At this time, reporter Li Shengnan rushed over in a hurry, holding a small gift in his hand:"Lilith, this is a gift from my sister. There is a beautiful hairpin in it. Wear it It must look really good on your head!"

"Thank you reporter sister!"Lilith opened it and took a look. Her eyes lit up. She immediately put it on her head and said happily.

"Lilith, there is one more thing to trouble you. I want to report on this coming-of-age ceremony. Is it okay?"Li Shengnan looked at Lilith expectantly.

"Of course, it’s no secret!"Lilith is very easy to talk to.

"Lilith, you are so kind!"Li Shengnan jumped up excitedly.

Soon after, Gu Cheng, the owner of the selection system, also came to the banquet.

"Ding! Participate in the coming-of-age ceremony of Elf Lilith, and give Elf Lilith a beautiful gift. Praise her for being cute and beautiful, which will win the favor of the entire Elf family!"

"Ding! Participate in the coming-of-age ceremony of the elf Lilith, scold the elf, and permanently expel the space-time tower!"

"Ding! If you don’t participate in the coming of age ceremony, you will gain nothing!"000Three choices popped into Gu Cheng's mind.

"Needless to say, of course I choose the first one!"Gu Cheng immediately took out a small gift, with a fake smile on his face, and walked up to the elf Lilith. Just as he was about to speak, someone interrupted.

"Lilith, you are so cute and beautiful. This is a little gift I gave you. I hope you like it!"Royadi, the owner of the treasure chest system, held a big gift in both hands and said with a smile.

As he spoke, he winked and provoked the dark-faced Gu Cheng next to him.

Gu Cheng really wanted to punch him, but you ruined my chance again.!

Seeing that his enemy was unhappy, Luo Yadi was even more happy.

Lilith happily took the gift and said generously:"Thank you! I heard adults say that you like to pick up garbage. From now on, you will be responsible for taking care of the garbage in the Space-Time Building!"


Not long after, the trio of Jin Shining, Yin Cancan, and Bronze Guangguang came together, carrying a gift, and said in unison:"Lilith, I wish you a happy adulthood!"

"thank you all!"Lilith flew over happily.

Li Shengnan, who was taking pictures nearby, was very disgusted:"You are too stingy, only three grown men can give you one gift!"

"Who says we have no other preparations?"The three of them said in unison again.

Jin Shining:"Lilith, if you want to show off, I can help you! Yin

Cancan:"Lilith, if you want to fight monsters, I can help you!""

Tong Guangguang:"Lilith, if you want to commit suicide, I can take you with you!"


Not long after, super poisonous milk pastor Huang Yibai also appeared.

He solemnly handed over a communication talisman:"Silk elf, some people give gifts, some people give treasures, they are all too vulgar, far inferior to me, because what I give you is a safe guarantee! If you If you are seriously injured in the future, as long as you call me, I will rush over to save you immediately. Rain or shine, the mission will be achieved!"


Lilith was very embarrassed:"I usually never leave the Time and Space Tower, so I don't think I need it anymore!"

Huang Yibai solemnly said:"I want it, what if there are three long and two short?"


Li Shengnan couldn't stand it anymore. You said such depressing words on someone's happy day. You mean to make people feel uncomfortable, right? Drive him away immediately to avoid affecting his mood.

At this time, Huang Yibai saw the three people seeking death, his eyes suddenly lit up, he took out a few communication charms, and handed them over very diligently:"You three have long admired your name, (bgeg) in fact, I have always wanted to know the three of you. But unfortunately I never had the chance! This is my communication talisman and my business card. I can be your medical consultant for free. When you want to die, you can contact me!" The three of them waved their hands in succession.

Jin Shining:"No, I don't want to die. I just want to show off. I don't need your help!"

Yin Cancan:"I won't die even if I encounter monsters. I don't need your help!"

Tong Guangguang:"I just want to die. You don’t need to save me!"

After a while, Nezha, Xiao Nannan, Sun Wukong and other geniuses all came, and there were more and more people in the banquet hall.

There is another person who keeps walking through the banquet. He is Shen Dong, who has the ability to copy. No matter who he sees, he can rush up to say a few words, shake hands, and then leave with a smile, which makes people feel baffled.

Many elves were flying happily, helping Sister Lilith entertain the guests.

However, the elf Lilith kept poking her head:"Why haven't you come yet?"

Finally, Lin Beifan arrived belatedly with his entire family.

"Sir, you are finally here!"Lilith jumped into Lin Beifan's arms in surprise.

Lin Beifan said:"Lilith, I'm sorry to be late. This is a gift from me to you. It is a crown that I asked Brother Tang to carefully build. I hope you like it!"

Lin Beifan took out an exquisite and noble silver crown.

"I like all the gifts from adults!"Lilith held the crown in her arms, her eyes curled into crescent moons

"Lilith, this is a gift for you!"

"I heard that you like food, so the ring is full of food!"

"This is a staff!"


Several other women also gave gifts one after another.

"Thank you, thank you! Lilith was very happy, then flew to a black and white meat mound and stepped on it with her foot:"What about you, where is your gift?" You won’t come empty-handed, right?"

The panda felt very distressed and took out a large spiritual fruit with a fragrant aroma.

He found this accidentally in the wild once. It was very delicious. There were only two of them. She ate one, leaving only the original one. I planned to eat it slowly in the future, but now I have to take it out.

Oh, who told you to be my good friend!

The panda shed tears and held up a sign to give it to you!

"That's pretty much it!"Lilith immediately picked up the spirit fruit and gnawed it with relish.

The panda cried while watching it, and the people who watched it wanted to laugh.

At this moment, the Tree of Life emerged from the ground and said loudly:"Lilith, My good daughter, the time has come, come and complete the coming of age ceremony!"

"Yes, Daddy Zushu!"Lilith flew to the tree of life, and her body bloomed with dazzling light._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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