After the end of the academy selection competition, the arena set up outside Hua'an City by the major geniuses.

For the 1st Tianjiao Competition, Hua'an City attached great importance to it, organized it very grandly, and held various ceremonies.

The entire event is broadcast live and can be seen by 43 cities in the world.

There will also be a grand opening ceremony that day, bringing all the geniuses together.

Lin Beifan saw Ye Qingcheng and walked over with a smile:"Congratulations to Ye Tianjiao for making a mark!"

"Don't mention it, just because I won all the way, I am now called the genius of parallel importers by others, and my reputation has spread far and wide."Ye Qingcheng was very melancholy. He came here to show off, but he failed to show off and became a fool.

Now, he regrets participating in this competition very much.

"Who dares to say that you are a parallel import, and Qingcheng’s fans won’t scold him to death? Lin Beifan continued to tease.

Ye Qingcheng rolled his eyes and said,"Don't leave yet, come and chat with me!""

"OK!"Lin Beifan nodded.

The two of them walked and chatted. Only Lin Beifan did not covet him and knew his true situation, so Ye Qingcheng was relieved and told all the grievances he had suffered these days. As a result, all the way Come, Ye Qingcheng unknowingly has many gifts in his hands. Some of them are bribes to his uncle, but most of them are given to Ye Qingcheng.

Ye Qingcheng said helplessly:"Look!"

At this time, Lin Beifan saw a little cute baby trying to sneak away from under his nose.

Lin Beifan stretched out his hand, picked him up, and said with a smile:"Little cute baby, I heard that you are very arrogant, and you almost win all the competitions. All participated and all were selected!

The little cute baby frowned:"Who said that, I didn't participate in the rune competition!"

Lin Beifan said with great regret:"Why don't you participate in the Talisman Master Competition?" How much I think highly of you, my little girl, I am ready to torture you again. She will be very disappointed if you don't participate."

The little cute baby secretly rejoiced that she didn't participate.

The little girl is the real rune devil. Anyone who confronts her will die.

"Put me down quickly!"The little cute baby ran away.

At this moment, the sky became dark and unclear, and the clouds rolled, as if the door to the devil world had been opened.

A huge and playful voice came from afar:"The competition between geniuses? interesting! Strong human beings, in order to promote the peaceful development of the human and demon races, how about we also have a competition between geniuses?"

Everyone was shocked and inexplicable

"This is...this is the voice of the Whale King!"

"What a scary sound! Just the sound makes my blood boil!"

"This is the power of the Demon King!"

"Could it be that this is the Demon King's siege?"


The violent air pressure was suppressed, and many people lost their breath.

The weaker ones were directly shaken away.

This is a show of force!

Many powerful human beings are so proud that they reach the sky. At this moment, a huge spiritual energy reaches out from the sky. There are layers of clouds and mist, and the sun shines on the earth again.

At the same time, another voice came:"Interesting! Whale King, how do you want to compete?"

This voice did not sound so powerful. It had strong penetrating power and spread directly to the deep sea, killing sea beasts along the way. , hundreds of millions of casualties, this was Lin Beifan's return gift.

The human race is full of surprises

"This is the voice of the time and space landlord!"

"The big spiritual energy hand just now belongs to the Master of Time and Space, and it is his usual method!"

"The Master of Time and Space Tower has come forward, and the Demon Emperor has nothing to fear!"

"Fight for humanity!"


Humanity is boiling.

The voice of the Whale Emperor came again, slightly dissatisfied:"Humph! Master of Time and Space, you are so brave!"

Master of Time and Space responded tit-for-tat:"Whale Emperor, you are not bad either!"

"Lord of Time and Space, you and I will send out 10 people each for a decisive battle on the coast of the East China Sea. See you there or not!"A huge whale broke out of the East China Sea, carrying countless sea beasts.

"Stay with me until the end!"A huge black hole appeared in the sky, and countless human geniuses quickly poured into it, crossing tens of millions of miles and arriving at the coast of the East China Sea in advance. The two races were separated by the coast, with clear boundaries, fighting against each other, and boiling with arrogance.

I don't know why. Man, I thought the two tribes of humans and monsters were going to war.

"Time and Space Landlord, what a great trick!"The Whale King's huge head popped up, and there was a hint of fear in his voice.

To be able to transport so many people across tens of millions of miles, he has clearly understood the laws of space to a profound level, which puts a lot of pressure on him. Thinking of it There are also night demons who have fought against him, and their hearts are even heavier. There are actually two such strong men. Humans are really a race with endless potential!

I regret in my heart, I knew I should have destroyed them in the first place.

As a result, now, Yanghu For trouble

"Whale Emperor’s Kunpeng is extremely fast, I admire it!"

To be able to carry so many sea beasts and come at such a fast speed, the Whale King's methods are also eye-catching.

Lin Beifan measured the Whale King's strength and found that he was much stronger than a year ago.

He is indeed a talented person. Whale!

Lin Beifan guessed that he had the blood of the legendary ancient demon god Kunpeng!

At this time, a huge dragon emerged from the sea beasts and roared loudly:"I am the Heavenly Dragon King, who dares to fight?"

The momentum came out violently, like a tornado roaring in, and actually stirred up a storm.

Everyone was surprised to find that this demon king actually had the third level of strength!

It was no worse than the original Sea Dragon King!

With such strength, the human race Not many!

The Whale King said somewhat complacently:"This is a genius in our clan, his name is King Tianjiao, and he currently has the third level of strength. He has a trace of the blood of a true dragon in his body, and it has been developed. He will definitely become an emperor in the future. Which of you will fight?"

The last sentence was almost shouted, shocking people.

At this time, people in 43 human cities were watching this upcoming war through cameras.

Although it was just a small competition for hegemony, it involved two races. The winner's luck will rise, and the winner's luck will also rise. The loser will fall, affecting future development.

Hearing the whale king's introduction, he became even more worried.

The master of time and space said calmly:"In the first battle, who Come?"

"I'll go first!"I saw Nezha wearing the Hun Tian Ling, stepping on the hot wheel, holding a fire-tip gun and rushing out, saying loudly:"King Tianjiao, come up and fight! Today I will peel off your dragon skin, tap your dragon tendons, and drink your dragon blood to see if you still dare to call yourself a dragon?"

"Damn it!"The Heavenly Dragon King was furious._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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