However, the attacks from the tribe have always been constant and overwhelming.

Yrel's feeling was unmistakable. News of a request for help soon came, forcing her to return to the city.

This time the situation is more serious.

As she continued to approach the city wall, a murderous roar and a tired roar suddenly came from the distance. This roar was exciting: her support was quite timely, and there were still draenei compatriots alive on the city wall!

And this low roar is shuddering: it's Annihran angry!

Combined with the scene where Nasrezim organized a sneak attack just now, Yrel came to a bad conclusion: the Burning Legion was no longer satisfied with only providing basic support to the tribe, and they had no patience.

Different from the most common demon guards, both Annihelan and Nasrezim are the elites among the demons in the Burning Legion.

Nathrezim, also known as the Dread Lord, are a kind of intelligent and cunning demons. They are the intelligence officers and interrogators of the Burning Legion, the tacticians and mid-level officers on the battlefield, and they are also the leaders of the Burning Legion - such as Kilgar. Dan——'s emissary and agent.

They are formidable foes on the battlefield, but prefer to keep mortal kingdoms at war through behind-the-scenes manipulation and subterfuge. The Nathrezim are ruthless villains who feed off the life energy of mortal races. They spread fear and lies, turned brothers against each other, and destroyed countless worlds under their dark influence.

From the outside, the Dreadlord looks like a vampire that preys on spiritual power, treating weak-willed people as his food and slaves. They have corpse-like skin, no hair, and two sharp canines protruding from their mouths. They possess superior summoning spells, possess a mastery of magic—with abilities even rivaling those of the eredar—and are deadly warriors.

Annihlan, commonly known as the Abyss Lords, is a powerful demon race recruited by Kil'jaeden for the Burning Legion. Unlike the nathrezim, who are willing to infiltrate and manipulate mortal civilization through treachery, the Annihelans prefer to conquer other worlds in a more direct way.

The Annihellan were born to slaughter and torture the mortal races that stood in their way. They often enslaved the lesser demons in the void and used them as cannon fodder to besiege mortal civilizations.

Annihran is described as an engine spreading destruction. They are driven by pure rage and bloodlust. The body of Annihlan resembles that of a giant lizard, with six strong limbs (their four legs are similar in nature to those of Cenarius's descendants), a tail, and a pair of wings that grow from its back. The wings have degraded, and even with the blessing of the eredar's magic, the excessive weight of the abyss lords still makes them completely unable to fly).

Its upper torso is more humanoid, with a large ribcage, two arms and a large horned head. Their mouths are full of sharp teeth, their eyes are burning with fire, and even their tongues are covered with fangs. Two long, mammoth-like fangs protruded from the sides of their mouths. The Pit Lord's weapon of choice is a massive double-edged polearm. Although they may look fat and lazy, they are incredibly powerful.

As the mainstay of the Burning Legion, the Abyss Lords and Dreadlords have never appeared in previous battles. Most of the people Yrel encountered were the most basic infantry of the Burning Legion-the Demon Guard. But now, their appearance means that a greater crisis is coming.

But no matter how terrible the crisis in the future is, Yrel's top priority is to block the abyss lord in front of him and prevent the city wall from being breached - Hellfire is just a small toy compared to them.

Although Hellfire is tall, these rock giants burning with fel fire are just mass-produced creations of demons. They look tall, but they are just superficial compared to the abyss lords and fear lords.

In terms of levels, the average hellfire is at most level 15 or 6. Taking into account the increased combat power, it is only level 17 or 8.

But even the weakest Dread Lords and Abyss Lords are at the same level. Most of the two demons that appear on the battlefield have the highest legendary level of 19, and the named guys among them generally have legendary levels, which is 20 The strength above the level - such as Noros, the leader of Annihelan, and Kedios, the leader of Nasrezim, are the right-hand man of the Burning Legion second only to Sargeras, and the strongest of Archimonde and Kiel.

As a Draenei, she is taller than humans and orcs, but she is too small in front of the abyss lord - she is not even half the size of him.

If it was Yrel in the past, facing such a giant Things, the only way to deal with them is to run away.

But now her body is filled with two opposing terrifying powers. She can feel that although the huge demon in front of her is much bigger than her, its real power is far inferior to hers.

So she bravely faced it, just like facing the hellfire before.

When Yrel arrived at the city wall, she noticed that several draenei were already forming a small team to fight against this huge demon.

One of the Shadow Guards jumped from the city wall.

The armor's power plant greatly enhanced his strength, allowing him to leap several meters high.

When the warrior's jump reached the highest point and he began to fall due to the effect of gravity, he swung the battle ax with the power of the void. The slashing enhanced by the power armor superimposed the falling gravity and struck the abyss lord in front of him in the chest. Hack away.

This ax is so sharp and perfect that even if Hellfire is hit, it will still have a big hole.

But to the physically powerful Abyss Lord, this blow was nothing.

The Lord of the Abyss didn't even move his hands. He waved the huge, ugly, but small wings behind his back casually. The Shadow Guard just flew out.

On the other side, a Draenei mage had already raised his staff, chanting a spell in his mouth, and then swung it down fiercely, and a dazzling bolt of lightning struck down from mid-air.

At the same time, another Draenei priest also recited a prayer. The holy light that was supposed to save lives and heal the wounded and bring hope to people now turned into righteous punishment and struck at the devil.

However, their attacks are of little use against the powerful Abyss Lords.

Not only is this demon physically powerful, but its magic resistance is also amazing. The mage's attack only left some small scorch marks on the surface of the demon's flesh wings.

On the contrary, priests who are not good at attacking will do more damage to it.

"The anti-evil characteristics of"Holy Light Punishment" worked. The strong holy light made the devil take a breath. He felt as if he was being burned. This feeling really made him uncomfortable - but that was all.

So. The angry demon waved his spear - for Delaney, it was thicker than a battering ram - carrying the evil wind, swung it at everyone. At this time, the shadow defender who was knocked away had just stood up When he got up, he saw a round spear swept over. He quickly held the battle ax with both hands and rushed forward, trying to block the fierce blow for the two fragile legal units.

But between the two people The difference in strength was so great that the garrison officer was directly swept away by the spear and fell into Shattrath City behind the city wall.

"No! Talwar!"

When the mage girl saw this, she couldn't help but screamed.

The abyss lord laughed proudly and said in Ereda:"Killed one! Next up is you, disgusting arcane and holy light bug!"

The spear was waved, and the second attack was swept towards the city. The poor mage and priest, no one will help them block this attack this time. I hope the energy shield of the armor can protect them.

Just as the second attack When people are in despair, the holy light shines.

A golden figure with a pair of golden wings descends from the sky, blocking them in front of them, and also blocks the spear like a battering ram.

It is the best trick.——【Yrel of Avenging Wrath


There are a lot of things to do when returning to school, such as reporting on course selection and so on, which is really troublesome. The most annoying thing is that the school only opens one door, and you have to take a detour every time.

Updates will resume today.

In addition, Draenor is coming to an end, and next is Rise of the Lich King.

In the new month, please give me a monthly ticket and flowers_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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