Finally, everyone discussed a result.

From then on, the Academy Competition was renamed as the Genius Competition. All young talents under the age of 30 and below the realm of venerables can participate, and it is no longer limited to students in the academy.

The Genius Competition is held every five years and is divided into the academy selection competition and the real Genius Competition. All contestants must pass the in-hospital selection competition to qualify.

Not only combat professions can participate, but also auxiliary professions. There are other detailed rules for auxiliary professions competing for hegemony.

The academy has 10 quotas for combat professions and 3 quotas for each auxiliary profession.

The 1st Tianjiao Competition will be held outside Hua'an City.

In the future, each competition will be adjusted according to the situation.

When this news was announced, the whole world was shocked

"The Academy Competition is about to be held again, which is a great thing!"

"It is not a college competition, but a competition for geniuses. As long as geniuses meet the requirements, they can participate. It is no longer a monopoly of the colleges, which means that many people have a chance!"

"I want to sign up to compete, I want to stand out!"

"Don't think about it, don't participate if you don't have extraordinary strength!"

"You can participate in the auxiliary professional competition!"


Many young talents are very excited.

There are too many geniuses, but currently most people's eyes are focused on the group of top geniuses. They also want a chance to prove themselves, and they are also eager to get ahead.

Some people are already gearing up and preparing to participate.

Luo Yadi, the owner of the treasure chest system, burst into tears holding the registration poster:"It's finally time for me to rise! I picked up so many treasure chests, isn't it just to become a genius and be admired by others? I must hold on to this tightly. An opportunity to prove to everyone that I am not a garbage picker!"

As a result, a man threw the peel over and threw it accurately into his sack.



The cute baby Han Xiaomeng was very excited when she received the news.

"Great, this game comes at the right time, and it’s a good time to earn points! That damn old man shouldn’t be able to participate, right? This time I must register for all competitions, and I must be the first in them all!"


"This is my chance to prove it!"Yang Wanli, who has the electric eel clone, is very excited.

His talent is not outstanding. If he hadn't had the electric eel clone, he might have been at the bottom for the rest of his life. He is also eager to be recognized by everyone. He also wants to be like Ye Fan and Xiao Nezha is a talent that attracts everyone's attention.

Yang Wanli said confidently:"Although I'm not as good as Nezha, I'm still outstanding!"

Just about that matter, why don't you complain to Teacher Lin?


Of course, there are a lot of people talking about the rule sheet.

Little cute baby Han Xiaomeng’s old nemesis, the old man, has a long body and blood, doesn’t he count as a genius? But my study time is shorter than others, and I really want to compete!"

Xue Rose helped him beat his back and comforted him kindly:"Great-grandfather, after all, these are young people's affairs, so don't compare with them. In my mind, you will always be the most powerful genius!"

"Qiangwei, the last sentence is correct, but I don’t agree with the previous one!"The old man said unconvinced:"It doesn't matter if I am older, my heart is still young, and the genius should not be defined by age. Therefore, I suggest changing the rules. Based on the study time, anyone who has studied for less than 10 years can sign up!"

"Great grandfather!"Blood Rose didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Jin Shanshan, the owner of the pretentious system, cried bitterly while holding the registration poster:"I once had such a precious opportunity to be pretentious, but I didn't cherish it. I didn't regret it until I lost it. It's the most painful thing in the world. Nothing better than this! If you give me another chance, I will upgrade more slowly!"

The system owner Yin Cancan and the crazy death system owner Tong Guangguang came to comfort him.

Tong Guangguang:"Brother, I understand and feel the same way that you can't pretend to be cool. Just like me, I have become a Venerable without knowing it. It's so difficult to die!"

Yin Cancan:"Yes, The demon kings are all extinct. It’s hard for me to find a demon king. I’m in so much pain!"

"The three of us are all miserable people!"The three of them hugged each other and cried.


This competition for geniuses has brought out a lot of people, and many students are restless.......

For example, when Lin Beifan came to class, many students excitedly asked

"Teacher Lin, can you participate?"

"Teacher Lin, I am the best at drawing runes, and now I am a second-level extraordinary rune master!"

"Teacher Lin, my level is not bad, can I participate?"


There was also a much older man looking at him longingly.

Lin Beifan gave him an accurate answer directly:"What are you looking at? If you look at it again, you won't have a chance!"

Mr. Xue Changkong:"……"

There are also colleges in major cities that are not peaceful.

For example, the three weakest colleges, Qincheng College, Seoul College and City of Miracles, had only a short time to build their cities and had little accumulation of geniuses, so they started to recruit them.

Competition in other cities is fierce. Come to my city to sign up and represent my city.

If you achieve good results, there are various rewards.

Our city has a large number of talented young people, so all knowledgeable people are welcome!

As soon as I heard that the competition was relatively weak, a large number of people immediately flocked to it.

In the end, the number of applicants in these three cities was actually more than in other major cities.

Students from other colleges are envious and jealous.

Especially Jiangnan College, they have gathered too many talented people, but the number of entries is the same as that of other cities, which means that the competition is very fierce, and a score of 3.8 in the college selection can eliminate many people.

But there's no point in being envious, these have all been decided, and there's no other way but to work hard to improve your strength.

At the same time, the angel Aryan, who had absorbed enough light energy, finally completed his evolution and became a seraph with the strength of a venerable, and successfully came out of seclusion.

The first thing she did when she came out of seclusion was to run to the rune field on the other side of Jiangnan City and have a fight with Huoyang.

Although her strength is not as good as that of Huoyang, during the process of evolution, she has realized the innate magical power - light energy regeneration. As long as there is light and heat, she can regenerate infinitely and can never be killed.

In this way, with this bug ability, she repaired Huoyang and came back refreshed.

"Boss, I took revenge for you!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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