Ultron is coming sooner than seen.

Jiang Chen and Tony Stark are still using computers to simulate various consequences that may occur after a small magnetic storm.

Captain America called Tony Stark.

It is said that Ultron has used the Cradle of Life to build his body. and has traveled to Sokovia.

As to why he was heading to Sokovia.

No one knows yet.

And Dr. Zhao Hailun has been killed by him.

Cradle of Life was created by Dr. Zhao Hailun.

It can slowly connect the cells in the body virtually and give birth to tissues.

Obviously, Ultron wants more than just a body but also a body

"Ultron is coming."

Tony Stark said after hanging up the phone and looking at Jiang Chen.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a"pop" sound.

The door opened.

The Scarlet Witch walked in.

As soon as she entered the door, she covered her mouth and said sadly :

"Those metal robots are here again."

Tony Stark looked at Jiang Chen and said:

"Remember to keep in touch soon"

"Only one chance"

"We can only use this kind of magnetic storm that affects a range once. It is best to say it in one step."

After saying that, I saw a Tony Stark suit flying into the room.

He walked into the suit until the last mask covered his face.

He said silently:

"I'm Iron Man."

After that, he flew to the town to rescue people.

The Scarlet Witch looked at Tony Stark's leaving back and said expressionlessly:

"He messes up every time, and he doesn't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it. After saying that

, the Scarlet Witch paused, looked at Jiang Chen and asked:

"Otherwise, who do you think Ultron is learning from?"

However, before Jiang Chen could speak, there was only a"boom" sound.

An energy cannon hit the house opposite Jiang Chen.

In an instant, a huge hole was blown out of the house.

Jiang Chen and the Red Witch hurriedly went out..

Only then did Jiang Chen realize that the town had been occupied by robots.

These robots were obviously different from the robots Jiang Chen had dealt with when he first arrived. Not only did these robots move much faster, their bodies were also much harder.

Their hands They can activate energy on their upper and lower legs.

Not only can they fly, but they can also shoot out laser cannons from their hands.

And the number is obviously double or even triple as before.

They start to massacre the people on the street.

Screaming. The sound of sound, panic, and running were mixed together.

The entire Sokovia was filled with gunpowder smoke for an instant.

People fell to the ground one by one, and the air was completely filled with the smell of blood.

Seeing this situation, the Scarlet Witch immediately rushed forward, Fighting with those robots.

Everything around them was floating.

The Scarlet Witch controlled the power in her body to pull down the flying robots and smash them to the ground.

Then, a white light flashed in the crowd..

Wherever the light went, robots were smashed against the walls.

Or were broken at the waist.

In the sky, Iron Man was flying quickly, attacking the robots on the ground from the pulse energy cannon in his hand.

From above Looking down, the entire city of Sokovia has become a metal kingdom at this time.

The entire city is densely packed with robots.

And right here.

A thunder and lightning suddenly sounded all around.

The sound of thunder and lightning was deafening, and it cut through The whole sky.

I saw Thor leaping to the distance between the sky and holding the hammer high.

The hammer turned into a white light, triggering countless lightning.


Thor punched down, and the whole ground trembled. A large number of robots on the ground were knocked away by the power of thunder and lightning.

They turned into a pile of broken metal.

Jiang Chen activated the ether particles on his body.

The sound of tearing was heard in the air.

They turned into sharp swords stabbing. It penetrated the robot's body.

Jiang Chen punched and then used the power of ether particles to directly hit the robot that was rushing towards him.


A punch.

A robot flew out and short-circuited.

He turned around and kicked again.

A robot came from the middle of the waist. The part began to be lifted in half.

Jiang Chen twisted his neck.

He opened his hands and released the ether particles with the greatest strength.

A group of robots were all blown away by the power of the ether particles.

It seemed that although a few people were relying on The power makes the city seem to be ignited with hope.

But because there are too many machines, and the quality of this batch is much better than the previous batch, everyone is in a deadlock.

Because the robots are coming towards them in a steady stream. , as if this battle has no end.

Because Ultron has not appeared yet.

Ultron has not appeared, which means that the small magnetic storm cannot be used.

Because there is only one chance.

This makes Jiang Chen feel a rare sense of passivity.

Because the opponent is the Internet.At this moment, a robot rushed towards Jiang Chen.

He said:

【New World: Destruction of Humanity]

As he spoke, he fired energy cannons at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen jumped to avoid it perfectly.

At this moment, Jiang Chen clenched his fist, exerted 100% of his strength, and punched the robot as he was about to hit it. boom!


Only two loud noises were heard.

The sound was the sound of Jiang Chen's fist hitting the car.

The second sound was the sound of the car falling to the ground.

Jiang Chen felt helpless in his heart.

No, just say good luck with the percentage.

How can a robot be defeated by oneself?!

"Host, the current detection of the host's lucky position is 100%, the probability is invincible! Hit whatever you want!"

The mechanical voice sounded in Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen shook his head.

Well, every time there is a small problem with this system, it starts to deal with me like this.

Jiang Chen was about to beat up those many robots again.

Suddenly he was a little surprised to find one. What happened.

I saw that the door of the car that fell on the ground was suddenly blown open.

Ultron actually walked out of it??!

What sounded in the address book in my ears was Captain America saying:

"Ultron's main car enters the town, the exact location is unknown……"

Jiang Chen looked at Ultron and said calmly into the communicator:

"Ultron is here with me……"

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