Seeing that Huang Hao was a little puzzled, Fairy Bailian smiled at him and explained

"Since I transformed, I rarely go out. Every time I go out, I go with the young master. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with being with the young master, it’s just that you have your own place to go, and Bai Lian also wants to walk around at will."

Huang Hao was relieved after hearing Fairy White Lotus's words. The other party was his Taoist companion, a companion who practiced together, not his own daughter. He should not care how he died.

Besides, Fairy White Lotus is already a real quasi-sage. The woman herself is an innate treasure. Apart from those saints, who else in the world can take her life?

"Since the fairy is so elegant, let's move around as we please."

Huang Hao said


Fairy White Lotus agreed, and then left Penglai Immortal Island with Huang Hao. They parted ways when they were halfway through the flight.

Going out to travel alone was an idea that suddenly popped up in Fairy Bai Lian's mind over the years. She felt that she would trouble Huang Hao every time she went out. , It’s very bad. Now that we have the ability to protect ourselves, it’s time to stand on our own.

Moreover, Fairy Bailian also wants to see the Kunlun Mountains, human tribes and other places. If she travels with Huang Hao this time, she may not be able to see these scenery.

Farewell Bailian After the Fairy Queen, Huang Hao turned into a stream of light and arrived in the wild land.

"I remember that when I first traveled to the ancient world, I relied on the law of light to fly, and my spiritual energy was often insufficient."

Huang Hao recalled the past with some emotion. Today's achievements are unimaginable when he first started practicing.

This time when he traveled to the ancient times again, Huang Hao did not use the power of the law, but relied on his feet to walk steadily.

Of course, although Huang Hao He only relied on his feet to walk across the wilderness, but his speed was astonishingly fast. If he walked slowly like a mortal, he would probably not be able to reach a corner of the wilderness in ten thousand years.

After becoming a quasi-sage in his physical body, Huang Hao also mastered the law of force and stepped out in one step. , the ground under his feet shrank crazily, shrinking to an inch, and every step was thousands of miles. Although Huang Hao did not use the power of the law, his speed is now only slightly slower than when he used the law of light. This is entirely from Huang Hao's physical body. Intensity.

A hundred years passed quickly, and Huang Hao saw many beautiful mountains and seas.

When he reached a place, the peaks were beautiful and aura was compelling. Looking from a distance, a thousand-meter-long waterfall was falling down from a high mountain. The white color was The horses were like the Milky Way hanging upside down, and the rumble was like thousands of horses galloping, spectacular and magnificent. We arrived at another place where the winding path led to a quiet place. A cobblestone path passed through a waterfall and wound into the depths of a beautiful fairy mountain. On the road, there were ancient trees Towering into the sky, the branches are as vigorous as horned dragons. You can see many palaces, hidden among the grass and trees, which are very harmonious and natural.

Huang Hao looked at these underworlds. Although everything seemed ordinary and simple, it was better than the tranquility and nature, and the tranquility. The pure land outside the world makes people feel like they have been baptized, far away from the world, and freed from all worries.

"This is the real monk."

Huang Hao sighed with emotion, cultivating one's body, purifying one's soul, and cultivating one's mind.

Huang Hao continued to walk. On this day, he was puzzled,"Why is the weather so hot?"

It turned out that Huang Hao was sitting cross-legged under the shade of a tree to practice Qi, but he felt a hot air.

Then something even more outrageous happened. It was obviously late at night, but there was hot sunlight shining down from the sky. Come, scorch the earth, transpire all things.

Huang Hao masters the law of fire, and even possesses the most yang and strong fire of the Great Sun Golden Flame. The temperature has no effect on him, nor can it interfere with his mind.

But Huang Hao can meticulously Feeling the change in temperature, with the high temperature at this moment, not many creatures in the wilderness can withstand it.

Huang Hao frowned and looked up, and was surprised to find that there were ten suns on the sky!

The night before, on the sun star... here is the sun Stars, flames beat, the temperature is blazing, scorching the earth. The outer area is scorched, with many dry cracks in the earth.

The morning glow spurts thin red and brilliant, golden, and the reddish-brown earth shines.

But the flames here are not static, the more they go As you move toward the center of the sun star, the color becomes brighter.

When it goes thousands of miles deep, the color of the flame will change, from red to light blue, and the temperature will become hotter.

The color of the flame around the center of the sun star will change again, It turned from light blue to milky white, like lotion flowing, misty.

And at the center of the sun star, purple air came from the east, giving it the appearance of an emperor. The flames here did not look like fire, but like purple mist. The flow was hazy. The void was burned and collapsed by the flames here.

For the creatures in the wild, this place is definitely a desperate situation.

But there are not no creatures on the Sun Star. One of the ten innate spiritual roots is born on this star. The fusang tree is the birthplace of Emperor Jun of Heaven and Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor.

At this moment, there are ten golden crows entrenched on the fusang tree.

The ten golden crows are jumping around on the fusang tree, spreading their wings but unable to fly out.

The reason is purely because there is a restriction evolved from pure Yin energy on the Fusang tree, which suppresses the Ten Sons here.

This is the restriction arranged by the Taiyin Goddess Xihe, and the purpose is to keep the Ten Sons of the Golden Crow in the Fusang tree. Stay and practice well and don't run out to harm living beings.

But how can the ten Golden Crows stay in this hibiscus tree honestly? Although the hibiscus tree has innate spiritual roots and is very tall, it will not be crowded here.

But Compared to the vast Sun Star and the vast wilderness, who would be willing to stay in a tree like this.

Therefore, the ten Golden Crows thought about escaping every day and traveled around the vast wilderness, burning the restrictions set by Xi He with divine fire all the time, hoping that Able to escape.

On the hibiscus tree, a smallest golden crow was covered with golden flames, extremely hot. It breathed fire from its mouth, melting the restrictions on the hibiscus tree bit by bit.

"Lao Shi, this time it’s up to you."

This restriction is melting very slowly, but it is actually melting. Seeing the hope of getting out, the other nine Golden Crows all opened their mouths to cheer for it.


Golden Crow Lao Shi roared, and the divine fire in his mouth became even hotter, and the flames on the external sun star were also mobilized by it, melting the restrictions inside and outside.


In the end, the restrictions set by Xi He were overwhelmed and were completely burned.

After all, Xi He was the incarnation of Taiyin energy, and her restrictions were greatly reduced in effect on this pure Yang sun star, while the Golden Crows were in their own birthplace.

In This place can be continuously replenished with spiritual energy from the outside world, and the power is endless, but they are breaking the restriction.

"Great, the ban is broken and we can go out and play."

Seeing that the restriction was broken, the ten Golden Crows cheered for joy and flew over the vast wilderness with their wings flapping.

As the children of Emperor Jun, they were rebellious by nature and had no idea what consequences they would have if they went out.

【Note: Let’s talk about why the protagonist doesn’t leave Chanjiao immediately. Under the saints, everyone is just an ant. If you don’t have enough strength, what can you do? The Yuanshi Tianzun here is stronger than the protagonist, and if he wants to fight beyond the level, the setting in the book must be at least a quasi-saint. Only when you are perfect can you have the power to protect yourself. 】

(PS: The fourth update, please subscribe automatically and get rewards!)

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