But no one dared to move.

Because, after all, the genius whom the Whale King regards as his trump card is superior to others, at least he is more powerful than the Water Monster. If you end up losing because of your own rashness, it will be a big sin.

Even the owner of the system Yin Cancan who wanted to become stronger by hitting the demon, the owner of the system Tong Guangguang who wanted to commit suicide and the owner of the system Jin Shining who was showing off were all stopped.

"Since no one is going up, let me do it!" Lin Beifan said generously.

Everyone let out bursts of exclamations.

"Lin Beifan? Is he going to play?"

"He is a Talisman Master, a auxiliary profession!"

"How is it possible to win?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"


"Brother Xiaofan, you……"The women were shocked and quickly stopped

"Weiwei, Qingqing, Qiangwei, please don't try to persuade me. It's a matter of great importance to the human race. As a member of the human race, I must stand up. Lin Beifan said righteously, and then comforted:"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with him!""

Ye Fan opened his mouth. He wanted to persuade but didn't know where to start. Finally, he handed over his hand:"Brother Lin, take care. I'll wait for your triumphant return!""

Xiao Han also handed over his hands and said solemnly:"Brother Lin, take care!"

There were several other people who didn't say much.

After all, Lin Beifan has grown up and has his own thoughts and ideas. No amount of persuasion is of any use.

At this time, the master of space and time spoke:"Lin Beifan, very suitable!"

The backbone of the human race has concluded, and there is no way out.

Lin Beifan flew towards the sea and shouted loudly:"Bah! Ugly Monster King, your Grandpa Lin is here, why don’t you come over and die!"

When he saw Lin Beifan coming out, Zhao Bushun was overjoyed.

Because he had thought of a good way to get out of the current predicament.

But he didn't know if Lin Beifan would do what he wanted and if he would have the chance. It all depends on man. , he had no choice but to try it himself.

Golas slowly climbed up, revealing his huge body, and said in a rumbling voice:"You, a little insect, dare to challenge me? It’s really overestimating one’s abilities! Is there no one left in the human race?"

"The human race has people, but they are not needed to deal with you. I am enough!"Lin Beifan held his head high and was very confident.

"Just you?"Goras laughed loudly, and the sound shook the sky.

"Little bug, what do you know? Why do you dare to say such big things?"

"Just because I am (bgeg) a Talisman Master!"Lin Beifan was confident and high-spirited.

Golas shook his head, his voice full of ridicule and arrogance:"I don't believe it! Use all your skills as a Talisman Master. I ask you to make the first move. If you move, I will lose!"

The whale king behind him nodded repeatedly. Gola finally regained his appearance as a genius. Whether it was the way he spoke or his posture, he was full of scornful looks. Finally, he did not lose his reputation. Then he looked at the ordinary Lin Beifan, and his heart was full of joy. I sent someone at random, which means that the master of time and space has given up struggling.

He will definitely win this battle!

So, he admired it happily.

On the other side, Lin Beifan was a little angry, and immediately took out the magic talisman:"Okay! I'll show you how awesome I am!"

"bring it on!"Glass said loudly.

Zhao Bushun was already prepared and observed carefully. As long as the opponent's teleportation talisman was a teleportation talisman, he would get in without hesitation.

This was the only way he could escape the current predicament.

"Look at my talisman!"Lin Beifan threw it out hard.

This talisman turned into a huge black hole and was about to swallow it.

This is a teleportation talisman. God helped me!

Zhao Bushun was overjoyed, and then let the black hole suck it in without any struggle. , disappeared.

The battle ended dramatically.

Everyone and the monsters:"……"

Lin Beifan's proud and wild laughter was the only thing left at the scene:"You actually dare to challenge my magic talisman? You are really overestimating your abilities! You only have muscles but no brains. The so-called Great Demon King is nothing more than that! Wow haha!"

Everyone watching the battle couldn't laugh or cry.

"I knew that Brother Lin was still as cheating as ever!"

"This time, everyone and all the monsters have been tricked, and the tricks used to trick people are hard to guard against!"

"I wonder where the big demon king was teleported?"

"What I'm most concerned about is, who wins this game?"


Everyone looked at each other.

The whale emperor glared:"Boy, where did you teleport Golas to?"

Lin Beifan rolled his eyes:"How do I know?"

The whale emperor became even more angry:"Believe it or not, I will kill you?"

The terrifying power of the demon emperor Coming at you.

Lin Beifan looked at him sideways:"If you have the ability, come and see if the Master of Time and Space doesn't beat the shit out of you!"

"you!"The Whale Emperor was so angry that his head was about to smoke.

However, he really did not dare to take action, mainly because there was no need to take action.

He could not afford the losses in the Demon King's battle.

The Whale Emperor took one last deep look. The human troops turned around and led their army of sea beasts away.

"Lord of time and space, mountains and rivers meet each other, see you tomorrow!"

The master of time and space said:"Farewell to the Whale King!"

This competition between the human race and the demon race has come to an end. The human race has five wins and five losses. The final battle is indistinguishable, with an unwinnable outcome. The results are barely acceptable.

In fact, being able to tie with the demon race is already This is a very gratifying achievement.

The demon clan has always given people the impression of being powerful. Human beings have been suppressed by the demon clan for so many years and humiliated at will. It was only a year ago that the Night Demon and the Time and Space Lord were born, which raised the status of the human race.

In In terms of top power, Night Demon, Time and Space Master, and Divine Hermit have already held up the sky.

And the result of this tie between the two races of geniuses tells mankind that the backbone of the human race has gradually caught up with the monster race. It has had a huge confidence-boosting effect.

In the future, the gap between the two races will gradually be equalized.

Affected by this incident, the top management of the human race decided to suspend the Tianjiao Competition and resume it in three days.

Three days later, The Genius Competition is held as scheduled.

Geniuses from major cities gather to compete for the title of the strongest.

In addition to combat professions, various auxiliary professions will also start, and each auxiliary profession has the title of the strongest.

The rune competition has already started, but Lin Beifan is very leisurely , and Panda were sitting in the VIP seats, eating spiritual fruits and watching the battle.

Because, the top three were booked by his academy.

At this moment, a person walked towards him._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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