Watching the other person slap him tirelessly, the rhythm, strength, and sourness are still fresh in my memory, as if he was being slapped on the face, and it hurts again.

So, Luo Yardi rushed over angrily and grabbed Huang Yibai with one hand:"Did you inflict the injury on my face?"

"That's right, it seems you've recovered. How are you going to thank me? Huang Yibai said happily

"You hit me in the face and you want me to thank you?"Royaldi became even more angry.

"But I healed your injury……"Huang Yibai said weakly:"My treatment method is quite special. I can only save people by slapping them. I cured you. If you don't believe me, just ask them!"

Luo Yadi looked over stiffly, and the onlookers nodded numbly.

"What about the injury on my face?"Royadi pointed at his face that had become swollen into a pig's head, angrily.

"Just apply some anti-inflammatory and painkillers."


At this time, Gu Cheng also woke up and howled in horror:"Who hit me in the face?""

Everyone silently pointed at Huang Yibai

"You bastard, you dare to damage He's extremely handsome face, I will fight with you!"Gu Cheng rushed over with his teeth and claws open.

"Misunderstand! everything is a misunderstanding……"Huang 05 and Bai retreated continuously.

Finally, after Huang Yibai's detailed and profound explanation, Gu Cheng finally let him go.

At this time, I suddenly screamed:"I remember who he is!"

"who is he?"

"Is he famous?"


Everyone asked.

The man said:"He is the priest Huang Yibai from Snowflake City, known as the poisonous milk!"

Next, he introduced the origin of Huang Yibai to everyone.

Huang Yibai comes from Snowflake City and is a genius priest.

But one day he was possessed by an unknown evil, and he could no longer use the Holy Light Technique. Just when everyone thought that a genius priest was about to perish, Huang Yibai gave everyone a huge scare.

That's because its treatment method has mutated, and only by hitting people can the injuries on the body be healed.

No matter it's a big or small injury, he can heal it even if it's an extraordinary injury. It's very miraculous.

Because this treatment method is too alternative and non-mainstream, and if you want to treat people, you have to hurt them, and the method is too cruel, so you have been unable to obtain a formal priest qualification certificate.

Huang Yibai smiled coquettishly:"Everyone has heard that I am really a priest, and I can really save people, but the method is a bit different, and everything is within the acceptable range."

Everyone's faces were filled with confusion. Damn, who can accept this treatment?

Slap to heal?

Do I lose face?

In fact, at the beginning, Huang Yibai found out that his ability had mutated, and he was very sad.

But later he discovered that by treating diseases and saving people in this way, he could quickly become stronger.

Every time someone is cured, he becomes stronger.

It's like doing good deeds and getting rewarded with merit.

It was through this method and his shameless spirit that he quickly grew into an extraordinary priest.

However, the people in Snowflake City were frightened by him, and many cultivators had been slapped by him, so they sent him all the way to Hua'an City through the Prodigy Competition, telling him not to come back again.

Although he was misunderstood, none of this could stop his determination to become the greatest priest in history!

Huang Yibai took out a bunch of business cards with a smile and handed them out:"This is my business card. My address is recorded in it. If you have any injuries, you can come to me and I can help you with free treatment! Believe me, I am very good at treatment. Definitely the most professional, even if you only have one breath left, I can pull you out of hell!"


At this moment, someone shouted:"Brother is about to appear. Come and cheer for him!"

After hearing this, everyone became energetic and immediately followed the flow of people.

At this time, the national uncle Ye Qingguo was already fighting with the opponent. His opponent's name is Lai Mengmeng, a cute girl. Although she is not as good as the women on the Hundred Flowers List, she is more beautiful and cute.

However, this cute girl's tricks were so fierce that the national brother-in-law was beaten back and forth.

Logically speaking, in a duel involving a beautiful woman, everyone tends to support the beautiful woman.

But now, the audience outside the stadium unanimously supports the national uncle.

"Come on, uncle!"

"Brother-in-law will win!"


Lai Mengmeng's attack became even more fierce, and she shouted loudly:"I don't care who you are, others will let you do it, but I won't! Today, I must kick you out, a parallel import genius!"

Ye Qingcheng was miserable. Said:"Beauty, I am a genius, but I am definitely not a parallel import!"

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the moves!"Lai Mengmeng used her special move. This move was very powerful. Even if she used it, it was very laborious. Ye Qingcheng couldn't dodge and was hit. She was seriously injured.

"Uncle!"The audience wailed, as if they were injured.

Li Manqing, the successor of Xiao Li's Flying Knife, Chu Yunfei, the owner of the literary system, Jin Shining, the owner of the pretentious system, Ah Hui, the owner of the live broadcast system, etc. all rushed in. Attentive.

Shen Dong, who also has the ability to copy, saw many geniuses gathering, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over quickly.

Seeing so many men rushing towards him, Ye Qingcheng was startled.

He had psychological shadow. He had been beaten before The two men were forcing themselves to do something, and now they were scared when they saw a group of men approaching. Their faces turned pale with fright, and they quickly shouted:"Don't come over, 383 stay away from me!""

Others are anxious

"Uncle, how can I save you if I don’t get close?"

"I didn't treat your injury!"

"Don't be afraid, be good!"


Ye Qingcheng howled:"Go away! Anyway, don't come near me!"

At this time, Huang Yibai came late, pushed aside the crowd, and said:"Don't move, I am a pastor, let me come!"

Then he waved. If he talks loudly, he will slap Ye Qingcheng in the face.

However, Li Manqing caught him and said angrily:"What are you doing?"

"Heal the injury!"Huang Yibai said

"Is there anyone who treats injuries like you? You clearly want to take the opportunity to bully my uncle. You really have sinister intentions. Get out of here!"Li Manqing pushed Huang Yibai away rudely.

Shen Dong, who had the ability to copy, also jumped out:"Yes, he clearly has sinister intentions!"

"He just hit me in the face, look at it it's still swollen!"Gu Cheng, the owner of the selection system, said with unclear words.

"He also slapped me in the face and I still haven’t recovered from it! Luo Yadi, the owner of the treasure chest system, also said.

In order to prevent Huang Yibai from getting close to his uncle and flattering him, the two of them joined forces with a tacit understanding.

"I hit you to save you……"The super poisonous custard was kicked out just like that. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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