Unlike any other power, Soul Power is a ubiquitous but little-known force.

It is said to be everywhere because everything, whether living or dead, gods or mortal things, has a soul. Even in World of Warcraft, which is composed of six major powers: Holy Light, Shadow, Life, Death, Arcana, and Evil Energy, the most popular power is the seventh power, soul.

The soul exists within everyone, but few people know enough about it. Whether it is holy light, shadow, life, death, arcane or evil energy, there are many users and believers. There are many researchers on the nature and laws of these powers, and each of them has formed a relatively complete system. theoretical system.

Only the soul, although it is everywhere, is extremely rare for people who truly understand it, let alone deeply explore and utilize its power - after all, everyone has only one soul. It's going to be cool.

This directly results in the spells about the soul becoming very mysterious, and the attacks against the soul are even more difficult to resist.

In Silvermoon City and Dalaran, the research on souls is basically taboo, and only a few mages are allowed to conduct relevant research under certain supervision. The cultists' exploration of the soul goes deeper, but their research is filled with superstition, confusion, and unknown dark rituals. It is filled with a large number of conclusions that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and crazy nonsense.

But in any case, one thing is certain, that is, for the native spellcasters of Azeroth, there are not many ways to resist soul attacks, especially when facing a powerful person like the Lich King ( Not to mention non-spellcasters, if they are attacked by souls, they will basically be cheated).

It is for this reason that Ner'zhul was able to support Arthas again and again when he was unable to defeat the enemy, and he turned defeat into victory - no one who faced Arthas would have thought that what they said on the surface was One-on-one combat is actually an unfair battle between two versus one.

In Andorhal, Uther died under Frostmourne because of this. The Lich King's power can even dim his blazing light.

Now, Ner'zhul wanted to do the same thing, but what he didn't know was that his opponent was not a native mage of Azeroth.

Compared to the research on the soul, who can surpass the third magician who has completed the miracle of"soul materialization"?

Just before the impact of souls filled with death and decay came, the light from the third method of the Xingyue World bloomed here again.

Its name is:

【The Third Method·Soul Materialization·Creation of Heroic Spirits]

The power that once reshaped Nalukara now envelopes Ye Ting and Sylvanas in his arms. Information flows out from the Akasha records of the world. Under the influence of the third method, it condenses into a conceptual framework, and material souls continuously flow out and fill it.

Both Ye Ting and Sylvanas felt that they had become stronger.

Especially Sylvanas, as a ranger, although she can simply control magic with the elven blood talent, and use"Arcane Shooting""、""Enchanted Shooting" skill, but that's all. She can't manipulate larger magic power and control it more accurately, otherwise she can also be a mage (from this point of view, the requirements for mage qualifications for high elves are higher than (much higher than humans).

However, under the influence of Ye Ting's magic, just the materialized part of the soul gave the ranger a magical power comparable to that of an archmage, not to mention the strengthening of her by the heroic spirit template.

In fact , , Ye Ting used this magic just to help Sylvanas resist the soul impact with the materialization of the soul, and the heroic spirit transformation was just incidental.

After all, is there any better soul defense than the materialization of the soul?

If an ordinary soul is a The souls of spellcasters, fanatics, and determined people are condensed liquids, and the materialized souls are solid solids.

In the face of such souls, the soul impact that the Lich King is proud of loses its effect. Originally, the soul impact of the Lich King was ineffective. The torrent of impact became a blur in front of the materialized souls, and could not have much impact on them at all.

Fortunately, his attack was able to contain Ye Ting to some extent, and Alsace took the opportunity to escape, and there was no such thing. Count it as a visit


When he discovered that both Ye Ting and Sylvanas seemed to be fine under the impact of his soul, Ner'zhul was confused in his heart.

He had no idea that there was such a miraculous magic as the third method in the world. However, he has lost his body and has a strong spirit under caution. He is very sensitive to the power of the soul.

He hadn't noticed it before, but with this soul impact, he really saw the two powerful souls.

