"The poor bones by the Wuding River are like those in a spring boudoir's dream. Hou

Tu said with emotion. She has been walking in the wilderness for thousands of years and has seen many things, some of which are beautiful. However, due to the catastrophe and turmoil of the human race, Hou Tu still saw more disasters and casualties.

Hou Tu saw countless souls. Wandering between heaven and earth, some are even contaminated with evil spirits and become evil creatures. These souls devour each other.

There are also many idle monks who even use these souls to refine weapons. Hou Tu's compassion is overflowing and he cannot bear it, and he wants to find a solution. Dharma.

After traveling in the wilderness for a long time, Hou Tu saved some souls wandering between heaven and earth wherever he went, but this was only a temporary solution but not the root cause.

Once Hou Tu left, these souls would face the same situation again, but But she couldn't think of any good way to solve this situation, so she could only feel sad secretly.

"Countless souls are floating in nowhere, wiping out the world. It shouldn't be like this... How can these souls go in the same direction?"

After Houtu traveled for thousands of years, she suddenly made a strange discovery, that is, some souls seemed to be heading in the same direction.

Out of curiosity, Houtu came all the way in that direction. She wanted to see What exactly is there, and why has it attracted so many souls?

Finally, Hou Tu came to a boundless sea of ​​blood.

The blood energy here is overwhelming, and the karma is endless. This sea of ​​​​netherworld rotates with the formation, and a large vortex is faintly creeping. There is no end in sight. The sea of ​​blood arises from the filthiness of the heaven and earth, with endless evil spirits gathering in it.

Countless souls are drawn to this place, driven mad by the endless evil spirits, and devour each other. The sea of ​​blood rushes in with waves, and these evil spirits are swept away. Swallow it and turn it into its own nutrients

"Endless killing karma. It's painful to revive living beings, and it's painful to destroy living beings."

Hou Tu looked at the struggling souls sinking into the boundless sea of ​​blood, and suddenly felt unbearable in his heart. These souls were constantly struggling in the boundless sea of ​​blood, unable to escape at all. They were eroded by the evil spirit, burned by the fire of karma, and suffered. Incomparable.

Looking at these miserable souls, Hou Tu seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart, and wanted to give them a final destination.

Hou Tu felt something in his heart, knowing that he came here secretly, probably just for To save these suffering souls.

Hou Tu closed her eyes and understood. Her realization actually exuded a special breath of law. This breath of law is extremely special. It has almost never been seen in the prehistoric times. Among the laws of heaven, It is not included in.

This is the breath of the great road, the authentic rules!

"In this aura, an ancestral witch is coming!"

A gloomy old man wearing a red and black robe seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes and looked into the distance. It was the Ancestor Styx, the master of the sea of ​​blood.

Ancestor Styx noticed the aura of law outside, stood up and turned into a The blood rushes to the location of Houtu

"What happened to Hou Tuzu Wu Lai's ancestor's blood sea?"

Ancestor Ming He was naturally familiar with the road on his own territory, and he arrived at the source of the aura in an instant. He found that the person coming was Hou Tu among the ancestral witches. He looked unhappy, but did not take action immediately.

Hou Tu was ten One of the second ancestral witches, he is powerful in combat and has the support of the entire witch clan. The twelve ancestral witches are all lunatics in battle, and they share the same hatred. If they are offended, even the ancestor of Styx will not be able to bear it, so Styx didn't dare to offend too much.

After hearing this, Hou Tu's eyes were empty and he said softly as if talking to himself.

"I see that between heaven and earth, countless creatures have no place to return after death. They can only wander between heaven and earth until their souls are gone. Many souls are drawn to the sea of ​​blood and suffer torture, so they want to do these things in this sea of ​​blood. The soul has a final destination."

When Styx heard this, his expression suddenly changed, extremely ugly.

The sea of ​​blood is the foundation of the ancestor Styx and part of his strength. He once said that the sea of ​​blood will never dry up and the river of Styx will never die.

If a part of the sea of ​​blood is destroyed by After the earth was occupied, the losses of the ancestors of the Styx River were huge.

Moreover, after Nuwa created humans, the ancestors of the Styx River felt that they should play the role of the Asura clan. You must know that the fertility of the Asura clan is not strong, and they all rely on blood. If the souls of Hai and other Asura tribesmen are reborn, if Houtu does this, wouldn't it mean that the inheritance of the Asura tribe has been cut off?

Styx's face suddenly changed. He would never agree to this matter.

Houtu seemed to have seen through Styx's thoughts. Normally, then he opened his mouth and said

"I want to build a place of six reincarnations. After the death of a living being, the soul enters reincarnation and is reincarnated. The Asura clan is also one of them. By then, the Asura clan will surely develop and grow."

How can Patriarch Styx agree that Hou Tu will establish reincarnation and create Asuras?

Whether the Asura clan will belong to himself or Hou Tu will be controlled by others, he cannot agree.

And if Hou Tu disturbs the sea of ​​blood, he will disturb Elder Styx. The foundation of his ancestors, he couldn’t agree with this.

"Hou Tu! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are an ancestral witch. This sea of ​​blood is the ancestor's territory. If you dare to take action, don't blame me for being rude."

Houtu seemed not to have heard the threat from the Ancestor Styx. The power of law in her body became stronger and stronger. There was a kind of tranquil beauty in her body, which was perfectly integrated with the beautiful natural scenery around her, as if she was the beauty of the world. Part of the story.

When Ming He saw Hou Tu ignoring him, he was furious. He took out two swords and attacked the opponent.

Hou Tu's actions were related to the sea of ​​​​blood, which the ancestor of Ming He could not tolerate, even if it offended him. Wu Clan, he must also take action.

The two swords in the hands of Ancestor Minghe are named Yuan Tu and A Bi. Both swords are top-grade innate spiritual treasures and are extremely sharp.

Moreover, Yuan Tu and A Bi come from the sea of ​​blood and are extremely filthy. , so killing is not related to cause and effect, and Styx is not afraid that after killing Hou Tu, it will be related to the Lich Calamity.

Hou Tu's body was filled with Taoist charm, and his eyes were ethereal. She directly punched the ancestor of Styx.

The ancestor witch's The physical body is extremely powerful and indestructible. A punch hits the head and face, like a star falling down to Jiuyou. It collides with Yuantu and Abi and makes a sonorous sound, shaking the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood surges, the blood energy surges into the sky, and countless people fly towards it. Her souls were hit by the wave of the Quasi-Saint's late-stage battle, and were directly wiped out.

Hou Tu couldn't bear to see it. She came here to save these souls, but now it was not her intention to destroy these souls.

Because she was afraid Injuring innocent people, Hou Tu was restrained from taking action. After a few fights, Hou Tu's ancestral witch body was actually scratched by the Ancestor Styx. A strong breath of life accompanied by blood beads left on the back of Hou Tu's hands, and two fierce weapons The sword was too pickled, and the blood was invaded, so that the ancestor witch's body could not be healed.

Seeing that Hou Tu was injured, the ancestor of Styx was overjoyed, and the movements in his hands became more and more fierce. Hou Tu was killed and retreated steadily.

(ps) : Fifth update, today’s guarantee is completed, please continue to ask for automatic subscription, and there will be rewards and flowers!)

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