Spring has passed and autumn has come, and months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Time, in the starry sky, seems worthless.

However, for today's Niu Mo and others, this is like a year.

And all this is just because...

Turning his eyes, he looked towards the deepest part of the Nine Realms, the secret realm of the small void world...


The dragon's roar suddenly rose, and an illusory purple dragon thousands of feet long could be seen hovering in the sky.

The power of the dragon is cold and evil, and evil intentions are rampant.

But it is a real evil dragon, raising its neck and roaring, as if it wants to break out of the blockade of this small world...

The trapped dragon ascends to the sky, that's what it means.

But at this moment


There was another dragon roar, with an indescribable domineering air.

It has an indescribable majesty.

And at the next moment, that is the moment when the purple dragon soaring into the sky


There was a loud noise, and thunder rolled in the sky for an instant, ushering in black clouds that seemed to crush the whole world.

Dark clouds over the city’,‘The city is about to be destroyed.

But this is not a cityBut it's a whole world.

Although it's just a small world, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

And just then


With a dragon roar, a cyan dragon whose size was not inferior to that of the purple dragon actually surged out from the depths of the dark clouds and crashed straight into the purple dragon rising below.


Along with an earth-shaking loud noise, the world shook.

A green light wave and a purple light wave overlapped in an instant and spread in all directions, affecting the nine realms.

Yes, Nine Realms.

Not only the small world of the void, but also the sky of other small worlds has two light waves, one green and one purple, spreading.


Accompanying it was the storm that swept across the entire world...

At this moment, countless beings living in the Nine Realms twitched their eyes, looking in awe at the far end of the sky, a beam of light.

The bottom is a sky-high purple, and the top is a clear green.

One purple, one green.

In the intertwining, there is an indescribable power surging.

Of course, if you look closely, you will definitely be able to see that it is a purple dragon ten thousand feet long and a green dragon ten thousand feet long entangled with each other.

"Master, this movement of understanding the secret method is really not that big."

Sighing deeply, the Bull Demon was like an old monk in meditation, sitting quietly in a corner.

Not far from the Bull Demon, figures such as Golden Ant, Golden Behemoth, and Thorns stood quietly.

And Like this, motionless, they have continued.

All figures are blocked, and the lives living in the secret realm of heaven have been expelled to other small worlds by them.

"I will definitely wait for you...Owner..."

In the soft murmur, Thorns closed his eyes for the first time.

Accompanied by this, with the secret realm as the center, countless bloody vines are constantly swaying....

And just then

"This guy is really a monster..."

Deeply sighing, Ao Yu, who has dragon blood, also looked at the strange scene in the sky from a distance.

And next to him, there is a figure all the time.

And this figure is clearly Kui Zhou.

But, this is not an escort.

But surveillance.

After all, he is an existence at the pinnacle of the Unity Realm, and his combat power is still somewhat terrifying.

Therefore, you must be careful about one or two


There was a sudden sound of suspicion, and Kui Zhou also asked with great interest:

"Are you talking about the master?"

"Of course..."

Nodding, Ao Yu also sighed:

"I have been guarding the Gongfa Pavilion for more than ten years and have met too many geniuses. However, most of them lost their momentum when they saw the stone tablet at the first sight....As for the people who can really understand this stone tablet, there are very few people...."

"Moreover, those who are able to meditate will be traumatized after meditating for only half a while, and it will take several months at least to recuperate....."

Speaking of this, Ao Yu changed the topic and said in shock:

"But this guy, your master, has been enlightened for several months, and now it seems that he has gained something....What a daunting talent..."

"Of course."

In response, Kui Zhou also agreed.

He has always recognized his master's talent.

You know, the master is of the same era as him.

But now, in just a few years, he has reached the peak of the sixth level. As you can imagine , what a terrifying talent this is...

And at this moment, deep in the secret realm of heaven


After taking a deep breath, a white figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes.


The moment his eyes opened, his divine light was revealed.

There is an inexplicable surge of power.

In an instant


There was only a crisp sound, and the space in front of Yu Ziyu began to shatter.

One glance.

Just opening his eyes and unintentionally leaking his momentum tore apart the space.

One can imagine how terrifying Yu Ziyu is now

"I never thought that transforming three pure things into one breath would be so mysterious..."

Sighing deeply, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Only a few months of enlightenment.

Moreover, it was only one-tenth of the ability to comprehend the great supernatural power and transform the three pure things into one qi. Yu Ziyu felt a qualitative transformation.

There is no need to say how terrifying this transformation is.

Just looking at the two three-foot-long illusory dragon shadows, one green and one purple, lingering behind Yu Ziyu, you can tell one thing or two.

Those are Yu Ziyu's Heaven-reaching Purple Dragon and the Innate Sacred Azure Dragon...

Originally, the Azure Dragon and the Purple Dragon could already exist as independent individuals.

But now, after Yu Ziyu briefly comprehended the great magical power of turning one Qi into three pure beings, he could use the connection between them to bless himself with the power of their two dragons.

There are not many blessings, only 10% to 20% of Erlong's strength.

But you know, Yu Ziyu’s Qinglong and Purple Dragon.

An incarnation of God, blessed by the power of the nine realms.

One bears the mark of the King of the Void. He can absorb power from the void, and the two...It can be said that it is one of the most terrifying existences among sixth-level life forms.

Even if it is not comparable to Yu Ziyu's body, it is still almost the same.

And such a life form, two full 10% to 20% of the combat power is blessed by Yu Ziyu...

And, more importantly, this is just the beginning...

It is just the beginning of cultivating the great supernatural power to transform the three pure things with one breath...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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