"It tastes really good."

The four ancestors smashed the bar and licked their mouths. Each of them had eaten three large bowls, and they were still not satisfied.

Fortunately, they were not too greedy people, and they were not hungry. Lingzhi told them that they should do business.

"How much food do you consume here?"

Youchao asked. The amount they ate was almost what an adult would consume in a day.

"Come with me."

Wuyi Taoist brought the four people to his residence. After the grains were ripe and dried, he used the house as a granary to store the grains.

When the four ancestors of the human race saw that Wuyi still had a house full of grains, they were stunned. Bright

"This is how much you just ate in total."

Taoist Wuyi used his magic power and took out four kilograms of rice.

Comparing the amount that Taoist Wuyi took out and the fully filled granary, the hearts of the ancestors of the human race accelerated.

According to this amount, the same land can be planted." There is a tenfold difference in the number of people that can be fed by planting"dwarf grass" and planting fruit trees!

This is a terrifying gap, which means that as long as planting"dwarf grass" is promoted, the biggest factor limiting the human population will soon disappear, and the human race It will be unprecedentedly prosperous!

"Is this grass difficult to grow? Cangjie asked impatiently.

"This is not grass, but five types of grains: rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean sprouts. You have only eaten two of them, so it is not difficult to grow them."

Taoist Wuyi did not keep his own secrets, and generously told everyone how to grow grains. He also hoped that the planting method could be promoted.

As long as it is properly preserved, grains can be kept for the winter. This fact makes the ancestors very happy.

You know, In the past, the fruit trees planted by the human race could only be eaten for one season, and winter was always the most difficult time. It was also the time when the population decline was the most serious, but now this problem can be solved. The more the four human race ancestors listened, the more they heard, the more they saw in their eyes. The brighter the light, their intuition tells them that as long as grain cultivation is promoted, the overall strength of the human race will definitely be improved.

"Thank you to fellow Taoist Wuyi for spreading this method. We thank you on behalf of hundreds of millions of people."

The four ancestors of the human race bowed to Wuyi


There was a loud noise, and a golden dragon roared from the human tribe. The golden light was shining, the scales and horns were clear, and the whole body was translucent. It was the luck of the human race.

Many mortals in the human tribe exclaimed in surprise when they saw this scene. The Golden Dragon of Luck worshiped.

The monks in the human race were even more surprised when they saw this Golden Dragon of Luck. It was transformed by the luck of the human race and would not appear randomly. Either someone with great luck arrived, or someone got the approval of the Golden Dragon and wanted to lower his qi. Luck.

Seeing the golden dragon of luck landing in the center of the tribe, many people gathered over


The golden dragon of luck fell on Taoist Wuyi, penetrated his body, whizzed past, and left half of the human race's luck to him. Taoist

Wuyi was not surprised by this. This was only the first time he had achieved enlightenment. It’s just one step, and things like this will happen again in the future.

After the golden dragon of luck passes, merit comes from heaven!

I saw golden clouds surging in the sky, gathering and forming, and suddenly falling down immeasurable light, the fragrance is astounding, the vegetation grows wildly, and hundreds of birds chirp. Wuyi Taoist shone with pale golden light in the sun, looking extremely sacred.

The onlookers happened to see this scene, and their jaws dropped, thinking that something terrible had come.

"Everyone, the four of us have something to announce."

After the four ancestors of the human race learned about the good things about grains, they planned to find a time to gather the tribesmen to promote this good thing.

But now so many people are attracted by the movement of the golden dragon, many of them are famous people, and Taoist Wuyi also Here, they simply let the method of growing grains be popularized.

Of course, this matter was naturally blamed on Wuyi Taoist, and they just said it through the mouth of the ancestors of the human race.

Now the Taoist Wuyi and the ancestors of the human race are talking about it. The prestige cannot be compared.

Food is the most important thing for the people, not to mention that among the human tribes, there are more mortals than monks. They are not interested in how to practice, but only care about what to eat for the next meal.

Grain cultivation can solve the problem of hunger. The method was naturally popular, and Wuyi Taoist even opened a warehouse to release grain to let the people in the tribe have a taste of the grain. The recognition of the Luck Golden Dragon and the large-scale grain release immediately made Wuyi Taoist the limelight. For a time, this"disciple" of the human race saint master received unanimous praise.

Several human race ancestors also wanted to take this opportunity to recommend Wuyi Taoist to become the human emperor!

However, this suggestion was stopped by Wuyi Taoist's message. Although some actions have been taken to benefit the people, ordinary people have not yet begun to plant grains and have no food to eat. Many people have seen themselves for the first time, which is not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Now is not a good time to become an emperor.

And it is not easy. The Taoist relies on the luck of the human race to practice Taoism. Now is the time to lay the foundation. He still needs to do more pioneering actions.

Spring goes to autumn, summer comes and cold comes.

Year after year, a large number of fertile fields are opened up in the human tribe. Every year All meals are made with grains. At first, many people in the tribe were sallow and thin, but now they are all very impressive.

Taoist Wuyi also has some free time. Over the years, he has explained to everyone how to grow grains, and at the same time he has become familiar with various human tribes.

None of the other tribes could catch up with Taoist Taoists, but they also passed on the method of growing grains and their own names.

While Taoist Wuyi people were busy with the grain business, Huang Hao, who was far away on the Penglai Island in the East China Sea, made progress. After thoroughly studying the mysteries in the Hetu Luo Book, I passed on the mysteries to the past.

"So that's it……"

Taoist Wuyi felt the feelings transmitted from the deity and returned to his home.

Taoist Wuyi's previous home had been used as a granary, and the ancestors of the human race arranged a new residence for him, right next to the ancestors' residence.

Taoist Wu Yi began to retreat, and combined his own Human Emperor Sutra and Hetu Luoshu to create a method.

Most of the insights in Hetuluo's book are about fortune-telling, and the exercises that Wuyi Taoist wants to create are related to them.

Taoist Wu Yi will be in seclusion for a hundred years, waiting for him to come out of seclusion.

In the past, many mortals who planted grains for the first time have died of illness and old age, but the name of Wuyi Taoist did not disappear with the death of these people. Instead, it became deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the promotion of grains.

And the luck of Taoist Wuyi has increased.

"Everyone, I want to preach and teach the Dharma."

Taoist Wuyi wrote his understanding into a book, and then approached four ancestors of the human race and wanted to preach

"This... okay, let's make arrangements."

Taoist Wuyi relied on the fate of the human race to practice. In the past hundred years, he has broken through the realm and became a golden immortal.

But this cultivation level is nothing in the human tribe. If you want to preach, I am afraid some people will not accept it, but the ancestors of the human race know this The Taoist was truly extraordinary and did not refuse.

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