Ever since Ye Ting decided to bring out the transformation magic in Dalaran and spread it, he knew that sooner or later, the existence of transformation magic would be noticed by interested people.

The fundamental principles of this magic are completely different from all existing schools of arcane magic, which is why it is unanimously considered by mages to be a new school of magic.

However, only those who understand it can see its true abnormality.

However, Ye Ting was already prepared for this - rather, this was one of the reasons why he shared his magic with others.

Now he does not have the ability to search the world for the person he wants to find. The power he holds is not enough to support such a waste of manpower and material resources. However, he cannot find people, but he can make people come to him.

However, he didn't expect that the person he was looking for would come so quickly.


After another day of study, Ye Ting dragged his tired body out of the library of the Violet Castle and walked to his room.

Although he has the right to build his own magic tower in Dalaran with the title of Archmage, at this stage of learning, he does not plan to build his own small territory so soon.

With Ye Ting's talent, it is not difficult to quickly master the magic of this world. However, magic is not just a subject that can be learned by reciting incantations. In terms of complexity, the magic system is completely comparable to the scientific system. A true mage needs to be involved in various subjects other than magic such as symbology, botany, mineralogy, geometry, linguistics, energetics, etc. According to the specialized magic and school, such as anatomy, astronomy, Geography, history, literature and other subjects must also be dabbled in...

In fact, while learning the magic of this world, Ye Ting did spend a lot of time on other knowledge of this world. At this point, As a mage, he must not be careless, and the"foresight" from the earth about the plot of this world cannot help him in this regard.

In order to speed up his learning, Ye Ting not only maximized his potential, but also used the"Crown of Ravenclaw" to the maximum extent to overclock his thinking.

While this allowed him to advance rapidly in his studies, it also increased his energy consumption, which forced him to return to an ordinary person's routine.

——Sure enough, there is a reason why mages in this world prefer to use plastic magic to fight. Is it because they are closely connected with the elemental plane?

Still thinking about today's harvest in his mind, Ye Ting slowly undressed and took off his belt. Throw your tired body into the bathtub.

The warm, spice-scented water moisturized his body after a tiring day, and the slight magic power in the water replenished his energy consumption, making him feel relaxed and happy.

This can be regarded as a benefit of the Violet Castle for a great mage like him.

"I really want to try the feeling of bathing in the Well of the Sun or the Well of Eternity, that would be great."

With this thought, Ye Ting just lay in the bathtub and gradually fell asleep.

Although there is no Oriana to take care of him meticulously now, the heat preservation magic of the magic bathtub can prevent him from soaking in cold water..

When Ye Ting gradually fell into a deep sleep, he suddenly felt an inexplicable call to his consciousness.

The call was very familiar, so he let go of his subconscious resistance.

Then, he felt that he was being led into a world where everything A world where everything is possible.

At this moment, Ye Ting saw a glimmer of light

——Do you feel the song of stones, the dance of wind, and the rush of water?

A gentle and ethereal female voice said slowly.

At first, Ye Ting didn't feel anything. Gradually, he heard the slow friction of the ground, and then heard the sound of rocks, which reached from one end of the world to the other.

Then, other voices began to become apparent. Every part of nature has its own unique sound. The clouds spin in a joyful dance when they are happy, but do the opposite when they are depressed; the trees shake their crowns; and when the river fish lay their eggs, the angry river laughs softly.

However, he felt some discordant sounds in the distance.

He tried his best to hear clearly, but couldn't hear clearly

——Let your subconscious mind control you and it will take you to my world.

The female voice continued.

Ye Ting followed the instructions one by one and gave up the last control.

Thus, he overcame even the last obstacle. He felt like a snake shedding a layer of skin.

The world around us has changed.

Everything was shrouded in smoke and hazy. Endless images intertwined. But as long as he concentrates, he can distinguish them one by one.

He heard a whisper, which turned out to be a voice coming from the sleeper's heart. He could distinguish the voice of the librarian, who was still busy sorting books in his dream; and a female mage apprentice in the last row of class today. She fell asleep in the laboratory; he even heard the voice of Antonidas, but the archmage controlled his consciousness very well and did not reveal anything special...

Ye Ting kept moving forward, The world turned into a mass of emerald green and became hazier, and the whispers became clearer.

——This is my world, the Emerald Dream.

The ethereal female voice became clearer and clearer.

In the Emerald Dream, he saw the Violet Castle, the entire Dalaran, and Lake Lordamre surrounding Dalaran...

However, although he could see the green trees, he could not find any A figure, whether human or elf.

He understands that this world is the Titan's backup for Azeroth. Only by mastering the method can he travel in this world.