In his eyes, the light of the soul was as dazzling as the sun in the dark night, which caused a burst of surprise in his heart, and then fear.

How could there be such a monster in this world? All his methods that he thought were always tried and true became a joke. The existence of this kind of soul is his natural enemy.

Moreover, it is understandable that a mage can have such a soul. Why are you a ranger?

But after fear comes greed.

He deeply understood that the strength of the souls of the other two lay only in quality, not quantity. But based on quality alone, they are enough to ignore their own soul attacks, and even force themselves to avoid them.

So, with his powerful soul and such quality, what will be the result?

He will definitely become extremely powerful like that. By then, even the Burning Legion will...

Thinking of this, the greed in Ner'zhul's heart became more and more powerful, as if a devil was whispering deep in his heart.

"Catch them...get them...take that magic out of their mouths...and the world will bow at my feet.……"

Since the soul method is useless, then I will defeat you physically.

As a result, Ner'zhul made a prompt decision and issued an order to the Scourge.

The undead who were originally just gathering under the tower seemed to have collectively"come online" in an instant and began to charge towards the tower.

Whether they were skeletons or zombies, they were rushing forward one after another. Among them, the abominations were like small boats in the sea of ​​​​people, squeezing through the crowds and marching forward. The spider demons were advancing underground, on the walls, on the ceiling, in any place that ordinary people could not reach. In the sky, the gargoyles were blocking the sky, flapping their bat wings and hovering, trying to squeeze through the windows of the tower. Go in.

The Scourge Legion bared its fangs towards Ye Ting and Sylvanas


Sylvanas' heroic spirit template:

Name: Sylvanas Windrunner

Gender: Female

Attribute: Neutral·Good

Rank: Human

Strength: c Endurance

: c+

Agility: a

Magic: b

Luck: d

Noble Phantasm: a++

Suitable job profiles: Archer, Rider, Assassin job profile abilities

: Magic (c)

Alone action (a)

Riding (b+)

Breath blocking (b)

Inherent ability

Leadership (b): Ability sufficient to govern a country. Relying on this ability, Sylvanas can increase the morale of the army she leads. Although you can manage a kingdom, you cannot build a world-class empire with only B level.

Ranger General (a): Sylvanas is the Ranger General of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and the leading ranger in all of Azeroth. While proficient in various ranger skills, he is also very good at leading ranger troops in large-scale operations.

Windrunner (c): The Windrunners are the family that has been in charge of rangers in Quel'Thalas for generations. Sylvanas has the blood of the Windrunners. She was born with extraordinary agility and archery talent, and is a natural ranger.

At the same time, this is also the bond between the three sisters.

Troll Hunter (a): Sylvanas has fought against the Zul'Aman trolls, the great enemy of Quel'Thalas, many times and killed countless enemies. It means having rich skills of"fighting barbaric aliens".

Noble Phantasm:

【Sunstrider's Longbow]

Level: b+

Category: Single Noble Phantasm

An ancient elven artifact, Dath'Remar Sunstrider, the late king of Quel'Thalas, once held this weapon many years ago. It was passed down through the generations of the Sunstrider family, eventually being passed to Sylvanas Windrunner, the ranger-general of Quel'Thalas, upon her inauguration.

Arrows shot from this longbow are automatically infused with magic and are as powerful as flaming ammunition. These arrows can cause damage to disembodied spirits and are particularly effective against demons. It can release one fatal arrow every day, with a chance of killing the intended target immediately.

【The Nightmare of the Other Side·The Forgotten End] (Hidden Noble Phantasm)

Level: a++

Type: The Noble Phantasm shows hidden talents to others (self)

, reveals the darkness deep in Sylvanas's heart, and shows her only existence The posture in another world line.

Sylvanas will transform into the form of the dead and gain the powerful power that only belongs to the dead. At the same time, he has absolute control over the dead. When used at full strength, he can even temporarily compete with the Lich King.

——Where is the joy under the curse?

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