As a result, after passing through the space entrance, what you see is not the fairyland of purple air and fairy light, but a desolate world.

It can't be called a world, it should be said to be a small space that can be seen all the way to the end at a glance.

Right in front of the space, there is a dilapidated palace. The foundation is very large, but it has completely collapsed, leaving only broken tiles and broken tiles. You can vaguely see the glory of the past.

Everyone was shocked

"What kind of world is this that looks so desolate?"

"It seemed like a big battle had taken place and everything was destroyed!"

"Isn't this the fairyland?"


"This should be the fairyland, specifically the heaven. Look here."Ye Fan has arrived at the door of the defeated palace, pointing to a plaque that was broken into two parts and said:"The"zero zero zero" here is the Nantian Gate. Look at this broken signboard, which says the word"Nantian", which is the same as ours. The same vision seen in the outside world."

Everyone nodded.

"and this!"Ye Fan pointed to a plaque not far away that was broken into several sides and said:"There are two words 'Lingxiao' there. This is the plaque in the center of the Lingxiao Palace. There is also the overall layout of the palace here, which all shows that this is the heaven. I just don’t know what happened. Heaven is ruined and all the gods are gone."

Everyone searched nearby to confirm, and finally had to believe this fact.

The fairy world is gone, and the heaven is ruined.

"What happened, and why did heaven become like this? Some people couldn't believe it:"Where is the fairy world?" Is this a small space left in the vast fairyland?"

"It might be a war, it might be... something bad happened!"

A distinguished man stood up and said loudly:"Everyone, do you still remember what the First Emperor once said? There was a disaster in ancient times, and finally there was a great flood. From then on, the immortals and gods disappeared, and powerful practitioners went to other planets through the ancient starlight road! It is estimated that the fall of the immortal world and the ruin of heaven are related to this!"

"What kind of disaster actually accompanied him into the entire fairy world?"

"Such a powerful heaven has turned into ruins!"

"Where have so many strong men gone?"

"What happened in ancient times?"


Everyone was speechless for a long time, this scene shocked everyone so much. at this time——

"who?"Ye Fan suddenly took action and knocked away the broken pieces of tiles, revealing an ancient well.

"Ahem……"A disheveled man crawled out of the well.

What was shocking was that only half of his body was left, with the waist visible, as if he had been cut in half. He crawled out dripping with blood, but he was still alive and well.

And his soul has become dark and unclear, reaching the edge of life and death.

With such an injury, even the Venerable could not survive for a few days.

However, if he were a mythical figure, he might have survived thousands of years.

Ye Fan was really afraid that he would die like this, so he immediately poured a magic pill into him, and then asked:"Are you……"

He coughed up a mouthful of blood and said in a somewhat crazy voice:"I didn't expect that I would still be able to see living people in my lifetime, haha... But God is dead and has been wiped out for eternity. Why do I, an ominous person like me, survive?" the voice said. Pathetic, one smells sad.

Ye Fan asked again:"Are you……"

The man shook off the odor on his face and said in a sharp voice:"Let me ask you, how long has it been since the era of King Wu of Zhou?"

"More than 3,000 years, more than 3,300 years to be precise."Ye Fandao

"More than 3,000 years ago? The man's eyes were dull:"It's been so long, why am I still not dead?""

A venerable person couldn't help but ask:"Who are you? What happened in ancient times? Why are the heavens and the fairy world in ruins, and why is there no one here? Where are the immortal gods and the Emperor of Heaven? Where have they gone?"

"Senior, there was a great flood in ancient times, which wiped out all traces. Those of us who came later did not know the situation. So please tell us what you know, we really want to know about the past!"Xiao Han said sincerely.

The man raised his head numbly, a trace of pain flashed through his cloudy eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:"You really want to know the past?"

Everyone nodded, very eager to.......

The First Emperor asked:"It is said that in ancient times, there was a turmoil that affected the whole world. I wonder if it is true? I wonder if the collapse of the fairy world and the decline of heaven are related to this?"

"OK! Since you want to know, then I will tell you all this, exactly as it is!"The man laughed loudly, then looked at the First Emperor, and said loudly and somewhat crazily:"That was not only a turmoil that affected the whole world, but a turmoil that affected the entire immortal world! No one is immune to the invasion of demons from outside the territory!"

The man's eyes were dull and he was lost in memories:"I think back on those days, the immortal world was so bright, with 3,000 gates, 800 side gates, and countless cultivators. There are millions of mercenaries in heaven and thousands of immortals, who rule the immortal world. There is also the supreme ruler, the Heavenly Emperor, who sits high in the universe and suppresses the eight wastelands and the six places. Although there are many disputes in the fairy world, it is generally peaceful……"

"But one day, a black hole suddenly appeared in the fairy world. The other end of the black hole was connected to a world where there were countless demons, which we called extraterrestrial demons. These extraterrestrial demons are cruel, selfish, murderous, and grow through destruction. After they saw our world, they invaded crazily, and the fairyland was in danger……"

"Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven convened a group of immortals to fight back 4.6 to eliminate the foreign demons and maintain peace in the immortal world. This world war will last for hundreds of years. I was still a little Taoist boy at that time, but I witnessed with my own eyes that my sect was invaded and destroyed by demons from outside the territory. The master died, the senior sister died, the master also died, leaving only me and my senior brother.……"

Listening to the seemingly plain but sad words of the old man, everyone's mood gradually fell into sadness.

It was as if he could see that a huge sect was being ravaged by demons from outside the territory. Many were dead, injured and maimed. In the end, no one was spared. Only the two senior brothers were alone.

The man's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said:"My senior brother and I are determined to avenge the brothers and sisters of the sect, as well as the masters and elders! So we joined the Heavenly Court and were reused by the Emperor of Heaven!"_

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