——You finally came.

The source of the female voice is getting closer to him

——I...we have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally see you again, father.

Ye Ting turned around and discovered the source of the female voice.

It was a huge dragon, almost a hundred meters long.

Although this giant dragon is so huge, its figure is surprisingly slender and light. Her scales are emerald green, like an emerald.generally.

A thin mist enveloped her body, but it could still be seen that her eyes were always closed, even when she spoke.

Seeing this familiar emerald green dragon, Ye Ting felt a little emotional for a moment

"Long time no see, Ysera."

He flew to the dragon's head and gently stroked her smooth scales.

"……"Father" green aura shone, and the huge green dragon quickly shrank, and finally turned into a dignified and elegant night elf with dragon horns on its head.

This was her humanoid image.

Then, she eagerly pounced towards He came to Ye Ting and hugged him tightly.

"Father, I...we all miss you so much."

Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Ting felt sad in his heart.

Talonisia, Alexstrasza and Ysera were raised by him and Daenerys together. For them, Daenerys and he are their parents, and their relationship is very close.

They and Ye Ting spent five years together in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, and for them, It is said that these five years can be regarded as the happiest childhood.

However, when they were five years old, Ye Ting took them to the world of Warcraft. From then on, they had their own mission-in They established a reputation among Yuanlong and became leaders.

Since each had their own tasks, from then on, they had to stay together and stay away from Ye Ting.

Then, they became the guardian dragons and gained unimaginable power. At the same time, they also He sublimated himself and had a lifespan that far exceeded that of the dragons in the Song of Ice and Fire world.

The price was to be separated from Ye Ting.

It was not until Ye Ting returned to Azeroth hundreds of thousands of years later that they could meet again. See.

Perhaps the various ages of dragons are not only the same as humans, but the concept of time is also very different from humans. But even so, for them, the hundreds of thousands of years of separation from their parents is also a considerable Suffer.

At this moment, Ye Ting deeply realized how weak and powerless he was now - if he was strong enough to be compared with the Titans, then maybe these three little female dragons wouldn't have to endure the pain of missing him. Think about it this way As he continued, he hugged Ysera tighter.

Suddenly, he felt something strange about the girl in his arms.

Her body temperature increased slightly, and her purple skin turned purple.

Then, he was knocked down


"There are some things... that I should have done when I was hundreds of thousands of years old... I have been holding back for hundreds of thousands of years, and now I can finally get my wish!"

Originally, among the three sisters, Ysera was the most gentle and healing, the least impatient and calm, and it was rare to see her act in such an eager manner.

But now, she has fully demonstrated her identity. The side of the dragon queen took the initiative to provoke a fight with Ye Ting

"In this regard, I am the first among us!"

With that said, the female night elf jerkily completed the step that she had rehearsed in her heart for hundreds of thousands of years and had been looking forward to for hundreds of thousands of years.

Originally, Ye Ting was still thinking about reacting, but the girl's fatal body and expectations The look in his eyes finally made his struggle disappear.

"Forget it, just think of it as compensation for your hundreds of thousands of years of waiting."

Thinking like this, the dragon-slaying warrior took the initiative to stab the dragon-slaying lance at the giant dragon.

The battle began.

Although it was the impatient female dragon who took the initiative to attack, she had no combat experience since she was born. The dragon relied on its physical advantage to do whatever it wanted, but in fact, under the resistance of the dragon-slaying warriors, it had little effect.

Soon, although the female dragon, which had the upper hand in the sky, was still attacking hard from top to bottom, the rhythm of the battle gradually slowed down. It was in the hands of the dragon-slaying warrior.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but finally, the warrior caught the female dragon’s flaw.

He struggled to push out the gun, and the tip of the gun penetrated deep into the female dragon’s body. The female dragon wailed and was in severe pain. Down, my whole body was unable to exert any strength.

"Now, let me take the initiative!"

The dragon-slaying hero smiled slightly and knocked the dragon to the ground. Then he climbed above the dragon and stabbed the dragon-slaying lance repeatedly, severely injuring the female dragon.

However, although the female dragon was stabbed with scars and wailed continuously, she did not admit defeat..

After taking a long time to recover, she challenged the dragon-slaying hero again. The two fought fiercely for a long time, rearranging their stances countless times during the battle.

Finally, with the advantage of experience, the dragon-slaying hero fully consumed the female dragon's physical strength, and then He stabbed the female dragon with a fatal shot.

The spear head suddenly penetrated the dragon's heart, and the magic power burst out from the spear head.

Only a long dragon roar was heard, and the emerald dragon finally fell to the dragon-slaying hero's spear.


Pictured is Ysera

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