes to the City of Conferred Gods, he will have the opportunity to become a god and become a high-ranking venerable person in the future.

The whole world was shaken, and a large number of people and gods were in the city.

The City of Conferred Gods took off quickly.

The two emperors are so envious. They should have grabbed the list of gods if they had known earlier. But when I thought about the restrictions on the list of gods, I couldn't help but shook my head and gave up this thought.

As an important figure in the Conferred God Period, he had already arrived at the Time and Space Building after attending the city founding ceremony.

He walked around and looked around, curious about everything.

In his era, it was considered the golden age of cultivation.

However, there is no exotic treasure like the Time and Space Tower that connects major cities and can reach thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. Everyone relies on magic weapons to fly, or flies out of thin air. Each time the journey takes a few days, usually a few months.

Maybe no one can travel around the world quickly except the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, there are too many geniuses in this world, not only local geniuses, but also geniuses from other worlds.

In just a few decades, or even a few years, he cultivated and became a sage.

Thinking back to the time he lived in, who didn't practice for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, before becoming a venerable?

Like him and his senior brothers, they only became venerable a hundred years later. Because of their outstanding talents, they were valued by the Emperor of Heaven.

But compared with the geniuses of this era, it is already very slow.

Not to mention anything else, the three of them, the Master of Time and Space, the Night Demon, and the Hermit God, have become great sages in just a few years.

I heard that there is another proud girl named Lin Weiwei who is about to break through and become a great master.

"Their qualifications are no less than those of the Emperor of Heaven! Shen

Gongbao said to himself, his heart full of joy:"With so many geniuses helping me, senior brother can relax a little bit!" Even if the demon from outside the territory comes again, we can fight back!"

At this time, Shen Gongbao came to the door of a small shop, and a smiling young man walked out of it. He was holding a clay pot and said:"Senior Shen Gongbao, would you like to buy a pot?"

"Buy a jar? What jar to buy?"Shen Gongbao was confused.

Xu Yang, the jar merchant, explained:"The jar I have on hand can open all kinds of things from all over the world. There is nothing that cannot be opened except unexpected. As long as you are lucky enough, you can find genius treasures, top-quality equipment, super divine pets, etc. There are people who have made a fortune from it!

Shen Gongbao felt itchy when he was told:"How much does one cost?"

Seeing Shen Gongbao's appearance, Xu Yang felt happy and said quickly:"It's not expensive, only 1 million spiritual coins!""

"It’s so cheap, I bought it!"Shen Gongbao paid the money generously and immediately opened the jar.

A note popped out of the jar, with only 4 words on it: Thank you for your patronage!

Shen Gongbao:"……"

"another one!"Shen Gongbao bought another jar.

When he opened it, there was only a note inside, again with 4 words: Thank you for your patronage!

Shen Gongbao:"……"

"Hey, I don’t believe it!"

Shen Gongbao's competitive spirit was aroused, and he paid 0,000 and opened the jars one after another.

In the end, he spent a total of 50 million and bought 50 jars.

But what is surprising is that, without exception, all the jars were It was"Thank you for your patronage" in four big characters.

Shen Gongbao blushed with anger and grabbed the jar merchant Xu Yang with one hand:"Are you trying to trick me? There is no way anything else could come out of the jar! You big liar, give me your money back! Xu

Yang immediately shook his head:"Don't talk nonsense. I am doing a serious business. I have been here for a year and a half. If I really did this, I would not be able to continue doing it!""

Then, he looked at Shen Gongbao with a strange look:"I have been operating here for so long, and I have met tens of thousands of customers, but people like you can't get anything from opening 50 cans in a row, not even one of them. It's really luck……"

Shen Gongbao's face turned red and he slowly put Xu Yang down.

His family knew his own affairs, and from the time he could remember, his luck didn't seem to be very good.

I often step on dog poop when walking on the road, eat bugs when I eat, and get stuffed into my teeth when I drink water. Every time I try to steal something, I don't succeed. When I don't, I am considered the real culprit.

Moreover, this bad luck will also affect others. During the period of being a god, I don't know how many people were killed by saying"Fellow Taoist, please stay".

Fortunately, all those people were dead, otherwise he would have been infamous. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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